Battle Against Bloodlust Demon Sect's disciples

Ding Bi: "Oh no! They caught up to us! What should we do, senior sisters?"

Ding Bi was beginning to panic because the men who were coming after them were from the Bloodlust Demon Sect. Because the young master of the sect thought Meng Xinyue looked beautiful, he wanted her. Although Meng Xinyue was from a large sect called Heaven Seeking sect, Bloodlust Demon sect was famous for its brazen actions. They had devoured many virgins from many sects.

Qiao Wu: "Senior sister, runaway, we will delay these bastards!"

Meng Xinyue: "No! I am not leaving you guys behind!"

Long Tian stayed silent as he didn't know what to do. Then he remembered the secret passage he had dug out a while ago in case of an emergency.

Long Tian: "Erm.. fellow sisters, if you want to escape from them, I know a way."

All the girls looked at Long Tian in unison and said, "You do?!"

Long Tian: "Follow me."

Long Tian led them to a certain place in the cave and pushed a hidden rock. The rock moved back and opened a small passage that led to somewhere. Once all the sisters and Long Tian were inside the secret passage, Long Tian pushed back the rock. It fit perfectly into the cave that no one would realize unless they looked carefully.

They ran away from the cave and followed the passage, leading to god knows where. Meanwhile, Meng Xinyue contacted her master for help.

The moment when they had left, the disciples of Bloodlust Demon sect came inside the cave. They looked around and weren't able to find the girls. There were a fireplace and meat on the ground of the cave, but no bodies. The disciples were confused as to why they couldn't find them and thought that they might've been tricked. However, the leader of the group immediately thought of something and began to look around.

One of the disciples who was curious as to what their leader was doing spoke, "Captain, what are you doing?"

The captain looked back at his fellow comrades and looked down on them. "You guys, how could you not think of the chance that they might've escaped through a secret location? I say, search the whole cave for any clues!"

All the disciples looked as if they had been enlightened and looked at their captain with a bit of reverence. Some began to touch the walls for any hidden buttons while others laid on the floor for any suspicious rock that shouldn't be there. After 2 minutes of searching, one of the disciples pushed rock and the rock moved back.

"Boss, I found something!"

The captain and the rest walked towards the guy who spoke. When they saw the rock getting pushed back, they immediately realized that this must've been the way they escaped through.

"Alright, let's go and follow this passage. If we hurry, we might be able to catch up to them."

They all began to run through the entrance and went through the passage. Meanwhile, Long Tian and the girls have finally exited out of the cave. They were tired and weary from running and began to sit next to the lake. Long Tian was confused as to why they would stop and relax when they are being pursued by a group of bad guys.

Long Tian: "Ermm... Why did we stop? Aren't you guys being pursued by a group of bad guys?"

Ding Bi: "But I am tired!"

Long Tian: "..."

In truth, Meng Xinyue told her master to pick them up from this lake. Now all they had to do was just wait 'till their master arrived. However, not everything goes your way. Instead of their master arriving first, the group of disciples from Bloodlust Demon sect arrived. They stared at the girls with greedy eyes.

One of them spoke, "Since young master said that he would like that girl, doesn't that mean that we could eat the other two?"

Another spoke with a lecherous tone, "Keke, true. You guys can have the two girls, I want that boy." As he said that, he licked his lips and stared at Long Tian with lustful eyes.

When Long Tian saw the disciple's eyes staring at him with lust, he couldn't help but shiver in fear.

Qiao Wu: "Hmph, you dirty bunch of donkeys, don't think you can act brazenly in front of our sect. Watch how our master will teach you a good lesson." Qiao Wu stood in front of the disciples fearlessly as she unsheathed her sword. The other two girls also stepped up and unsheathed their weapons getting ready to fight. Long Tian, on the other hand, didn't know what to do. If he decided to join them on the fight, he would die without retaliating.

The captain of the group of disciples snorted and unsheathed his heavy ax. When it landed on the ground, a small crater was formed. "Hmph, you girls need to be disciplined! ATTACK!"

