Four Months Ago (Part 5)

Outside LiHua Palace, Prince Ping hadn't moved. Even after Zhi Hai and adviser Zhou had left, he still kept staring after them. The confrontation with Zhi Hai had greatly stirred Qian Ping's heart. By now he had realised he and his elder brother will forever not see eye to eye. However, their relationship would always turn sour and bitter when Zhou Yourong was involved. [Pity] Qian Ping couldn't stop himself from occasionally thinking this.

As children, the three of them, Zhi Hai, Qian Ping and Yourong were close playmates. Their childhood was filled with many happy memories. Zhi Hai and Yourong were particularly close since they met each other first. Although that didn't stop them from always including Qian Ping. This all changed when Zhi Hai was named the Crown Prince. The three had reached their teenage years and being more aware of their status, the three slowly drifted apart. Perhaps more accurately, an unknown awkwardness had developed between them over the years.

[Not just Zhi Hai… Yourong too] Qian Ping mused. Never once in his life did he think Yourong would end up being his consort. He never thought nor wished for it to be this way. The current situation was like a trick played by fate on him. But now that Yourong had become his Consort in name, Qian Ping vowed to treat her well. Despite the Zhou family being supporters for the Crown Prince, Qian Ping would try to get along with them. Though judging from adviser Zhou's reaction today, it was a hard quest.

"Your highness, do you not wish to check on Consort Zhou?" the physician reminded the absent-minded prince.

Coming back to his senses, Prince Ping quickly rushed back inside LiHua Palace. He went straight towards Yourong, who was sat up in bed with a soft smile. A wave a relief washed over Prince Ping seeing her indeed looking fine. Sitting on the bed facing Yourong, he gently took hold of her slightly cold hands.

"Yourong, how are you feeling now?" he worriedly asked.

"I'm feeling fine your highness," Yourong answered. She kept a soft smile on her face to assure him. "You don't need to worry about me."

"How can I not worry about you?" Prince Ping retorted. "You aren't lying to me are you? Yourong, if you feel any-"

Yourong gently squeezed Prince Ping's hands. "I'm good. That prickly pain I was feeling has all gone."

"How is that possible?" Prince Ping queried. He looked towards the waiting physicians. "What was the illness?"

The five physicians looked at one another again. After a few seconds of back and forth glancing, the more elderly physician stepped forward. "Prince Ping, the five of us have come to an unbelievable conclusion," he said. "Consort Zhou was never ill. We believe the pain she felt wasn't from natural causes associated with the body."

Prince Ping's brows knitted together. He couldn't believe what his ears had just heard. "Repeat yourself," Prince Ping ordered, his concentration fully on the elderly physician. "Say things clearly."

"Your highness, the pain Consort Zhou felt was not caused by any illness," the elderly physician reiterated. "Her body is in a healthy condition."

"Preposterous," Prince Ping stood and shouted. There was a hint of anger in his tone. "How did you all come to such a ridiculous conclusion? If Consort Zhou isn't ill then why did she feel so much pain before? Are you trying to fool me?"

All five physicians dropped to their knees on the floor in fear.

"Your highness, we aren't lying. We really believe Consort Zhou was never ill," another physician spoke up to defend them.

"Preposterous," Prince Ping shouted even more loudly than before. "If it's not illness, then are you suggesting some kind of supernatural phenomenon was to blame here?"

The five physicians nervously kowtowed towards the angry prince, desperately apologizing and restating their diagnosis. Being doubtful Prince Ping kept interrogating them. However, no matter how many times Prince Ping questioned the five, their testimony did not change. That meant these five royal and experienced physicians truly believed Zhou Yourong's pain wasn't caused by any illness.

[How can this be?] Prince Ping still could not accept such an absurd diagnosis. The veins on his forehead was about to pop from an intense mix of uneasiness and anger. His concern for Zhou Yourong as clear as day.

Watching Prince Ping's worry-filled expression, Yourong felt happy. She was very content that he cared so much for her. "Prince Ping," Yourong spoke up, getting his attention. "I trust all five physicians and their skills. Perhaps this really isn't just a simple illness."

Prince Ping returned to her bed, taking her hands again. "Yourong, you agree with their judgement?"

Yourong gave a slow nod. "As unbelievable as it sounds, if all five experienced physicians say so, then perhaps there really is something supernatural at play." She cast her eyes downward, expressing distress.

"Yourong, don't worry," Prince Ping assured, "I will find out what's going on. I won't let you get hurt."

Yourong nodded at Prince Ping with a smile. It was her way of telling him she trusted his words.

Prince Ping instantly called for Sixi and instructed him to do a search throughout Ping Tian Palace. Regardless of his own thoughts on the matter, he will make sure that no possibilities go unconsidered.