I Can Be Your Xiaojie

[Am I imagining things?] Wan Xin questioned herself, looking at the black smudge on her finger.

Seeing Wan Xin go silent, Consort Liu got worried, "is something wrong Wan Xin? Are you unwell?"

[Her mole came off?] Wan Xin kept thinking, [moles don't just come off. Unless it's fake. Then what about the other one?] "You've got more dirt here," Wan Xin lied, quickly reaching to wipe the bottom right near Consort Liu's lips. [It came off as well]. Wan Xin moved closer to a confused looking Consort Liu and studied her face carefully. [If I imagine her without the bushy eyebrows and washed off the extremely red blusher on her cheeks...]

Feeling slightly uncomfortable with the way Wan Xin was looking at her, Consort Liu gently pushed her away. "Wan Xin, you are too close."

"Consort Liu, please close your eyes," Wan Xin requested.

"What for?" Consort Liu questioned.

"I'm begging you," Wan Xin begged, putting on her best puppy eyes.

Consort Liu thought for a few seconds. [It should be ok. Wan Xin wouldn't hurt me right?] Consort Liu closed her eyes, choosing to trust Wan Xin.

Wan Xin quickly chucked her cup of water over Consort Liu's face, surprising her. Consort Liu opened her eyes, hurt and confused by Wan Xin's actions.

"Why, Wan Xin," a visibly upset Consort Liu tried to say.

"I'm sorry but I must do this," Wan Xin apologized, now wiping Consort Liu's wet face with her sleeves. When she finished drying Consort Liu's face, Wan Xin felt her heart almost stop from happiness. Tears fell from Wan Xin's eyes as she leapt forward, hugging Consort Liu, "Liu Ding Yiu. You really are Liu Ding Yiu. Xiaojie... I'm finally meeting you again." Wan Xin hugged onto Liu Ding Yiu tighter, "I can finally fulfil that days promise."

A perplexed Consort Liu was uncertain of what to do. She didn't expect Wan Xin to become emotional and suddenly embrace her. [What should I do? I'm worried about this girl but I don't know her well]. "Wan Xin…" Consort Liu gently patted Wan Xin's back, "are you alright?"

Wan Xin nodded, not wanting to let go of Liu Ding Yiu. "Xiaojie, I'm so glad to see you again. The past year living with Meng Su has been tough."

[Xiaojie, why is Wan Xin calling me Xiaojie?] Consort Liu patiently listened, [Who is Meng Su? Is she Wan Xin's family?] Consort Liu continued to pat Wan Xin's back gently but she was becoming more worried. There must be a misunderstanding. "Listen, Wan Xin," Consort Liu tried to carefully choose her words, "I think you've got the wrong person. I'm not your Xiaojie and I don't know who Meng Su is."

"I haven't got the wrong person. I'll never forget your face," Wan Xin pulled away from Consort Liu, "I didn't recognize you at first because of all the extreme make-up you had on." Wan Xin couldn't stop herself from blurting out all her confusions, "Xiaojie, why did you disguise your face like that? Why are you in Ping Tian Palace? Meng Su told me you're married to Prince Ping, but then why are you living like this? How could you let those people treat you this way? Are you planning something?"

"Wan Xin, please stop," Consort Liu had to speak up. She had a very troubled expression on her face, "I'm not your Xiaojie. I don't understand anything you just said." Seeing a blank and questioning look cross over Wan Xin's face, Consort Liu got nervous, "I'm sorry Wan Xin. If I can help, please tell me. I may not be able to do much though. What's your Xiaojie called? I'll help you find her."

"Xiaojie, do you not recognize me?" Wan Xin directly asked, "I'm Wan Xin. I'm the girl you saved a year ago from the underworld merchant with Meng Su. You gave me this name, Wan Xin. Do you remember?"

Consort Liu looked apologetic, "I'm sorry Wan Xin. This is the first time we've met."

[What's going on? Why does Xiaojie not recognize me?] Wan Xin panicked. [Why is she acting like this? From her manner of speech, gentle gestures and always nervous expressions; she indeed doesn't seem like the same person I met a year ago]. Wan Xin bit her lips, [I don't understand. What's going on?] "Wait," Wan Xin hurriedly reached for the red pouch she carried around with her, [Meng Su mentioned something before].

