Ancient Tomb

After a while, someone walked into the cave. It was Yunyun. She was wearing only a towel and nothing else. When she saw Hou Yan, she was frightened as she didn't think that someone was inside the cave. Due to being scared by the sudden appearance of Hou Yan, she lost grip of her towel and it fell.


Hou Yan, following the system's advice, burned the image on the deepest end of his eyes. From Yunyun's perspective, she saw Hou Yan's eyes were bloodshot and were staring at her body.

Feeling embarrassed and ashamed, she quickly grabbed her towel and ran out of the cave. Hou Yan watched her back as she ran out. Her ass jiggling as she ran.

An evil fire began to burn in his lower abdominal. In other words, he got a boner from just looking at her jade-like bubbly ass jiggling. He wanted to push her down, but he held himself back. Now wasn't the time as he needed to get out of here or else they might catch up to him.

"Thank you for the meal" Was all Hou Yan could speak. Unknownst to him, Yunyun heard his words and her face was even redder than before. She felt the greatest shame she had ever felt.

[Hehe, you are welcome]

'Did you plan this system?'

[Yup. I could've teleported you before, but I felt like you needed a bit of an extra reward for what you have accomplished... and a way to lower your anger]

'Why lower my anger?'

[That's because... My skills need the use of your system points. In order to activate my strongest skill, I needed a billion points and you just had a billion points]


[Relax big boi. It's not like you can work for them again. Also, rather than shouting, you should thank me for the meal I just gave you and for saving your life]

'... Fine, I will forgive you this time for saving my life.'

[Hehe, good]

Yunyun came back to the cave room fully dressed. She couldn't look Hou Yan in the eyes as she was really embarrassed by what happened a minute ago.

"Hehe, Yunyun, don't be that embarrassed."

"How could I not be this embarrassed when my whole body was seen by a man!"

"Sigh, I feel bad for looking at your body naked. How about I make it up for you?"

"How are you going to make it up to me? Reverse time?"

"No no no. I can't reverse time. But what I can do is, show you my naked body too!"


He was immediately rejected without a second thought. Hou Yan felt depressed about this. When Yunyun saw this, she was sort of happy. He saw her naked body and she was able to make him depressed. Fu~, now that's payback.

(A.N. She is stupid. I'm going to kill her off)

"Well, since you are back now, we shall we head off to?"

Yunyun asked as she didn't know what to do anymore.

"I will drop you off at the ports of our continent and send you off to Divine Continent. I will need you to be my messenger and warn the upper powers of that continent. Because they won't believe you, I will send more people from our continent to follow you. You all will depart 2 months from now and head to convey this message."

Then, Hou Yan began to write all the important information he discovered and wrote it on a paper. He asked the system to duplicate this paper, and received 100x duplicates of it and gave Yunyun one of them while storing the other ones.

He then grabbed Yunyun and put her over his shoulder and ran towards the ports of the continent. During the time, Yunyun wanted to get down as she felt that Hou Yan was taking advantages of her, which he was.

Hou Yan kept on pressing his face on her ass and sometimes taking a sniff, which would earn a spank from her. Though every time she spanks him, all he did was just let out a moan. A weird one at it.

After a while of running at top speed, they arrived at a port and went towards the areas where you could rent a ship. Hou Yan spoke with the owner and rented a huge and strong ship that would sail from here to Divine continent's safest port.

Though Hou Yan didn't know a thing about Divine continent, it wasn't the same for Yunyun. Her father ones took her to Divine continent in order to broaden her knowledge.

The continent was massive beyond words and had many experts on it. The Qi there was so pure, it was able to elevate the speed of one's cultivation by a lot. The continent housed many experts that the amount was truly incomprehensible.

Leaving Yunyun at an inn with tons of money to last her for a while, he left to the markets to buy food. He gathered tons of food that would last them a whole year and stored them all.

Then, he left from the area and went towards the mountains in order to assimilate with his bloodline. Before he could reach the mountain area, he found a tomb. Unlike any kind of tomb, this one was well hidden. Well, not really.

When Hou Yan was flying over it, he saw a graveyard. This graveyard only contained one grave and this grave was releasing some kind of ancient aura.

Hou Yan didn't want to disrespect this fallen senior, but... he couldn't hold back his urges to find out what was hidden in there. He took his trusty o' gravedigger. Then he began to dig and dig.

What was surprising was that Hou Yan wasn't able to find a coffin or a body, rather he found a hole leading to a secret tomb. Before he jumped inside, Hou Yan began to cover up the hole he created before proceeding to check out the secret tomb.

Because he found a tomb and it gave off ancient aura, he decided to call it Ancient Tomb.

Inside the tomb, the system's notification went off.

[Yeet... Host has 3 seconds to find a place to assimilate with the bloodline]

[2 seconds]

[1 second]

All of a sudden, Hou Yan fell to the ground unconscious. His bloodline began to rotate around his body while giving off an ancient aura. Way more ancient than the one the grave gave off.

Deep inside the cave, a spirit was awoken from its rest. Then it flew towards Hou Yan. When it saw the ancient bloodline of the lad, it's interest was intrigued. It thought to itself, if it took over this lad's body, what great heights it could reach.

"Hehe, Young lad, because you are unconscious and waaaay defenseless, I have a chance of taking over your body."

Thought it was impossible to take over a living person's body as a spirit, but if the person is unconscious and his soul is focused on something else, it is 13% percent possible to take over their body, but if they fail, they disappear forever.

That's why many spirits don't do this as they could disappear forever if they fail.

When the spirit tried to enter Hou Yan's body, it heard a voice from Hou Yan's body.

[Oh no you don't! <>!!]


The spirit flew out of Hou Yan's body injured. What's worse than that was that it had failed to take over Hou Yan's body and it began to dissipate.



While all of this was happening, Hou Yan was still unconscious. After a while, Surrounding Qi began to gather around Hou Yan. The Qi began to rotate and rotate and began to bang on a gate. It was as if Hou Yan was about to break through, which he was.

[Stupid author]

Ehhm... Finally, after a while, the gate began to crack and then broke into pieces. The Qi that was outside of the gate began to rush inside and fill up the empty room. System notifications began to go off.

[Yeet... Host has leveled up to Void Shattering Upper realm]

[Yeet... Host has leveled up to Void Shattering Peak realm]

[Yeet... Host has reached the peak of this world]

[Yeet... For accomplishing such feats, Host has received 50 million points... To receive more points for such feat, Host must reach the top in stronger worlds]