I Am Your Personal Maid

Wan Xin lightly patted Xiao Yiu's back, trying to reassure her. "Xiaojie, I am fine. I am doing very fine." [I'm actually not fine at all] Wan Xin secretly panicked. [Why? How? When?] There were a trillion questions zooming through her mind. When did Ding Ding and Xiao Yiu switch? What happened to Ding Ding? Why did they switch? For how long have they switched? But the most important question to Wan Xin was [How do I switch them back?]

Xiao Yiu eventually loosened her embrace and let go. Remembering how those maids had dragged Wan Xin away, she was on the verge of crying. Now looking at a clearly unharmed Wan Xin did Xiao Yiu take a breath of relief.

"Xiaojie, are you alright?" Wan Xin questioned Xiao Yiu back. She was relieved to see her Xiaojie unhurt. "What happened?"

Xiao Yiu's expression now turned dejected. "Wan Xin, I..." she couldn't even bring herself to say it. Her body naturally shivered at the realisation that she had once again lost her memories. Unable to remember anything, the past days were a blank. [Days... how much time has gone by this time?] Xiao Yiu suddenly freaked out. [What have I been doing? I know time has passed by because... because I woke up in Zheng Palace. I shouldn't be there. Why was I there?] Xiao Yiu's body started to tremble from fear [It hasn't happened for a long time. Why now? Why... someone... won't someone help me....]

"Xiaojie, are you alright?" Wan Xin asked again more loudly.

Xiao Yiu looked at Wan Xin timidly. She still wasn't sure what to say. [But Wan Xin is my maid now. She... she is my only friend. I should trust her and be truthful] Xiao Yiu thought. [I can only pray that she won't find me strange...]

"Xiaojie, it's ok. You can-"

"I don't know," Xiao Yiu had to yell out. Otherwise she wouldn't have the courage to speak on. "Wan Xin, I don't remember anything. The last thing I remember is seeing you dragged away by the maids. Madam Xiong was going to punish you and I wanted to help. One of the maids knocked me to the floor and I fell unconscious." She took a breath, "then...then... when I came to I was inside Zheng Palace. I... didn't go there... but I... was there." Her voice started to trail into a mumble, "I... I don't... remember anything...."

[Ah! How could I forget?] Wan Xin recalled, seeing a crestfallen Xiao Yiu before her. [Xiao Yiu doesn't have any of Ding Ding's memories. She must be confused and worried right now]. Wan Xin hit her head with her hand, causing Xiao Yiu to worriedly look at her for a moment. [It's my responsibility to protect Xiao Yiu]. Taking hold of both Xiao Yiu's hand, Wan Xin said, "Xiaojie, don't be afraid. I will tell you everything that's happened. I'm here."

"Wan Xin-"

"I don't know how it was for you before," Wan Xin earnestly said, "but from now on we have each other. You have me." She tightened her grip on Xiao Yiu's hands, "please trust me. I am your personal maid."

Xiao Yiu squeezed Wan Xin's hands back. With teary eyes she nodded a few times, a little beam on her face. From the moment she was conscious of anything, Xiao Yiu had never met anyone who genuinely cared for her. There was of course her father. But he had his difficulties, and over the years they have grown apart. Her stepmother and step-siblings have always viewed her as an eyesore. They treated her coldly, as though she was non-existent. This trend seemed to have continued when she married into Ping Tian Palace. So for Xiao Yiu, this fiercely loyal Wan Xin becoming her maid was like a present from the heavens.

[I am still worried. Wan Xin originally mistook me for someone she had met before] Xiao Yiu couldn't lie to herself. [I don't remember meeting her. Unless it's during the times I don't have memories of]. Xiao Yiu forced away her worries. [It doesn't matter now]. Still with a beam on her face Xiao Yiu eventually said, "I trust you Wan Xin. Let's take care of each other from now on."

"Yes Xiaojie," Wan Xin happily responded back. [I will make sure to protect Xiao Yiu until Ding Ding takes over again. That is my duty and promise] Wan Xin reaffirmed in her mind.

"Erm..." Xiao Yiu began nervously, "can you tell me what happened? Um... I mean, I don't know anything after seeing you taken away by the maids so..." Her voice trailed off again. Xiao Yiu was honest with Wan Xin about her temperamental memory loss. Nevertheless, it sill felt awkward to talk about. Even more so when she has to ask someone else about what she has done.

Wan Xin patted Xiao Yiu's hands to reassure her before letting go. She began to fabricate a story of the events that had happened when Ding Ding was awake. Wan Xin half lied and half told the truth. She was extremely careful to hide details that would raise questions or indicate the existence of Ding Ding. [After all, Xiao Yiu's being is to protect Ding Ding when she needs to go in hiding from the underworld] Wan Xin reminded herself [I can't risk Xiao Yiu knowing about Ding Ding. She can't get involved with Ding Ding's business].