Wan Xin excused herself, moving away from Consort Liu to concentrate. Wan Xin tried hard to remember Meng Su's words. [She said there was more than one Liu Ding Yiu, but both are still Liu Ding Yiu. If I get stuck, open this pouch and…] Wan Xin opened the pouch to pull out a small piece of paper with Meng Su's writing on. It read:

'Split personality! There's Xiao Yiu and there's Ding Yiu. Remember 'DANGER' is key. Good luck!'

Wan Xin's eyes twitched, her hands shaking from irritation. "Meng Su, you frivolous woman. Can't you write more words and explain things more clearly?" Wan Xin shouted to release some of her anger. [But according to this, Liu Ding Yiu has more than one personality?] Wan Xin observed Consort Liu again. She was quietly drinking water. [If I assume the person I met a year ago is Ding Yiu, the real Liu Ding Yiu then], Wan Xin kept observing, [the person I'm looking at now must be Xiao Yiu. Liu Ding Yiu's second personality. If this assumption is correct, things do make sense. It's explainable why she acts differently and doesn't recognize me]. Wan Xin felt her head hurt, [but how does this work? What am I supposed to do with Xiao Yiu? How do I see Ding Yiu again? Why hasn't Meng Su warned me about this earlier?] Wan Xin frustratingly re-read Meng Su's note, silently cursing the woman. [Danger is key... It can't mean for me to put Xiao Yiu in danger right?]

As Wan Xin was deep in thought, a worried Consort Liu looked on. [Such an odd girl. I wonder where she came from?] Consort Liu touched her clean face, [how strange? I normally wouldn't feel comfortable being around people without make-up on. But with Wan Xin, I strangely feel at ease]. Consort Liu stared at Wan Xin who was intently reading something in her hands. [She insists that I'm her Xiaojie. I feel relaxed around her. Does this mean I really have met Wan Xin before?] Consort Liu rubbed her fingers nervously, [this isn't the first time. This isn't the first time I've lost my memories. Unable to recall what happened, what I did or said. Being completely unaware time has passed]. Consort Liu clenched her hands together tightly, her nervousness transitioning into fear. [I'm scared. Has it happened again?] Consort Liu stood up, [I really don't remember meeting Wan Xin. But what if I had...] She slowly walked towards Wan Xin, [for once, should I face those memories I don't have head on, and accept this girl]. Consort Liu took a deep breath, [Wan Xin seems honest. This should be okay].

"Wan Xin," Consort Liu began softly. "I don't remember us meeting before tonight. I'm not the same Xiaojie you're searching for." Consort Liu took a deep breath, "that doesn't mean I can't be your Xiaojie. If you want me to be your Xiaojie, I can be your Xiaojie."

Hearing those words Wan Xin's mind became clear, free of confusions. Just like a year ago, Liu Ding Yiu's words left her with only one thing. A strong desire to trust her. [It's the same after all. Even though this is Xiao Yiu, your second personality, the affect is the same], Wan Xin realized. [It doesn't matter which personality it is, because both are Liu Ding Yiu. Both are my Xiaojie], Wan Xin decided. She nodded, a smile spreading on her face, "Xiaojie."

Night passed by. Light now trickled into the hut from the waking sun, signifying the early morning hours. Already, Consort Liu and Wan Xin were up and full of energy. In fact, they were in the middle of a heated squabble.

"Xiaojie, stop being ridiculous with your makeup," Wan Xin tried desperately to snatch the eyebrow brush from Consort Liu's hand, "it's not necessary."

"It is necessary," Consort Liu retorted, "I don't feel confident without makeup on."

"You can put makeup on but not like this," Wan Xin huffed, "Stop adding those fake moles to your face. Tone down on your blusher. Don't draw your eyebrows like two dead sea-urchins on top of your eyes."

"Wan Xin, you don't understand," Consort Liu continued applying makeup to her face, "this is my perfect beauty style."

[More like perfect disaster], Wan Xin held herself back from stating the obvious. [I don't get why she's so stubborn about her makeup. She's doing this on purpose]. Wan Xin sulked. She understood what Yuyu meant yesterday when people thought Liu Ding Yiu was ugly. Wan Xin got sulkier, [problem is, I don't know this version of Liu Ding Yiu. I need to get to know her first before I can be useful to her].

