A Friend Worth Having

The air surrounding the mismatched group of a prince, a guard, a tag-along and a maid was becoming more and more dreary. After travelling for some time, they were literally back outside the capital city. The whole journey had been in dead silence. Jing Ke wanted to concentrate on protecting the prince so didn't speak. Wan Xin simply had nothing to say to any of these men. She would've liked to chat to Jing Ke more but realised he was serious about his guard duties. Prince Ping on the other hand was emitting such a dark aura, that no living being would want to get close to him.

Heng in particular felt that constant life-eating chill run down his spine. [I can handle this], Heng tried to brainwash himself, doing his best to ignore Prince Ping's simmering wrath. [For my new friendship with Ding Ding, I will endure this…] He stole a glance at Prince Ping who was stomping forwards. [Why has his face gotten darker? Ding Ding… I wouldn't have agreed to this plan if I knew I'd be suffering like this].

Prince Ping shot Heng yet another daggering glance. "How could you agree to let her go?" he asked for the hundredth time. "You didn't even bother getting any details. What if it takes me another year to find her again?"

[I guarantee with my life you won't have to wait another year before you see Ding Ding again], Heng really wanted to shout as loud as he can. [She's actually your wife you know?] He was almost at his limit dealing with such a foul-tempered Prince Ping.

In fact, from the moment Heng and Wan Xin returned alone with food the previous night, they were already in for trouble. When they announced that Ding Ding had taken off, Prince Ping was one breaths-take away from losing control and throwing a tantrum. He quickly turned negative, spending the entire night and their journey questioning Heng.

For Prince Ping, he realised it was ridiculous for him to be so upset about a girl he's only met a few times. Of course he was angry and bitter for all the things Ding Ding had said. He would love nothing more than to see her kowtow to him. [But must I be this worked up about her?] he did ask himself. [I don't understand why I feel this way].

Now entering the capital city, Heng scuttled next to Wan Xin. He lowered his voice so Prince Ping and Jing Ke couldn't hear, "so where and when is Ding Ding appearing? It better be sooner than later."

Wan Xin was about to suggest something when she spotted Ding Yiu in a distance. She tugged on Heng's sleeve, pointing ahead of them.

"She's here," Heng excitedly whispered. He couldn't be more delighted to see Ding Yiu. However, he did slightly furrow his eyebrows seeing her wear the veil again. Heng understood the reasons. Since Prince Ping had no idea Ding Ding was Consort Liu, for some miracle played by the gods, the situation was complicated. Prince Ping is obsessed with Ding Ding, but hates Consort Liu because he thinks she cursed Zhou Yourong. After some discussion, Heng agreed with Ding Ding that it would be more sensible to reveal her identity after they clear her name. They would reinvestigate the 'cursing' incident and prove her innocence. [I understand all this, but it's still a shame to hide her face], Heng mentally complained. [Now let's just focus on getting her back to Ping Tian Palace first].

"Xiaojie," Wan Xin shouted running up towards Ding Yiu.

"Wan Xin, I was so worried. Where have you been?" Ding Yiu pretended. Then she faked noticing Prince Ping and rushed over. Placing one hand on top of the other in front of her, she bowed, "your highness. How… why are you here?"

An uninterested Prince Ping had already turned his head to the side so his eyes wouldn't fall on Consort Liu. It was like a natural instinct for him to disregard this girl.

"Greetings Consort Liu," both Jing Ke and Heng greeted.

Ding Yiu kept her bow but slightly nodded to acknowledge the two. She continued to pretend, saying in a shaky voice, "y-your highness I… please forgive me I…."

"Jing Ke, go prepare 3 sedans. We're returning to the palace," Prince Ping ordered.

Jing Ke nodded, heading off to hire 3 sedans to take them back to Ping Tian Palace. The capital city of Xia Kingdom was colossal in size. On raised land at its very centre, fully guarded and surrounded by a great wall was the main royal palace where the King and Crown Prince resided. To the further north was Ping Tian Palace. The south was where Lord Lan Ling and the Falcons unit were based. The east held two more palaces for the other princes. As such it was quite a trek to reach Ping Tian Palace from where the group was.

"Your highness," Ding Yiu tried again. [I know you're ignoring me. Such childish behaviour], she mentally scolded him. [Pretending to be Xiao Yiu is really no fun. Let this be over with soon]. "Please, your highness…."

