I Can’t

Within Zheng Palace, a barely awoken Ding Yiu stretched herself on the big bed. She rolled from one side to the other. [Ah, I haven't slept so well in ages. A comfy and spacious bed is key after all] she contemplated. Now lying still on her belly, she looked around the massive room and listened intently. It was too quiet.

"Xia Qian Ping," Ding Yiu called out. There was no answer. "Narrow-minded blockhead Ping," she called out again. Still there was no answer. Her lips naturally curled into a grin, being confident Prince Ping wasn't here. "He most likely went to morning court," Ding Yiu deduced, "just perfect. I can have a peaceful morning this way."

She leisurely got up from bed and moved towards the study area. Set out in the middle of the room were four small tables lined up, each with a tray set upon it. Ding Yiu raised an eyebrow, studying the items placed there. [This wasn't here yesterday] she remembered. The first table had a bowl of warm water with a face cloth hanging on its side. The next table had a neatly folded pastel pink dress on and a pair of matching shoes were placed beneath. The third and last tables had jewellery, make-up and a mirror placed upon it. "Are these for me?" Ding Yiu had to ask out loud. She was sceptical that Prince Ping would be this considerate towards her. Though she had no time to ponder on that thought as her nose began to twitch at the beckoning scent of food. "It can't be..." Ding Yiu uttered, following the delicious aroma.

When she stepped out into the sitting area, two maids to either side curtsied. "Good morning Ding Xiaojie," the two maids greeted in unison, "please let us know any orders you have."

Ding Yiu eyed the two maids, "you two are-"

"Ding Xiaojie, we are here to serve you," one of the maids said. "The clothes and morning necessities was prepared by Prince Ping for Ding Xiaojie."

"As with the breakfast here," the other maid added, motioning to the table full of food. "Please feel free to use the stuff and eat whatever you like."

Ding Yiu nodded, taking a seat at the table. The first maid that spoke immediately poured tea, whilst the other stood with chopsticks in her hand, ready to get food for Ding Yiu. Both maids had extremely bright smiles on their faces.

[This is rather uncomfortable] Ding Yiu secretly thought, glancing from one maid to the other. She may have come from a wealthy family, but her predicament meant she never truly enjoyed the benefits of being a rich daughter. Instead, her identity as the 'extra' under her stepmother's eyes and her own involvement within the underworld had shaped Ding Yiu to be far from your typical Xiaojie. Ding Yiu took a sip of tea. "You two are here to serve me?"

"Yes Ding Xiaojie," both maids replied in unison. "The prince gave strict orders that you are looked after well during the time he is away from the palace." They continued to smile brightly, "please let us know any demands you have."

"Very well," Ding Yiu said. "My order is for both of you to leave me alone."

As though they were slapped in the face, both maids lost their bright smiles hearing Ding Yiu's order. They panicked. "D-Ding Xiaojie, did we do anything wrong to upset you?"

"No. I'm just more comfortable eating when no one is watching me," Ding Yiu honestly admitted. "In fact, won't you two wait outside and make sure no one comes in to disturb me? Otherwise I don't think I'll be able to eat at all."

The two maids nervously looked at each other before slowly making their way outside. Once the door closed behind them, Ding Yiu let out a long sigh. Now glancing at the vast variety of food on the table, she couldn't help but giggle. "Xia Qian Ping, you really have surprised me this time." She picked up a small sweet cake, admiring the pretty details carved on it. "I didn't think you'd arrange all this for me." One bite of the cake filled Ding Yiu's mouth with sweetness. She savoured the feeling for a while before quickly pouting. "Hmm, why is he suddenly being so nice to me? Is he guilty of something?" That thought lingered with Ding Yiu for a moment before she stood up.

Ding Yiu was ready to leave Zheng Palace. There was no way she would obediently wait for Xia Qian Ping to return, like one of his loving consorts should do. She had other matters to take care of. But since she woke up this time, Ding Yiu had constantly been getting involved in Prince Ping's affairs. She simply hadn't been able to truly do anything for herself. [I do believe Xia Qian Ping would become useful to me someday. Saving him and getting him on my side isn't a bad move] she reasoned. [But it's almost been a year since I operated in the underworld. I've gotten no new leads to my mother's death. My progress is just too slow]. Ding Yiu had realized the setback she was facing. Yet, she couldn't decide what her next move should be. [To move on I need to re-enter the underworld as Mi Hou] Ding Yiu exhaled. [If I'm not in the underworld, there's zero chance in finding any clues].

