Heaven's Son (4-in-1 Chapter)

"The heavens has heard our prayers. Meng'er's dantian is showing signs of growth and his first dao palace should be descending on his third birthday." Qi Zi excitedly told her husband while hugging the cute little baby in her arms.

"Hehehe, I am proud of you son. You shall surpass us in time." Qi Yu had a big smile on his face.

"En." Qi Meng nodded with the cutest smile as he replied.

"Mother, what is a dantian? What about the dao palace? Is it delicious?" Qi Meng played really dumb asking these questions since his mother had not really thought him yet about all this kind of stuff. As he is only 2 1/2 years old currently, Qi Zi had only thought him about basic stuff and good manners such as how to be obedient to elders, how to not interrupt while elders are talking, and the like.

"Oh dear, those stuff are not food. They are cultivation stuff. Since you are already ahead of your time and will be able to cultivate starting on your third birthday, listen carefully and attentively to your mother as I will not be repeating it again." Qi Zi is quite strict when it comes to her son's education.

"En, yes mother. I will not forget a single word." Qi Meng obediently replied.

"Dantian is a part of our body around the belly area where we store the qi we gathered when we are cultivating. Dao palace is a gift or a blessing from heavens where the stored qi in our dantian are further stored as it accumulates..." Qi Zi explained detailed and carefully.

"Did you get it?" Qi Zi asked.

"Yes." Qi Meng cutely replied.

Qi Zi smiled and then turned to Qi Yu.

"Dear, have you sent the invitation to the Chu Clan?"

"Yes, they should have already received it and we can expect for their response tomorrow." Qi Yu said.

The Qi Clan is preparing a party for Qi Meng's third birthday and in celebration of his first dao palace descent. This time they did not invite anybody else aside from the Chu Clan.

3 months before Qi Meng's third party, his cultivation realm broke through to the peak stage of the Dao Sage Realm. Although the junior elite squad's cultivation realm is almost at the verge of breaking through to initial stage of the Dao King realm, he had already caught up with them.

If Qi Meng would decide to join their group, he will be the monster of the monsters. Especially right now, he felt that his soul cultivation is also reaching its limit and is approaching another break through.

On the 3rd day of September 2020, year of the Rat, many people are gathered around the palace of the Qi Clan around midnight. The Chu Clan's sect master and elders together with a few young disciples are also present to celebrate with the Qi Clan for Qi Meng's third birthday and dao palace descent.

The Chu Clan's experts and a few young disciples have arrived a few days earlier and is now patiently waiting for Qi Meng's first ever dao palace to descend.

A few seconds after midnight, the sky above the palace lit up brightly and an outline of translucent dao palace descended from the dark sky and hovered above Qi Meng's head.


The dao palace then went straight to Qi Meng's dantian.

Qi Meng had masked his dantian for the others not to see where the dao palace went after flew in to his dantian.

Qi Meng started his meditation as if he is just learning to cultivate.

All the clan members cheered together with all the guests and started to devour the sumptuous meal prepared at the palace.

The celebration continued until morning for those who wants to drink wine an alcohol. Other clan members went back to their abode after congratulating Sect Master Qi Yu and Elder Qi Zi.

The Chu sect master also congratulated them and handed over a small treasure chest to Qi Yu.

The remaining clan members and guests ate and drunk until morning while Qi Meng took the opportunity to cultivate.

The party ended peacefully without any disturbance or intruders this time. It was a joyful and worth it celebration.

After breakfast, Qi Meng went together with his father at the back of the battle arena near the mountains.

"Starting today, Qi Meng will join you in your training camp." Qi Yu informed the five juniors.

The five juniors looked at Qi Meng while sizing him up. As a heaven's child, the four geniuses were quite jealous of this little guy's blessing.

On the other hand, Chu Yuexia is looking at Qi Meng strangely. She knew that this little guy is her fiance and sooner or later she will be married to him. Her rosy cheeks blushed at this thought.

"I have to go to the palace and have a meeting with the elders and our guests from the Chu Clan. You guys can go ahead and do your daily routine. Please take care of Qi Meng for me." Qi Yu said and then left.

After seeing that his father has already walked far away, Qi Meng gave a sneer.

"Come at me all of you at the same time. Let me see what have you been doing this 2 past years or more." Qi Meng immediately challenged his five seniors at the very first day of his training with them.

The five juniors who were called elite squad by some young clan members were agape and speechless at what they heard.

"Qi Meng, what are you saying? Do you want to play a game? This is a training camp and we must work hard in our cultivation in order to prepare for the upcoming Middle Continent Junior Elite Ranking Tournament." Chu Yuexia talked to him sweetly.

"No, I mean what I said. All of you come and attack me at once. 5 versus 1. All of you versus me alone. If you cannot understand this, then I am really disappointed being here." Qi Meng said sternly.