"Right," a satisfied Consort Liu said, moving away from the small makeshift dressing table. She ran to the door and waved for Wan Xin to follow. "Hurry Wan Xin or we'll be late."

"Where are we going?" Wan Xin asked, no longer sulking. She was rather excited to see what her Xiaojie was up to.

They raced through the gardens, arriving at a mini plethora of ginkgo-like trees that were growing to the side of a building Wan Xin didn't recognize. Madam Xiong only showed her around a small part of Ping Tian Palace, so she wasn't too familiar with the place. Consort Liu wasted no time to climb a ladder already placed by one of the trees. Wan Xin followed.

"Xiaojie, what are we doing?" Wan Xin asked again, as she sat beside Consort Liu on one of the higher branches.

"We're waiting," Consort Liu replied, a grin on her face. They were overlooking one of the walkways leading to the main palace area. "He's going to appear soon."

[Seems like Xiao Yiu is in a good mood], Wan Xin noticed. "Xiaojie, who are we spying on?"

Consort Liu didn't answer. Instead she placed her hands over her flushing cheeks, her gaze becoming dreamy as a silly smile replaced her grin. "You look fine today as well Prince Ping," Consort Liu cooed, her attention clearly captured by the Prince who was strolling gracefully along the walkway, with his guard and servant following behind.

Prince Ping was considered to be one of the most attractive men of Xia Kingdom. Accompanying his tall and sturdy physique was a handsome face, whose features were well defined. Though his steps were light and gestures were graceful, his often confident expression, prideful smile and stern looking eyes gave him a rather charming masculine feel.

"Xiaojie," Wan Xin called out, "Xiaojie. Can you hear me?"

[I'm happy as long as I know you are fine], Consort Liu thought, her eyes never leaving Prince Ping, [I can't wish for more in my situation. So make sure you take care of yourself Prince Ping]. Eventually Consort Liu snapped out of her dreamy state as Prince Ping disappeared round the corner. She had a dumbfounded face and that silly smile remained. "Let's go," Consort Liu said, satisfied. It was her daily routine to come here and peep on Prince Ping each morning. Otherwise, she would probably never get a chance to see him at all. Even though it was just a quick glance from a far distance, Consort Liu still felt content.

Wan Xin on the other hand paid little attention to the Prince and was more concerned over her Xiaojie's reactions. [The way Xiao Yiu was looking at Prince Ping...] Wan Xin mused, [it's like she's in love with him... Why do I feel this could be problematic?] "Xiaojie," Wan Xin began, "you and Prince Ping are married. Can't you just go and directly see him?"

Consort Liu's silly smile disappeared, "I'm not permitted to see or be near the Prince. I'm supposed to keep a good distance."

Wan Xin stopped walking, "is that the reason you're living in a rundown garden hut?"

"Madam Xiong did arrange for me to stay in the hut. She couldn't find another suitable residence," Consort Liu responded. "But I like living there. It's close to the walkway so I won't miss seeing the Prince each morning."

Before Wan Xin could speak, a booming voice caught both their attention.

"WAN XIN!" a fuming Madam Xiong thundered, stomping her way towards them with a few servants behind her. "I've finally found you."

Wan Xin instinctively hid behind Consort Liu. [Such bad luck. I actually forgot about Madam Xiong], Wan Xin panicked, [not like I cared to begin with, but this is trouble].

"Madam Xiong," Consort Liu politely greeted.

Ignoring Consort Liu, Madam Xiong stomped straight towards Wan Xin. "Come here you brat," she shouted, reaching for Wan Xin.

Consort Liu swiftly got between the two, gripping onto Madam Xiong's arm to pull her away from Wan Xin, "Madam Xiong, please calm down."

"Don't touch me," Madam Xiong roughly shoved Consort Liu to the ground, "this doesn't concern you Consort Liu."

"Xiaojie," Wan Xin called out, rushing to Consort Liu's side, "are you hurt?"

"Xiaojie?" Madam Xiong stared at the two, "You called Consort Liu Xiaojie?"