In the end, Wan Xin's tale was simplified to her fleeing from Madam Xiong after causing a commotion. From fear, she had begged Xiao Yiu to run away with her. They succeeded to escape from Ping Tian Palace, but struggled with little money on the outside. Prince Ping found them and ordered them to return. "You were then punished to kneel for the entire night," Wan Xin finished. It was her turn to look dejected, "I'm sorry Xiaojie. Everything that had happened the past few days was my fault."

Listening to Wan Xin recount the events of the past few days was inconceivable for Xiao Yiu. She felt that same haunting shiver run through her body. [So much has happened, yet I have no memories of it all…] Xiao Yiu thought depressed again. It frightened her. Not knowing what she did was already scary enough. And now, not knowing the reasons behind her actions and words was far more terrifying. She didn't doubt Wan Xin's story. But Xiao Yiu couldn't quite believe she had done such a treacherous thing. Why would she have ever agreed to run away from Ping Tian Palace? It just didn't sound like something she would do. Xiao Yiu clutched her hands together anxiously. Her thoughts momentarily lingered on Prince Ping [he must've been really angry I ran away… He'll probably hate me even more now…] "Ah Wan Xin," Xiao Yiu almost yelled. "Do you know why I was in Zheng Palace just now?"

Wan Xin gulped. She couldn't come up with a good explanation for that one. It was impossible to tell Xiao Yiu that Prince Ping took Ding Ding there. More importantly, Wan Xin wasn't even present to see what actually happened. How could she come up with a convincing lie then? [I swear I'm not an expert at telling lies….] Wan Xin secretly cried.

"When I came to my senses, I was already inside Zheng Palace dressed like this," Xiao Yiu told. "This dress is beautiful but my face looked horrible. Luckily, there was some makeup so I made myself presentable."

"I… can see that," Wan Xin couldn't help but say sarcastically. [That makeup is a real piece of work every time I see it].

"And then I heard Consort Zhou and Consort Tong making a racket outside. It was really scary. There were maids crying for help and Consort Tong sounded angry," Xiao Yiu continued to tell. "I ended up escaping from a window and ran back here."

"Did you see Consort Zhou and Consort Tong?"

"No. I only bumped into Consort Mu. She seemed very anxious as well," Xiao Yiu shook her head. "I wonder if something happened at Zheng Palace and I went there for a reason."

"I'm not really sure," Wan Xin sweated. [It sounds like Ding Ding might've caused some trouble…]

Hearing Wan Xin's reply Xiao Yiu became slightly downcast. [So even Wan Xin doesn't know why I went to Zheng Palace. I wouldn't have gone there in my right mind. After all I've been…] Xiao Yiu thought, [banned from entering Zheng Palace].

"Xiaojie, don't overthink. Everything should be alright now," Wan Xin spoke softly, seeing the downcast expression on her face again. [I better distract her with another topic] Wan Xin decided. "Xiaojie, I'm actually really hungry. Shall we go and get some food?"

"Hungry?" Xiao Yiu looked at Wan Xin. Her gaze dropped down to the sweet potato on the floor. She held in a giggle, realizing Wan Xin's intentions. "I do feel a little hungry," she said, placing a hand over her stomach, "let's get some food."

With that mutual decision, Wan Xin and Xiao Yiu made their way towards the servants' kitchen. It was a slight trek away from their removed garden hut. Both noticed the increase in security around the palace. There were more guards patrolling and stationed at various parts of the garden routes that weren't originally there.


A loud and excited voice seemed to be calling out to them.

"Wan Xin, I thought I heard someone say your name."

"Erm…" Wan Xin quickly did a 360 turn. [I also heard the name Ding Ding so…] Her face slowly turned pale.

In a distance, running towards them with his hands waving enthusiastically was Sima Heng.


[No! I cannot let young master Heng meet Xiao Yiu] Wan Xin freaked out. [He'll expose Ding Ding's existence]. She moved to push at Xiao Yiu's back, "Xiaojie, you've misheard. Let's go. Let's go." She pushed for Xiao Yiu to move on.

"I said wait up," Heng continued to shout and dash towards them. "WAN XIN, stop ignoring me."

"Wan Xin, I clearly heard that man call your name," a perplexed Xiao Yiu pointed out, refusing to move. "Don't you know him? Isn't he your friend?"

"He's… He's mentally ill!" Wan Xin blurted out in a panic. She then hurriedly whispered into Xiao Yiu's ears, explaining that Heng keeps mistaking Xiao Yiu to be another girl called Ding Ding. That Heng would often say weird things that no one understands and it was better to avoid him.

"Oh, I didn't know," Xiao Yiu was surprised with Heng's mental condition. "We should probably go as you suggest…"

"I finally caught up to you two," a heavily breathing Heng almost collided with Xiao Yiu and Wan Xin. He faced the ground, hands on his hips as he tried to catch his breath. "Listen Ding Ding, Qian Ping is coming." He took in another deep breath, "Consort Mu saw you coming out Zheng Palace. Although, she didn't recognise you as Ding Ding. She said Consort Liu came out. Are you covering your face with a veil again?"

"Young Master Heng," Wan Xin quickly stood in-between Heng and Xiao Yiu. She turned Xiao Yiu to look the other way, so her back was facing Heng. "W-why are you here?"