The other four were still speechless with this little guy's courage while Chu Yuexia truly don't know what to say.

As the sect master's only son and their prime disciple, they did not dare to bully him. But that did not apply to Chu Qing and Chu Yang.

"Do you know who are you going against with in the first palce?" Chu Yang asked.

"All of our cultivation base are now at the peak stage of the Dao Sage realm while you are not even at the early stage of the Dao Child realm. Aside from that, our cultivation realm is almost close to breaking through to Dao King. Do you even know what is the difference between these two realms? I thought you would be smart as you are a heaven's child." Chu Qing added as she cannot hold her temper back.

"Hmmph! You lot only know how to talk with your mouths, let me start first with all of you then. Cowards!" Qi Meng mocked them with a snort.

Upon hearing his last spoken word, all five of them have their temper rise up instantly. Qi Meng surely know how to fire up these kids.

Without saying another word, Qi Meng made his move and charge towards them.

He started attacking in the direction of Chu Yang.

He did not use any special fighting technique. He swung a kick with his left foot towards Chu Yang. Unable to respond in time, Chu Yang moved a step backward but he did not expected Qi Meng to stamp his right foot to the ground making his small body to be propelled spinning 360 degrees in the air towards him and his right foot landing on Chu Yang's face. Chu Yang was not able to dodge this incredible swinging kick and it made him sent flying backwards and hit the mountain behind a few kilometers away.

The others have no time to be amazed by this sudden development. They immediately prepared themselves for battle.

All four of them simultaneously launched a strong kick towards Qi Meng.

Upon seeing their attacks coming from all directions, Qi Meng stumped again towards the ground and jumped high up in the air.

The four juniors who attacked simultaneously with full strength had no time to stop their straight kick and had hit each other. After that, they were all sent flying a few meters backwards.

Qi Meng then had his agile small body spin in the air and charged towards Qi Min as his next target. After closing the gap between him and Qi Min, he gave him a straight punch to the face. Qi Min was able to block this punch but he did not expect it to be so powerful that his hand blocking Qi Meng's fist suddenly hit his face thru his nose. He was again sent flying at the same spot where Chu Yang is at currently with a bleeding nose.

Just a few seconds ago had passed when all four of them hit each other. As Qi Jiang was about to get up, he saw Qi Meng running towards him. The moment he reacted, a spinning kick was already on his way. He blocked the spinning kick with both of his hands but the kick's lateral force was too strong and both of his hands hit his chest heavily as he was sent flying away at the mountain opposite to where Chu Yang and Qi Min was sent flying.

Afterwards, Qi Meng took a glance at both Chu Yuexia and Chu Qing as they were already together in a fighting stance.

"Snow and Ice Domain!"


The area within 1 kilometer radius suddenly become surrounded by ice and snow blizzard.

As a previous top-tier Godking, Qi Meng can easily cancel out this battle formation domain without batting an eye.


Qi Meng punched the ground at the center of the snow and ice domain with a bit of power from his soul.

Instantly, the snow and ice domain cracked and the two girls were sent flying not so far away compared with the 3 boys.

After receiving Qi Meng's unstoppable beating, they could hardly stand up as if their qi passages were blocked after being attacked.

They cannot even release their most powerful abilities and fighting techniques in front of this little monster.

"Is that all you have learned from these past few years? Are you hoping for other kids in the tournament to beat you up like this? I am truly disappointed." Qi Meng told them as if they deserved the beating from him earlier.

"Go! Prepare my resting abode in the camp. Starting today, I will be the boss of this training camp. And one more thing, not a word should get out about what happened earlier or else not only a simple beating awaits all five of you. If you want your life then don't go against me in the future. This is my only advice since you are all in the same clan or friendly clan with me."

All of them heard Qi Meng's sermon as if he is really the boss.

If they would only be able to know his true identity in his previous life, they would be happy to be beaten by him everyday. Not everyone can enjoy this privilege being able to train with a king of kings.

They were speechless. There was not a single word that came out from their mouth. They understood that this little guy is a monster and he is not playing a joke when he said all those threats earlier.

They tried their best to get up but it is really hard for them to as their qi passages has been blocked by Qi Meng's relentless simple basic form of attacks.

After a while, they slowly got up one by one and walked towards the training camp.

They were still shocked and cannot believed what just happened.

Unaware of the situation outside the training camp, they did not even noticed that the entire training camp was protected by an illusion array. When one approached from the battle arena, they will see that all six of them are sitting down around facing each other and seriously cultivating.

Of course, Qi Meng would not reveal just yet who he really is as he did not want other people to disturb their peaceful cultivation.

Even if Qi Yu would come back and enter the training camp, he would not know that he is speaking to illusions created by the array formation. Others might not know, but an immortal would not even dare entering this type of array formation afraid that they would get lost inside and die.

Of course Qi Yu would not die from this array as this is only an illusion array not an illusion killing array formation.