Downgraded System

The world slowly returned to motion, and Jin Yahui tried to distract himself from his impending doom by focusing on the pretty little leaves falling ever so slowly to the ground. 'Ah, how graceful they look... ah, how cute they fall. AHHHH, I'M GOING TO DIEEEE!!!' Jin Yahui clenched his jaw and closed his eyes, his very being waiting for his chest to be impaled by Fang Zhou's sword.

On the other hand, the surroundings finally returned to the original speed, and Junior Brother Fang Zhou- who was none the wiser- thrusted his sword towards Jin Yahui's heart. The sword inched closer and closer towards his Senior Brother's chest, the sunlight glinting on the sharp blade's edge. The sword made a slick sound as it cut through even the wind. Junior Brother frowned, yet it was too late to pull back the sword.

Senior Brother was going to die.

Junior Brother Fang Zhou tried to curve the sword's trajectory, but he failed to do so. He had never expected that this new disciple of his Master would not even fight back. The sword now had a mere sliver left before it pierced Jin Yahui's clothes, however Junior Brother unexpectedly felt resistance within the air. Before he could react, a dark light escaped from an area near Jin Yahui, and he was sent flying in the opposite direction. Barely being able to land on both of his feet, Junior Brother Fang Zhou could only stare at the unassuming Jin Yahui in surprise. Perhaps this was why his reputation proceeds him- Disciple Jin Yahui truly was a hidden dragon and crouching tiger; a diamond hidden within several layers.

Jin Yahui waited several seconds for him to die for the second time, yet the pain that he was expecting never arrived. Surprised, he opened his eyes and was met with a curious sight- Junior Brother Fang Zhou was crouching a few meters away from him while his sword had broke, leaving behind only a few pieces and ash.

Just what had happened? Here he was, expecting his second death, yet Junior Brother was blown away and his sword was turned to ash. Talk about the reversal of a hopeless situation. He heaved a sigh of relief before his mind switched to the next problem: would Junior Brother continue to attack him?

They stayed in that position- Junior Brother watching Senior Brother, Senior Brother watching Junior Brother- for a good thirty minutes before Jin Yahui was sure that this Junior Brother of his no longer had the intention of fighting him.

Continuing to vigilantly watch his Junior Brother just in case he changes his mind, Jin Yahui immediately grasped the crux of the next problem. How was he going to explain this newfound ability? Or more like, how the h*ll was he going to trick Junior Brother into believing that he wasn't suspicious despite the fact that he managed to completely turn around a situation like the previous one?

Jin Yahui paused and thought further. Well, he most likely hadn't acted out of character (ooc), since Junior Brother didn't said something cliche like, 'You aren't Jin Yahui.' However, how was he going to explain this? A forcefield, maybe? Or perhaps something like a precious artifact? Argh... this was a lot harder than he thought it would be!

"Senior Brother."

"Y-y-yes!" Jin Yahui jumped in surprise.

"It's a good thing you didn't die yet." And with that, Junior Brother Fang Zhou straightened himself out before he walked away, leaving Jin Yahui alone before the temple of the Elders.

As if he had heard the 'not guilty' results of a hearing, Jin Yahui quickly deflated with relief. Looks like he wasn't to die here... at least not yet. He rubbed his face with his hands before he once again thought things through.

Junior Brother most likely thought that he had some ulterior motives for coming to the Scarlet Phoenix sect. Otherwise, why else would he act so hostile towards this Senior Brother of his? D*mn. How the h*ll is he to protect a person that doesn't trust him? Seems like the odds of getting the wish are getting infinitesimally smaller.

Jin Yahui sighed and then suddenly realized a more pressing problem. He looked around, glancing at the beautiful trees and the temple towards the tip of the mountain.

He had no idea where he was, so how was he going to return back to the sect?

"F*ck!" Jin Yahui said. He glanced behind him towards the temple. Could he go in there and ask for directions from the Elders? Jin Yahui sighed. He should probably stopped daydreaming and start trying to find his way back.

Surely the only thing he had to do was go down... right?


Jin Yahui had spend a good ten hours trying to go down the mountain. Unfortunately, it seemed as if there was a spirit array or something of the sort, preventing him from being able to make his way down. Instead, he had found himself going around in circles for a good three hours. Then, after a squirrel had thrown an acorn at his head, he realized just what it was that he was doing.

After that, he spend quite some time wallowing in his own uselessness before he once again stood up to face the never-ending greenery. He had never hated trees this much. Choosing a random path, he walked down the mountain with renewed energy. Surely, he isn't that dumb!

And he wasn't! After what seemed like an eternity, Jin Yahui had finally returned to back to the outdoor dining hall, several disciples roaming around the various tables and chairs. Making his way through the throng of people, Jin Yahui finally managed to enter his cabin for some peace and quiet.

Though, it didn't stay quiet for long. Almost immediately, Jin Yahui sat down on the floor and called out for his system. After a few seconds long wait, a bright pink screen with even brighter letters appeared before him.

< System sends its greetings to host. >

Jin Yahui breathed a sigh of relief. Although the way the system spoke has changed, at least it doesn't seemed to have changed drastically. "What happened back there?"

< ? >

"What? What's that '?' for?"

