Four Months Ago (Part 9)

Yourong's apprehension about Prince Ping wasn't entirely amiss. Seeing his impassive reaction to the mention of Liu Ding Yiu, worry unfurled throughout her body. [He will think Liu Ding Yiu is suspicious too right] she wanted to affirm. Yourong was concerned Prince Ping's silence meant he thought otherwise. Unable to ask, she could only observe and guess.

Prince Ping had indeed purposefully kept silent. His own views on the matter deeply troubling him. Unlike Sixi and Jing Ke who instantly took Liluo's hint and began to think Liu Ding Yiu was suspicious, and unlike Yourong who seemed to worry for the missing girl, Prince Ping only had one unexpected thought [Liu Ding Yiu, survive].

"Sixi," Prince Ping eventually spoke, "did you search the whole of Ping Tian Palace?"

"I did but I couldn't find Consort-"

"Did you find any suspicious objects or see anything out of place?" Prince Ping pressed for further details. He intentionally switched the focus away from Liu Ding Yiu, which didn't go unnoticed by everyone in the room.

Yourong's face went slightly dark.

"Your highness, I made sure to conduct a thorough search, but I've not found anything suspicious within the palace grounds," Sixi replied.

"Impossible! There can't be no traces at all. Whether it's something supernatural or not, there must be evidence somewhere," Prince Ping said, trying to calmly assess the situation. [The timing of this 'Cursed Doll' rumour spreading in the palace is too coincidental. It must be linked to Yourong's illness] he thought. [Somewhere in this palace, someone must be using a cursed doll. We have to find it]. "Sixi, search the entire palace again and-"

"Your highness, can I be bold and suggest something," Liluo spoke up loudly.

Prince Ping threw Liluo a warning look.

"Your highness, we only need to search Cheng Yue Palace again," Liluo continued, ignoring the well-intended warning.

A perilous cold gripped Liluo as she awkwardly stiffened. Prince Ping's glare at her had sharpened to the point she could almost feel real pain on her body. She was terrified by the prince's obvious discontent.

"Your highness, please hear me out," Liluo stammered. She held her hands up in the air innocently, as though Prince Ping was about to shoot an arrow at her. "I'm extremely worried about Sister Zhou. I also want to get to the bottom of this as soon as possible." She glanced at Zhou Yourong for help. "Having heard what Sixi and Jing Ke said, isn't it obvious that Consort Liu is the culprit?"

"Sister Tong, you shouldn't speak so rashly," Yourong quickly said in a worried tone. "There's no proof Consort Liu has anything to do with this."

"But Sister Zhou, your highness, don't you find it strange that Consort Liu has gone missing at this time. Where would she be?" Liluo boldly argued. "I think she must be related to this Cursed Doll incident. She must be the one secretly harming Sister Zhou."

"Enough Sister Tong," Yourong spoke up again. She rushed to Prince Ping's side and gently touched his arm. Yourong nervously looked at him, "please forgive Sister Tong for her rash statements. I can't believe Consort Liu would curse me."

Prince Ping forced back the growing vexation in him and patted Yourong's hand to assure her. "Don't worry Yourong. I will find the one harming you."

"Sister Zhou, I'm only thinking logically here," Liluo defended herself. She turned towards Sixi, "are you sure you searched all of Cheng Yue Palace? It isn't a small residence. What about the renovation area?"

Sixi's eyes widened for a split second and he lowered his head before Prince Ping. "Apologies your highness. I didn't search the annex building in Cheng Yue Palace. That building was left half-demolished when renovation work on it ceased. I didn't expect anyone would go there."

"It's fine Sixi. I'll personally head there to search myself," Prince Ping said. "Jing Ke, order some guards to protect Yourong here."

"Your highness, please allow me to come as well," Yourong pleaded. "I want to confirm for myself, whether Consort Liu is really cursing me."

"Yourong, you believe Consort Liu would harm you?" Prince Ping asked, his tone strangely calm.

"It's possible," Yourong said. "I'm not too familiar with her. She could be that kind of a person."

Prince Ping kept silent. His expression was impassive and unreadable.

[He's not going to say anything] Yourong secretly thought. [Does he think Liu Ding Yiu is innocent?] Seeing Prince Ping didn't respond, Yourong went over to Liluo, "Sister Tong, please accompany me. I'm a little scared." She looked at Prince Ping with a nervous expression. Though deep down, Yourong was actually ireful with the lack of response from him. "Would you permit this your highness?"

Prince Ping slowly nodded. "Sixi, Jing Ke, we're going to Cheng Yue Palace," he announced, walking out.