"I'll get Wan Xin and we'll meet up with Meng Su," Ding Yiu said out loud, having made up her mind. But before going, she had to pack some of the food to take with her. Living in that garden hut meant they rarely had high quality food like this to eat. Wan Xin deserved to have some of this. Ding Yiu then went to unfold the pastel pink dress and studied it. "The style is more reserved, but it's extremely pretty with all the frills on the sleeves..." Deciding she quite fancied the new dress, Ding Yiu changed into it, along with the shoes. She put on some matching jewellery with a frown. "Xia Qian Ping, if you want to give me something next time, make sure it's something I can use. For example gold, money and useful information," she muttered out her business thoughts. "Now, is there a window somewhere...?"

Bang, Bang, Bang.

The sudden noise outside alerted Ding Yiu. She cautiously made her way to the door where she told the two maids to wait.

"Move aside," a demanding female voice shouted from behind the doors. It was a familiar voice. An irritating one.

Ding Yiu stared at the shadows of several people gathered outside. She had a bad feeling.

"Consort Tong, please allow us to notify Ding Xiaojie first," Ding Yiu could hear one of the maids pleading.

"No need," Tong Liluo almost bellowed. "That girl has no identity in this palace. Why are you treating her like she's your master? Move aside. I and Consort Zhou need to enter."

"But Ding Xiaojie said-"

"Have you two forgotten that I and Consort Tong are the prince's consort?" Zhou Yourong questioned. She sounded less fierce than Consort Tong, but her tone revealed her displeasure. "Our words hold more importance than the girl inside," Yourong pointed out. "Please move aside so we can enter. We're just here to greet the girl."

"We're really sorry..." both the maids apologized in unison. They were clearly scared of the two consorts. However, Head Sixi had given them strict orders that the Prince wanted Ding Ding to be well looked after. With that in mind, the two maids were more afraid of the prince's punishment.

"Men, grab those two maids and take them for a good beating," Tong Liluo commanded her servants. "They need to be taught a lesson for disrespecting me and Consort Zhou."

[That bitch] Ding Yiu gritted her teeth. She was on the verge of rushing out. She was ready to confront those two trouble-making consorts. But Ding Yiu forced herself to stay inside. She could hear the two maids pleading for mercy and it angered her to no end. Yet Ding Yiu turned away, retreating back into the bedroom. "I can't. I can't confront Zhou Yourong and Tong Liluo," Ding Yiu bit her lips in frustration. "I can't risk my face being seen outside the underworld too much or my identity would be exposed." Clenching her fists, Ding Yiu muttered sorry over and over again.


It was a cry from one of the maids. Ding Yiu's body was already moving towards the door. [This is bad. I can't control my anger] Ding Yiu forced herself to stop again.

"Please no more, we're sorry..."

The cries of the two maids were like piercing arrows shooting through Ding Yiu's ears. She can't ignore them. At this rate, she would go out. She'd risk too much. [I can't... I can't help those maids...] Ding Yiu told herself. [I can't... I can't.... You can't Ding Ding....]

After several minutes, both maids had passed out. Tong Liluo threw Zhou Yourong a triumphant look before slamming open the doors.

At the same time, reaching Zheng Palace was Mu Hui and Yilan. They quickly ran towards the prince's bedroom chambers. In a slight distance the two could already see the commotion.

"My god, they really are here to harm Ding Xiaojie," Yilan couldn't stop herself from exclaiming. "What should we do Xiaojie?"

"Calm down," Mu Hui said, observing the two troublesome consorts and their henchmen. "Ding Ding knows martial arts. I don't think she will be hurt so easily."

"Even so, isn't she too outnumbered with all those servants?" Yilan worriedly perceived.

Mu Hui and Yilan watched as Consort Tong took the lead to enter the prince's bedroom chamber. The more composed Consort Zhou followed and then the servants.

"Let's go," a worried Mu Hui went forwards. Despite the consequences, she wasn't going to change her decision to help Ding Ding.

The two were still a distance away from the bedroom chambers. Mu Hui was already running as fast as she could when a fleeting figure caught her eyes. It appeared to be a person jumping out the side window. She came to an abrupt stop and held out her arm to prevent Yilan from going further. [That was…] Mu Hui's eyes widened from exhilaration. She grabbed hold of Yilan's hand and began dragging her into a run towards the side rather than to the entrance.

"Hui Xiaojie what are you-"

"Didn't you see?" Mu Hui questioned, "Someone just jumped out from the side window. It must be Ding Ding."

Yilan's eyes widened too, "you mean Ding Xiaojie ran away?"

"If I didn't see wrongly…" Mu Hui half answered.

Predicting where that person would run to, Mu Hui deliberately cut across a path to turn the corner. As Mu Hui guessed, the two now caught sight of a girl dressed in pastel pink running away.

"Ding Ding," Mu Hui immediately called out, reaching for the girl. Strangely, there was a building excitement inside her as Mu Hui's hand grasped onto the girl's arm, stopping her and pulling her back towards them. However, the moment Mu Hui set eyes on the girls face as she turned around, Mu Hui's heart sank.