"Fine. I'm asking about the downgrading and then the whole 'I didn't die by the hands of Junior Brother' thing." Jin Yahui stared with a grim look on his face as the cutesy characters slowly appeared on the screen. He sighed once he read what the system stated.

< System has downgraded. Host does not have permission to view this information. >

Jin Yahui had to forcefully calm himself by glancing at his surroundings. Dusty mud floors. A single, small bed. One window above the bed. A closed door. Phew, he felt better. "System. The f*ck are you for, then?"

"Fine. Can you please explain why you always appear at the most random times?"

< Host has not chosen a password. >


< Host must choose a password. >

A password? Jin Yahui thought back to the the times when he had to choose a password for his little sister. What was the last game that she had played? "Oh yeah, it was My Little Pony."

< Password chosen.>

"Wait, what?"

< Host has chosen the password. >

"What do you mean!?" Jin Yahui stared at the screen in shock. He thought back to what he had said... "Oh sh*t, you don't mean that my password is-"

< The theme song of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. >

Jin Yahui fell to his knees (orz). He had no words to describe what he felt in his heart. After lighting an incense stick to his sanity, he once again returned to questioning his golden finger. Or should he say his blackened finger. "System. Can you explain why I don't have any of the previous Jin Yahui's skills? And what do you do, exactly?"

< Host's body's cultivation had been sealed off. Music System is a Music System. Music System only plays music.>

F*ck my life. Jin Yahui now knew how it felt to fall down to the depths of despair. Other people get a scheming system, a last wish system, the strongest system... and here he gets a Music System. Just what did he do in his previous life to deserve this?

Wait, he thought again. Perhaps this is due to the downgrades? Maybe if he upgraded the system, he could fix his golden finger for the better!

"System. Is there anyway to reverse the downgrades?"

< System will analyze what the Host has asked for. Undergoing analysis. 0.0000001% completed. Estimated time for completed analysis: 100,000 years.>

"F*ck! 100,000 years!? You've got to be kidding me, System!"

< System will re-analyzed estimated time of completed analysis. Host was correct. Estimated time for completed analysis should have been 1,000,000 years. Thanking Host for being diligent.>

"Diligent my *ss!" He felt like breaking the already broken door. He closed his eyes, out-of-breath in his anger. "Alright. That route's closed. What about the wish at the end? Can I still get it if I complete the two goals?"

"Gah! You are literally useless, System! At least give me something!"

< The previous Jin Yahui's diary is hidden underneath the floorboards of the bed.>

"The f*ck? Are you serious?" At that, Jin Yahui quickly dived underneath the bed, using all of his strength to push it out of the way. The only thing left was a floor of, well, dirt, and he began to dig with much enthusiasm. That enthusiasm quickly drained away as he continued to dig for more than an hour. Jin Yahui had no idea what it was he wanted to do- at the moment, he was debating between lighting an incense stick within his heart, or just ending his suffering here and there.

While thinking this nonsense, Jin Yahui finally struck gold- he had unearthed a bounded book that was supposedly the previous Jin Yahui's diary. The diary was black leather made with the skin of a snake, though they probably wouldn't be called snakes here. The book was bound with a light brown strap which looked almost as though it would disintegrate with a touch of his hand. The pages were yellowed with age. At that and with a deep breath, Jin Yahui closed his eyes for the reveal. His fingers met with the buckle of the strap, and with little effort he... couldn't unbuckle the diary. "What the h*ll?" Jin Yahui opened his eyes. The belt strap still looked as fragile and old as before, yet no matter how hard he tried to unbuckle the strap, it just wouldn't budge. "System! The f*ck is up with this!?"

< ? >

Jin Yahui sighed and pressed his hand against the pink screen. "Don't f*ck with me, okay, system?" He waved his arms in obvious anger. "Why can't I open this darn diary?"

< Host does not have the adequate amount of spiritual energy. If Host begins to cultivate now, then Host will be able to achieve the first state of spiritual realm in 10,000 years. As Host has previously demonstrated attentiveness, System asks that Host continues to be diligent in the future. >

Jin Yahui glanced at the diary before him before returning his gaze to the heartless screen before his very eyes. "What if I say no?"

< Host will be unable to open the diary. >

"F*ck!" Jin Yahui calmed down. He glanced at the old diary and thought about alternatives. Perhaps the system was right in saying that he needed whatever amount of years to be able to achieve the first state of the spiritual realm... but that was for him. And he wasn't in his own original body.

"Ha. Haha. Hahahahahahaha!" Jin Yahui placed his hands on either side of his hips. "I am a genius!" He turned towards the diary before him and placed his hand over the light brown strap. "If I was the previous Jin Yahui who was supposedly a really high up there guy, then I would obviously make it so that my blood would be the only thing to open this!"

Jin Yahui quickly stabbed himself and then let a drop of blood drip onto the diary. It was time to wait.


Author's Theater

Jin Yahui: You always take so long to write a chapter, author!

Author: I'm sorry! I just can't write that fast!

Jin Yahui: That's no excuse! I want everyone to know my awesomeness!

Music System: You mean, you want everyone to see how your relationship with Junior Brother progresses?

Junior Brother: ...

Jin Yahui: ...

Author: ...

***None of the plays/theaters deal with the actual storyline. Take them for entertainment only! ^^