"That's correct," Consort Liu spoke up, "I've taken Wan Xin in as my personal maid. If she's done anything wrong I will-"

"You ugly girl, what right do you have to take in a maid," Madam Xiong grabbed Consort Liu's clothes, pulling her up close. She spat at her, "I only call you Consort Liu to keep up my manners. Don't you dare speak up to me. You are a nobody." Releasing Consort Liu, Madam Xiong turned to give her servants a commanding look, "capture Wan Xin. I want her caned 200 times for disobeying orders and running away."

The maids with Madam Xiong seized Wan Xin straightaway. Helpless, Consort Liu grabbed onto Madam Xiong's sleeve and knelt on the floor. She desperately pleaded, "Madam Xiong, I apologize for my behaviour before. Please let go of Wan Xin."

Once again Madam Xiong pushed Consort Liu away, ignoring her pleas. "I've important matters to attend to. Make sure this wretched maid is punished. I'll be back to check."

"Madam Xiong, Madam Xiong," Consort Liu cried out as Madam Xiong briskly left. "No, don't take Wan Xin away," Consort Liu got up, running to try and stop the servants from taking Wan Xin.

"Xiaojie, don't," Wan Xin called out, extremely concerned. She didn't want Consort Liu to get hurt. "I'll be fine. I promise."

"How could you say that?" Consort Liu cried. She grabbed onto one of the servants arm, trying to talk to them, "please release Wan Xin. I'll explain to Madam Xiong later."

"Don't get in our way," the servant said trying to free herself from Consort Liu's grip. She had used a little too much force though, as Consort Liu fell to the floor hitting her head.

"Xiaojie!" Wan Xin yelled struggling to get free. "Xiaojie," Wan Xin kept yelling as the servants continued to drag her away. "Someone please check on my Xiaojie."

The servants not only ignored Wan Xin's yelling, but sped up their pace. They wanted to quickly carry out Madam Xiong's orders before they got into trouble. Taking Wan Xin into the backyard of the servants' quarters, two of the girls held her down to the floor. Another one had a thick cane in her hand, ready to hit.

"Don't blame us," the girl with the cane said, her hand raised in the air.

[Why is this happening?] Wan Xin cursed, knowing there was nothing she could do. She was worried about Consort Liu, hoping this punishment could end sooner so she could return to her side. [If only Meng Su was here… If only this version of Liu Ding Yiu was….] "Aaaaah!" Wan Xin screamed, feeling the first hit of the cane on her back. She was braced for another hit but instead felt a hand on her arm, gently pulling her up from the floor. Wan Xin was speechless from relief. Standing in front of Wan Xin was Consort Liu, who seemed uninjured. [I'm glad Xiao Yiu looks alright], Wan Xin breathed. Consort Liu had snatched the cane from the maid's hand and pushed them away from Wan Xin.

"Consort Liu, don't interfere with this. Madam Xiong gave strict orders," one of the maids warned, "If you don't leave now, we'll have to be rough with you too."

"NO," Wan Xin immediately shouted, "this has nothing to do with Consort Liu. Leave her-"

Without saying a word Consort Liu struck the maid. Angered with embarrassment the maid attempted to get back at Consort Liu. However, her movements simply weren't quick enough. With ease, Consort Liu dodged and landed a few more hits on the maid's arms. The other two maids were too shocked to do anything. And Wan Xin let out a gasp, sensing this Consort Liu was probably no longer the same person she was with a moment before.

Consort Liu pointed the cane at the beaten maid, "if you don't give up now, I'll have to punish you more."

The beaten maid now trembled. All her anger had vanished from a mere look into this Consort Liu's eyes. She made no further moves or remarks. A satisfied Consort Liu smiled. Throwing the cane to the floor she led Wan Xin out of the place.

[They've switched haven't they?] Wan Xin kept thinking, [that fearless attitude, that assertive smile and those intense eyes. It's her isn't it?] She couldn't ignore the growing gut feeling she had of Consort Liu. [The current Liu Ding Yiu, is the one I met a year ago right?] "Are you…"

"Wan Xin," an amused smile appeared on Liu Ding Yiu's face, "tell me. Have you found out for yourself yet, whether I'm a good or bad person?"

A wide smile spread on Wan Xin's face. Those words confirmed everything for her.