"Don't speak," Prince Ping coldly commanded.

Ding Yiu moved to the side. In silence, the four waited until Jing Ke returned with 3 sedans.

Prince Ping turned to address Jing Ke and Heng, "both of you take a sedan each. It's still quite a distance back to Ping Tian Palace." He then started to make his way to one of the sedans.

"Wait, what about Consort Liu?" Heng couldn't help but query. He had been carefully watching Prince Ping since they met up with Ding Ding, and he was definitely not impressed with what he saw. Heng was half surprised that Ding Ding was right. Prince Ping did treat her like a translucent ghost, refusing to look at her properly. [No wonder you haven't recognized Consort Liu as the girl you were searching for all this time], Heng thought. [How is it that I'm only finding out you're an idiot now?] "Isn't Consort Liu returning with us to Ping Tian Palace? Is she sharing your sedan?" Heng purposely pushed.

Jing Ke stepped forwards, "Prince Ping. Regarding the promise you made yesterday…."

"Ah I almost forgot," Prince Ping blatantly lied. Still not turning to look at Consort Liu, he commanded, "Consort Liu, return to Ping Tian Palace with your maid."

"Thank you your highness," Ding Yiu tried to sound as earnest as she could.

"However," Prince Ping continued coldly, "for stepping out of Ping Tian Palace without permission, your punishment is to walk back there by foot."

"Qian Ping, that's too much," Heng commented in vexation. "A man can't have a girl walk that distance, whilst comfortably sitting in a sedan himself." Seeing no reaction from Prince Ping, Heng announced, "Consort Liu, you take my sedan."

"Should she refuse to walk all the way, I will have her banished from Ping Tian Palace forever," Prince Ping said loudly before disappearing inside his own sedan.

"I suggest you do as Prince Ping says before he changes his mind," Jing Ke advised. "I've done all I could." He gave Wan Xin a meaningful look before stepping inside his own sedan.

Heng stomped his feet, pointing after Prince Ping. "That….that imbecile…." [Argh, this is frustrating me so much. If only Ding Ding would just reveal herself. I'm certain that idiot wouldn't treat her this way if he knew].

"It's alright Heng," Ding Yiu assured, patting his back. "Hurry and get in your sedan."

"But Ding Ding, if you-"

"I'll be fine," Ding Yiu assured again, "my focus is to return to Ping Tian Palace. Remember you agreed to help me."

Heng let out a massive sigh. He understood Ding Yiu's plans and had promised to support her. But that didn't mean he was happy with the current situation. After another few sighs, Heng eventually got in his sedan and the group started to make their way to Ping Tian Palace.

4 hours later….

Inside one of the sitting rooms in Ping Tian Palace, a pleased Sixi had welcomed back Prince Ping and the others. The past few days had been long and worrying for him. To keep suspicion arising within the palace from the prince's sudden departure, Sixi had to remain calm at all times. Now that Prince Ping was back with Jing Ke, he could finally relax. Sixi did notice the unexpected addition of Consort Liu but chose not to ask any questions. He also noticed Heng asking if Consort Liu was alright. If Sixi recalled correctly, Heng and Consort Liu haven't met before. It was strange that Heng appeared so caring towards her. Sixi now poured tea for Prince Ping, Jing Ke and Heng. The three men sat comfortably on a seat, whilst Consort Liu and her maid remained stood in a corner.

"Your highness," a loud yet sweet sounding female voice called out. The doors to the sitting room swung open and in stepped a flustered looking Consort Zhou.

Prince Ping smiled at the sight of his beloved Consort. He immediately walked over to her, "Yourong, how come you're here?"

Consort Zhou gave a small bow, "your highness, I was really worried. You didn't tell me you were going away. So when I heard you returned to the palace, I just had to rush here to see you."

Prince Ping gently placed a hand on Consort Zhou's back, guiding her towards a seat, "Yourong, hurry and sit down. Catch your breath and rest."

Consort Zhou sat down, her lips still curved into a sweet, happy smile. "Thank you your highness."

"Sixi, hurry and pour Consort Zhou some tea," Prince Ping said as he took a seat next to her. "Yourong, you don't need to be worried. I was just out sorting out some business."

