Living in the city

-Well, how do you feel after your first day at magic school?

-It's slow. Boring really. Can we go hunting now?

-Sure.  Also, the first class was made so it was boring, but if you pay attention you will notice that what I teach will help you a lot. First, try body reinforcement and remember what I was talking during class.

She shrugged and did so. Her energy flowed more easily, but she attributed such to the new set of moves. Yoga/Taichi/Krav Maga/Qigong (The hard and soft) really is strange and actually hard. Too many sudden changes.

(Concentration in one point is easier, but dangerous. Leave at least 1 part of power for each part of your body when doing so. Strengthening important organs needs strength in the whole system it works…)

Advices flooded her mind and she started having difficulty doing something she thought easy just yesterday.

-I see by the sweat on your forehead that you are having difficulties. The best way to rid of then is to throw away the time you have to think and integrate everything in your body. Now let's go kill something to skin and order better clothes for you.

-What's the problem with my clothes?

-Not pretty enough.

-We got double from yesterday, triple technically, but overall double.

-You're going to give money to a slave?

-You helped and I am too lazy to separate money for your use.

-Isn't there supposed to be more money for me then?

-She did save your ass, idiot.

-Ok, I get back what I said.

-Now, Ashaka, let's go treat you.


-Spa, Agatha, where is the spa? You worked there, didn't you?

-Of course, follow me.

Sorry for the delay, but presenting someone who is not ready isn't on my style.

After nail polishing, hair brushing, washing, depilation, relaxation massage and a sauna, not necessarily on this order, all three of then were now more beautiful and tidy.

Agatha's red hair was shining, as were her purple eyes. Being the sharp women she is, it didn't take long for her to get discounts and a promise for of VIP membership if she could find someone who would vouch for her. A VIP to be exact. The kind that paid for it.

Aki has a round face, dark brown hair and eyes, 1,81 at height and a lean figure that didn't bulge in muscles, but showed dedication to it. The way he ported himself was times like an ancient being and times like a normal adult who was having fun with his friends and showered then with a gentle smile.

Ashaka was the more impressive one. With raven black hair, red eyes and a chocolate like skin she attracted many eyes. A defined and muscular body could easily be identified, but if one really looked, they would see the grace and curves of a woman in her prime. Very big boobs too, around E cup.

Her face was no different, be it the scar on her cheeks or her tusks, they only added a ferocious and powerful look.

These two beauties accompanying such a normal guy was enerving to many. His talent was quite normal too (normally you reach rank 1 at 16, but it won't be strange for you to still have 1 star for years later, so they think he doesn't have a good talent because he looks to be in his twenties), so many thought they should try their chance with the human girl, since the orc was obviously a slave.

-Do these clothes really look good on me? I was never very good with fashion.

-Of course, those pants accentuate your thighs and it was me who choose it, don't you trust this sister?

-No, well…

-Relax, you look beautiful and it's very practical. Lots of guys are looking at you like an oasis at the dessert, so I am quite sure. Let's go out before our (future) membership is banned for starting a fight inside.

That was quite smart, since some nobles were eyeing her already. So when they teleported, most people were Actually very surprised. Mostly because this Spa has a space look that works on those below rank 4.

Aki actually had a trick to fool that though. The space lock is a very costly… Thing. He couldn't actually determinate its origin, but he could read it, and anything that can cause a space lock is expensive, so that obviously would be one of, if not the most guarded place on the establishment.

The effect that worked on the area was very simple. No space ripple was allowed inside, or it would be disturbed and stopped. None actually thought someone would actually teleport using  a time ripple.

More like a short jump in a timeline where there is no disturbances to their path and back to their own, then a teleport.

Such feat can be done easily because time doesn't need space, it is simply there and everywhere. So it can be opened in any place you want. Do forget physics when talking about time magic please.

Obviously though, if you do the wrong magic operation you will simply shred yourself to pieces, but so it is with any other space related action.

The correct analogy would be that their bodies were in a escalator, while one feet was out and that they jumped outside where they wanted.

-Eh? Where, wasn't there a lock in the spa?

-Yep. And I can still go out whenever. I will explain in detail if you choose to change to the paragon path, but otherwise there is no need.

-Paragon path?

-It's when you are a mage which uses all elements. It's hard in general, but quite easy for me and some other people who are specialized on such kind of thing. Let's go, we don't want to be detected by too many guys.