Presently in the Imperial Palace, inside the main court hall, the Emperor sat before his trusted advisers and capable princes. Two hours had passed since the morning court began and they have finally reached the end of that day's topics to be discussed. With progress achieved on many issues, the Emperor's mood was visibly good.

Emperor Xia was a man in his early-50s. Despite the few lines forming around his eyes, he had managed to maintain a relatively youthful and spirited visage. Most would say he looked like an older version of Xia Qian Ping. His facial features were most closely matched to the second prince out of all his other sons. For a man of his age, the Emperor was also still impressively strong and physically capable. There were simply no signs of him growing weak from age.

Ending the morning court, Emperor Xia dismissed everyone but demanded, "with the exception of the Crown Prince, Prince Ping and Lord Lan Ling who is to remain here. I have one further issue to discuss privately with the three."

The three patiently waited until the court hall was empty.

Lord Lan Ling was the first to step up and speak, "your majesty, has something critical happened? How serious is the situation?"

Emperor Xia half smiled at Lan Ling's question. [My dear younger brother, you're always so quick to assume the worst] he secretly thought [you aren't charming at all]. He said rather leisurely, "there's an ongoing conflict between the neighbouring Ngai Kingdom and the Anle Tribe. Are you aware?"

"I am, your majesty," the Crown prince spoke up. "I've heard rumours regarding this a few weeks ago. So I've already got my men to secretly monitor the situation."

"Zhi Hai, you are very prepared," the Emperor praised with a nod. "I expected nothing less from my Crown Prince."

A smug smile formed on Zhi Hai's face. He deliberately threw Prince Ping a triumphant look. Feeling complacent he continued, "from the latest update, I believe the Ngai Kingdom and Anle Tribe are preparing to enter negotiations over the territory they are fighting for. Things should be settled very soon."

"Are we getting involved?" both Prince Ping and Lan Ling questioned at the same time. The two briefly glanced at one another. "If we are, I suggest for us to act neutrally to both sides. We're not ready to wage war against either of them," the two simultaneously advised. They glanced at each other again.

Emperor Xia's smile widened, [Qian Ping and Lan Ling are both extremely sharp-sighted. They've almost correctly guessed my intentions]. "We, Xia Kingdom will be getting involved in this conflict."

"What are your plans, your majesty?" Zhi Hai asked. He was trying to come across as keen.

"What do you suppose my plans are?" the Emperor teasingly questioned back. "Lan Ling, Qian Ping, what do you say?"

There was silence in the massive court hall as neither answered. The smile on Emperor Xia's face faded. [Of course, I almost forgot] the Emperor mentally reminded himself. [Though Qian Ping and Lan Ling are sharp, both are annoyingly reserved and careful. It's not like their character to answer that testing question].

"The Ngai Kingdom and Anle Tribe may have agreed to enter into negotiations, but both parties must feel distrust for one another. After all their conflict has been going on for some time," Qian Ping surmised. "So, they will need a third party to judge and monitor the negotiations to ensure absolute fairness." He confidently looked at the Emperor who was already eyes-wide staring at him, "we're most likely the judge and the host Kingdom for where these negotiations are going to take place."

It was silent. Emperor Xia simply couldn't take his eyes off Prince Ping. He felt curious. [Qian Ping actually spoke his thoughts so freely. It's not like him] he noticed. [Though this change in him isn't bad. I wonder what changed him]. The Emperor stood from his seat, "your reasoning skills have improved."

Qian Ping gave a light bow, "thank you your majesty." He ignored Zhi Hai who threw him an unpleasant gaze. Qian Ping had realized he was acting untypical of himself and too wondered why. [Have I been near Ding Ding too much? Her audacious attitude has somehow rubbed off on me...?]

"We are indeed going to host the negotiations and act as a judge to ensure things are properly settled," Emperor Xia confirmed. "In 3 days' time, a representative from the Ngai Kingdom and the Anle Tribes first heir will arrive into our kingdom."

"I'll prepare the Falcons unit to be on-guard," Lan Ling said. "We'll operate in the background so our guests won't be disturbed."

"Lan Ling, you do know my intentions well. Do as you have just said," Emperor Xia commented. He now focussed on Qian Ping and Zhi Hai. "For extra precaution, I don't want the representatives of both Ngai Kingdom and Anle tribe to be living in the same place." He took a few steps down from the throne towards the two princes, "therefore I've decided that Crown Prince, you will look after the representative of Ngai Kingdom within your residence Palace."

"Yes your majesty. I will make sure the representative is well looked after," Zhi Hai said.

Emperor Xia now turned to look at Qian Ping, "as for Anle Tribe's heir, he is to be placed in Ping Tian Palace, outside the Imperial Palace. He is your responsibility Prince Ping."

"Understood your majesty," Qian Ping responded.