The girls had to face against 7 disciples while also trying to protect Long Tian. Seeing how he was just dead weight to the girls, Long Tian decided to slowly back away from the battle and hide somewhere.

Unfortunately, he was caught by one of the disciples and was almost injured. Thanks to his quick wits, Long Tian threw himself backward and dodged the fatal blow. He pulled out a sharpened rock and threw it towards the disciple almost simultaneously as he fell.

Because the disciple had higher cultivation than Long Tian, he was able to catch the rock easily. Little did he know that it was coated with a lethal poison. When the disciple was catching the rock with his bare hands, a small cut was made by the rock. Then, the poison entered through that wound and spread through his body.

This poison was called Seven Second Poison. As its name suggests, it was a poison that took seven seconds before the victim even felt pain. During those seven seconds, it would spread throughout the body and deeply root itself into your body.

After seven seconds, the disciple began to scream from the pain he began to experience from the poison. The other disciples looked towards him and immediately ran towards his rescue. Long Tian had long since run away and while the other disciples were running towards the poisoned one, the girls took advantage of this and slashed their backs.

Instead of having one injured disciple, the demon sect had 4 injured teammates. The fight went from being 7 vs 3 to 3 vs 3. Even still, the demon sect had a bigger advantage because the girls were tired.

The weapons clashed causing sparks to come off. The girls were covered in sweat and were breathing hard. They were really tired and couldn't keep up. It was worse for Ding Bi who wasn't used to coming out of the sect. This was her first time coming out and experiencing the world outside. She was also the weakest among the three girls so she had less stamina.

Due to her amazing swordplay, Ding Bi was able to disarm an enemy and was about to strike them, but due to fatigue, her slash slowed down and the enemy was able to move backward and dodge. He took advantage of the situation and grabbed his weapon and slashed at Ding Bi.

Seeing this, the other two sisters shouted, "NO! DING BI!" Sadly, the girls couldn't reach her as they had their hands full. Before the blade of the sword could hit her body, a sharp rock flew from the bushes and struck the enemy's wrist changing the trajectory of the slash. Then another rock was launched, but this one was much sharper and harder than the previous one. It flew towards the enemy's eye and struck him. The enemy was able to react quickly and placed his hand in front of his eye.

Due to the rock's sharpness, it went inside his hand and caused him to scream in pain. Gritting his teeth, the enemy didn't give up and continued pressuring the tired Ding Bi. Long Tian saw the situation was dire and slung two sharp and hard rocks towards him again. One was aimed for his heart while the other one was aimed for his eye.

This time, because there were two rocks heading towards his vulnerable spots, the enemy had to fully sacrifice his left hand and grab both rocks. Similar to what had happened to the disciple who was poisoned had to this one too. When one of the rocks jammed into his hand, the poison invaded into his body and began to spread at a fast rate.


That was the shout that was heard after seven seconds and the disciple fell to the group.

The remaining two saw the situation was dire for them now decided to step back and take out a pill from their sack. When the remaining two girls saw this, they were startled. Who would've thought that these guys would be shameless enough to use such pill? Weren't they afraid that it would destroy their foundation?

"Senior sister, this is bad. Junior sister has collapsed from exhaustion while our cute junior brother is too tired to fire any more of those rocks. He had already depleted his qi into making those rocks sharp and strong. All that's left is us to do something about this."

The two disciples of the demon sect began to transform. Their bodies began to enlarge and the color of their skin changed to red. Two horns appeared on their foreheads while their eyes turned deep red.

"Hahaha! So this is what it feels like to be a demon? How I wish I was a demon! I can feel strength surging through my whole body! I feel like I can defeat anyone!"

"Same! Same Captain! I feel so strong!"

The faces of the girls darkened as they didn't know what to do now.

The captain spoke, "Hehe, now then, cute girls, why don't you surrender for this daddy? Or else, I might accidentally break your limbs."

"Hohoho, I wonder whose limbs are you going to break?"

A domineering voice resounded in the sky.