The sky was ever so dark, as the moon shines bright you can hear the crickets and the cicadas making those annoying noises
that we, humans seem to dislike but that is besides the point we are not here to talk about nature or the sounds a bug
makes. We're here for a story and this story is about a human that was bored on earth doing the same things over and over
again, Waking up, going to school, coming home, and reading. Obviously he does more than this but you get the gist. So
he thought "Why not change things up?" and so he did, the boy started training in terms of exercise I mean c'mon he is so out of shape... Years later he wakes up and realizes that training, no, trying to do anything worth while in this world
is useless simply because he is human trapped by the shackles of humanity I mean one day we all die and at the same time
we live so this boy named John got up out of his bed and said "If this is all I am ever going to amount to then why live?"
John walked to his kitchen while his parent of one is out at work, he goes into the cupboard and grabs a knife. John looks
at the knife and yelled out loud "If anyone out there is listening I beg of you to please end this boring life and grant
me one wish, let me have FUN and POWER in order to do what I want and be WHO I want" and so as inhuman and insane as it
sounds he stabbed him self in the gut. It hurt like a bitch, the blood, red and the pain of such a stab is so unbearable
for a teen such as john to feel but his desire and will outstretch such pain and so with his last breath he says
"Goodbye boring life, and mother I am sorry but I can't take it anymore" while he closes his eyes and waits for death.