"Of course," Consort Zhou nodded. She now turned to Heng and Jing Ke, giving the two men a polite nod. Her smile vanished when she set eyes on Ding Yiu. [That girl with the veil is…] Yourong tried to figure out. She recognized those clothes belonged to Consort Liu. [Is that girl Consort Liu? But why would she be with Prince Ping and the others?]

Ding Yiu stared back at Consort Zhou. It was the first time Ding Yiu was seeing Zhou Yourong in person. From remembering her in Xiao Yiu's memory, Consort Zhou was a beautiful woman. She was what one described as a classic beauty. She had big round eyes, soft-edged nose and thin lips that somehow made her look pure and innocent. Her long, charcoal-coloured hair simply flowed besides her slender frame. [You can't deny she is a beauty. No wonder Xia Qian Ping is so infatuated with her], Ding Yiu thought. She flickered a glance at the prince whose eyes only had Zhou Yourong in them.

Prince Ping had been aware of Yourong's surprised gaze upon Consort Liu. How should he explain things to her? He thought for a few seconds. [Since I don't want anyone to know about the assassination attempt, I can use Consort Liu as a cover up story], he decided. "Sixi, gather Madam Xiong and the others here. I have something to announce," Prince Ping ordered.

Yourong finally looked away from Ding Yiu. She stared at Prince Ping, clearly still in confusion. Prince Ping took hold of Yourong's hand, lightly squeezing it to assure her. To the side, Jing Ke was happily drinking his tea, minding his own business. Heng though was taking very deep breaths to calm himself down. He was never a fan of Consort Zhou. However, the clear heaven versus hell treatment of Consort Zhou and Consort Liu was now too infuriating to watch. [Had I not promised Ding Ding to remain quiet and not interfere, I would've probably whacked you on the head already], Heng mentally shouted, staring at Prince Ping.

It wasn't long before Sixi returned with Consort Mu and Consort Tong, along with Madam Xiong who followed behind them. The three women bowed, greeting the prince before politely addressing Jing Ke and Heng.

Immediately, Consort Tong moved to sit beside Prince Ping. Batting her eyelashes at him, Consort Tong told the prince how worried she had been. She clung onto Prince Ping's arm. "I lost a lot of weight these past few days. I just couldn't eat not knowing where you were," Consort Tong told.

"Liluo, don't be so clingy," Prince Ping said, gently removing Consort Tong's hands from his arm. "I'll have the chefs make something nice for you tonight. Make sure to eat properly from now on."

Consort Tong smiled, "thank you your highness."

Still standing, a quieter Consort Mu said with a smile, "your highness. It is good that you are back."

"Mu Hui, don't just stand there. Take a seat," Prince Ping gently spoke, motioning for Consort Mu to take a seat.

Consort Mu slowly made her way to the seat next to Consort Tong. She gave Jing Ke another polite nod before sitting down. Madam Xiong remained standing. However, she was currently too busy focussing on Ding Yiu and Wan Xin to be aware of anything else. She didn't even realise she was still in a bowing position, with her head tilted up to look at her targets.

"Madam Xiong, are you going to remain in that position whilst Prince Ping makes his announcement," Sixi questioned.

"Apologies your highness," Madam Xiong quickly turned back towards the prince, standing up straight.

"Why is Consort Liu here?" Consort Tong directly asked.

"Liluo, you must've heard the rumours that Consort Liu ran away from Ping Tian Palace," Prince Ping half queried.

"That's been the hottest topic in the palace for the past few days," Liluo confirmed, "but I guess the news is fake if she's here now."

"It wasn't fake," Prince Ping continued, "I left to retrieve Consort Liu. That's the reason for my sudden departure from the palace."

"Your highness, you're saying you personally went to find her?" Liluo exclaimed, shocked at the revelation.

Sitting beside Prince Ping, Yourong was now constantly glancing back and forth from the prince to Consort Liu. From her slightly distressed expression, she was clearly upset to hear the prince had gone after the girl. Even the usually discreet Consort Mu let out a slightly surprised look on her face.

"Isn't that right Consort Liu?" Prince Ping deliberately asked for confirmation to his story.

Ding Yiu felt her eyebrow twitch. [Liar! You're just using me as a cover up to the assassination. Why should I cooperate with your lie?] She deliberately looked away, pretending not to have heard the prince.