-These javelins are kind of…

-Shity. They are mass produced items made by normal human apprentices after all. I told you, just learn to make good elemental spear and throw then.

-I know that's an option, but I literally don't think there is anyone on rank 2 who can fucking do that while on a battlefield and using body reinforcement.

-Of course there is, I can do it. Yes, I know that doesn't really count to you, but that at least proves that you should be able to train and get there. Now, let's go to the Inn and…

-Excuse me sir, are you Aki, the new substitute teacher on Tryon Academy who got third place?

-That would be me, yes. You want me to teach someone something specifically or simply a tutor?

-My master, the lord of the city, wishes to meet you and sent me with a carriage to take you to his manor.

-Is that so? To even send a man on the third rank for such person as myself, it is a great honor. I would love to attend. Ashaka, go back to my room and wait for me. If someone comes with another message explain it to then and watch that box, you know which.


-I am ready, unless the Lord requires me to dress more formally, of course.

-There's no need, follow me.

And so Aki entered the carriage with the old butler. Silence overcame them until halfway.

I will be translating the conversation for the more idiotic or lazy people.

-The city Lord wishes to speak to you about a certain group of individuals who recently have entered the city and seem to be trying to build a base for themselves. The shadow's hand. Would you happen to know about then. (Are you affiliated with them?)

-Very little sir. I found out that they started expanding their influence in various parts or the slums and recently tried to recruit me. Obviously I didn't accept and made my preparations against then. (Of course not, I am just after than too.)

-Oh, I see. If you don't mind, would you tell me why you didn't accept the invitation? (You expect me to believe you?)

-No problem, it's just that as a law abiding citizen I couldn't dream of entering a gang. What would my future look like if such bad choice was even considered? (Like those fuckers have a future. They are not that good that I'd consider something like that.)

-Certainly. The city lord himself is looking into the matter, so it won't be long until they are expelled from the city. (It doesn't matter. We will find out about you as we destroy them mercilessly.)

Silence remained until they reached the city lord's room. The talk there wasn't really that important, but the meaning was obvious. "I am the one with power here, not you". Of course, the threat was more complex, but you got what I mean.

They were at least courteous enough that they sent him to his inn though.

-Ashaka, you awake?

-Urg…  you knew this was going to happen, right?

-Of course. I even prepared in case you died and I had to resurrect you.

-That is a very bad, you were not joking. You can resurrect me. How?

-You are my soul slave, so it's easier, but I'd need to crush some soul before even thinking of trying. A week or two depending of the state of your body.

-Uhhh… isn't that a major taboo?

-Yeah, but if you think a little better you will notice that the result is actually the same for normal people. Even if I keep a it for years, no one with a low cultivation would notice the slightest difference. It's only a taboo because it's a major pain to deal with no matter your level, even turning lots of counter measures into dust.

-Is…  is that so?

-Well, yeah. Anyway, sorry I didn't tell you anything, but they could easily send an interrogator and would definitely go easier on you if you didn't know anything and couldn't  be raped then the crime scene would be the lightest one. I know you are in shock right now so just sit there while I go buy an apology. Remember, I am watching through magic.

And so, that day, she screamed her lungs out saying "Give me more of this white stuff!", because her tribe didn't know how to do cakes.

Luckily there was a sound barrier. Which Aki actually pays a lot to keep up, but that's another story.

-Now that you are feeling better, did you see what kind of guy took the box?

-A very scrawny one who had a strange look in his eyes. Left something over the bed. Most likely some magic tool, but you already took care of that. After that he made a spell and threw some strange looking paper on the window before leaving. I couldn't keep conscious anymore nor I saw a reason to, so I gave out after that.

-The spell was most likely to check for people down the road and I am already analyzing the talisman. Good job! Here, take more cake. (Thankfully this is something most heroes experience so I have some idea of how to solve it)

-Do you got a plan?

-Of course. I will just train so that I can kill everyone around here and make it clear no one wants to mess with me. If possible ransaking some resources in the process. Good right?

-It's stupid.

-But good. It's me after all. Ow, I think I forgot to mention, but you can't progress on your cultivation before I surpass you. One of the downsides of our contract.

*Choking noises*

-Say what?!

-It's not that important. If you get some benefit or lucky encounter it will always be there to strengthen you. It's just that your training speed is gonna be cut down for some time, relax…

-So I have to train my mage path more.

-Exactly, and I know you don't really like it, but…

-One cake per day.