Regaining his steady breathing Heng looked up at Wan Xin. "I sprinted here ahead of Qian Ping to warn Ding Ding of course. You know Qian Ping doesn't know she is Consort Liu." He tilted his head trying to look at Ding Ding, "what are you going to do Ding Ding? I know you don't want to reveal yourself until the cursing incident has been solved but… I don't want to see Qian Ping treat you the way he did last time."

There was silence. And there could only be silence. For Xiao Yiu didn't comprehend a single word Heng said. Instead, she felt sympathy. [This poor man. His mental illness is more severe than Wan Xin has stated] Xiao Yiu pitied. [I need to tell him properly he's got the wrong person]. Slowly, she turned her body.

"Heng," a familiar voice called out. There was clear anger in his tone.

From the corner of her eye, Xiao Yiu saw it was Prince Ping followed by Sixi and some servants. Immediately she bowed her head low and turned to face the approaching prince. Wan Xin also bowed.

"Your highness," Xiao Yiu said timidly. Her voice was so quiet, it was barely heard.

Prince Ping ignored Consort Liu and her maid. He went directly to Heng. "I told you not to get involved with her again," he whispered, motioning for Heng to move aside. He couldn't figure out why Heng had taken such an interest in Consort Liu. The moment Consort Mu said the name Consort Liu Ding Yiu, Heng had sprinted out the room. Prince Ping had obviously gone after Heng, annoyed he was going to try and help Consort Liu.

"Qian Ping ah…"

Prince Ping gave Heng a warning glare.

"But it's just that…." Heng began but gave up. He stepped behind Prince Ping. [If only you knew Consort Liu was Ding Ding, I guarantee your attitude wouldn't be like this].

Not looking at Consort Liu, Prince Ping waved his hand for her to raise her head. "Why were you at Zheng Palace this morning?" he directly questioned.

Xiao Yiu raised her head to look at Prince Ping. She was instantly shot by a wave of heat coursing through her body. It had been months since she last saw Prince Ping up close and she simply couldn't control her eyes fixating on the Prince's familiar face. [Oh no, I'm starting to get nervous] she thought. Her hands raised and clenched together before her rapidly heaving chest. Her heart was beating too fast for her to handle. [I… I was content seeing you from afar… I've always wished you were closer but now that you are… I feel….] she forced herself to look away. She was beginning to feel emotional.

"Are you deaf? I asked why you were at Zheng Palace," Prince Ping angrily repeated his question. He kept his eyes away from her.

"I was… I went there…." Xiao Yiu started to say but no more words came out of her mouth. She didn't know what to say. [I don't want to lie to you. I won't lie to you. Yet, I can't tell you the truth either because… I don't know] Xiao Yiu felt tears swelling in her eyes. [I don't know why I was there. I don't know….]

Behind the aggravated Prince Ping, a flummoxed Heng had to blink his eyes furiously as he stared with a gaped-opened mouth at the Consort Liu in front of him. He swiftly moved to usher Wan Xin to the side, being as discreet as possible. Well, given that Prince Ping and Sixi's attention was on Consort Liu and the other servants weren't focussed, no one noticed Heng whispering to Wan Xin.

"Wan Xin, who is this girl? Why did Ding Ding get her to impersonate as Consort Liu?" Heng asked seriously. He lowered his voice to make sure the others couldn't hear. "Where is Ding Ding?"

Wan Xin gulped, her eyes darting away to avoid Heng's enquiring gaze.

"Answer me now," Heng hissed. [What is Ding Ding up to? Where on earth did she find such a girl? That face is just too much].

"Ding Ding is right in front of you," Wan Xin whispered back.


Wan Xin pointed at Consort Liu, causing Heng's eyebrows to furrow. He threw her a 'be serious' look and Wan Xin simply continued to point at Consort Liu.

"She is Ding Ding," Wan Xin whispered sternly, "I said you wouldn't recognize her with makeup on. Now you believe me."

Realizing Wan Xin wasn't joking Heng felt like he was struck by lightning. He couldn't believe it. [There is no way that face is… she is… this girl is… Ding Ding and she is….] Blood rushed to Heng's already confused brain. Being severely shocked, he fell to the floor and fainted.

"Heng," Prince Ping shouted from worry as Heng's sudden drop to the floor startled him. He moved to support an unconscious Heng. "Sixi, hurry and help me carry Heng back to his guest residence. Call for a physician."

"Yes your highness." Sixi waved for a servant to call a physician as he helped support Heng's body. "Your highness, about Consort Liu…"

Without looking at Consort Liu, Prince Ping coldly said, "forget it. I should never have come here." He lifted Heng up together with Sixi and they turned to leave.

Watching Prince Ping disappear from her sight, Xiao Yiu could no longer hold in her tears. Only seconds ago, her heart was rapidly beating from nervousness as he spoke to her again after such a long time. Now seconds later, her heart was aching from having lost him once more. [I'm sorry…] she could only say in her heart. This was exactly like that time. Exactly like the time she became utterly hated by him. Xiao Yiu's tears flowed out, remembering that moment….