Prince Ping eyed Consort Liu for a second. Anger was beginning to brew inside him. [What kind of an attitude is that? How dare she do this?] He swiftly looked away from her. "The fact remains that she is my consort. I can't allow her to escape and ruin my reputation. I had no choice but to get her back," Prince Ping said. "Isn't that right Consort Liu?" he tried again, his voice more fierce.

[Damn. I forgot I'm Xiao Yiu now. I need to act like Xiao Yiu], Ding Yiu mentally scolded herself, realizing it was a bad idea to challenge Prince Ping in this situation. She turned back towards the prince and his harem of annoying consorts. "That is correct. I am thankful your highness is merciful to give me another chance and allow me back in Ping Tian Palace. I also thank you for allowing my personal maid Wan Xin back as well."

"Your highness, you are letting Consort Liu return after such rebellious behaviour?" Madam Xiong couldn't stop herself from exclaiming. "Doesn't she need to be punished?"

"That's right your highness," Liluo concurred, "I heard what she did to poor Madam Xiong. She can't return without receiving some sort of punishment."

"Consort Liu has already been punished enough," Heng spoke up, "she had to walk all the way back to Ping Tian Palace on foot. I think we should just allow her to return to her side residence palace. This whole incident should be over."

"Heng, I don't think you have the right to comment on affairs within Ping Tian Palace," Liluo pointed out, "you are respected here only as his highness's friend." She now turned towards Yourong. Liluo spoke extremely politely, "Sister Zhou, you agree with me don't you? We can't just let a runaway consort off the hook so easily."

Yourong held in an irritated glance towards Tong Liluo. She wasn't happy Liluo had asked for her opinion like this. Thinking things though carefully, a strange sense of worry began to build up inside Yourong. [Did Prince Ping really just go to retrieve her for reputation's sake? Or has she somehow gained his affection without me knowing]. She rubbed her fingers, trying to organize her thoughts. [Liu Ding Yiu, you need to be punished]. Yourong pretended to look at Consort Liu worryingly, [I won't let you gain Prince Ping's affection]. "Your highness, I think you should decide on this yourself," Yourong eventually said. As much as she wanted to see Consort Liu punished, she didn't want to risk sounding nasty in front of Prince Ping. She needed to maintain her kind and generous persona.

"Yourong, go ahead and tell me your thoughts," Prince Ping encouraged, "you've always been very sensible with your judgements."

"Your highness, I honestly think if you don't punish Consort Liu further, it would be unfair," Yourong spoke carefully, "such light punishment could set a bad example for future."

"Sister Zhou is right," Liluo agreed, "I think Consort Liu should at least be flogged."

"Qian Ping, the reason Consort Liu ran away was because Madam Xiong scared her," Heng shouted. He was anxious for Ding Ding, and likewise annoyed with the troublemaking Consort Tong and pretentious Consort Zhou. Wanting to help Ding Ding, he didn't realise he was out of place again. "A Consort disciplining a servant can't be a crime. You've already punished her to walk back to Ping Tian Palace for escaping. There's no need for further punishment."

The room fell silent. Everyone, including Ding Yiu was surprised to see how adamant Heng was in defending her. Knowing that Heng and Consort Liu weren't supposed to be close associates made the whole situation bewildering. Prince Ping wasn't pleased with Heng's meddlesome behaviour, but he was equally concerned about him.

"Perhaps, a lighter punishment," Yourong quickly suggested. She didn't know why Heng was so persistent to defend Consort Liu. She did know that Prince Ping valued his friendship with Heng immensely and can be swayed by him. [I want to see Consort Liu punished no matter what], Yourong thought. [If Prince Ping punishes her then I know he doesn't care for her. He really did bring her back to save reputation. But if he doesn't punish her….] "A consort running away from the palace is a grave misdeed. It is proper she be punished so she will deeply reflect on her actions."

"Then Consort Liu is to kneel in this room for the rest of the night," Prince Ping announced. He looked directly at Heng, "that is her punishment and my final decision."

It looked as though Heng was going to object so Ding Yiu immediately dropped to her knees. "Thank you for being lenient your highness," Ding Yiu quickly thanked. [I never expected Sima Heng to defend me so earnestly]. She secretly smiled despite her current predicament, [Sima Heng, maybe you're a friend worth having].