When her principal returned back he found her sleeping in front of his house with bruise's on her body and with great shock he tapped her and said "what are you doing here by this time don't you know that a young girl shouldn't be out by this time, where are your parents" and she turned with tears in her eyes and said "pls help my mum" she was sobbing and shaking with fear and he took her into his house helped her take her bath gave her a meal and put her to sleep.

The next morning he left for Eleanor's house before she woke up and when he got there he found her step father sitting in front of the house smoking and drinking, he walked towards him, greeted and asked for his wife and her stepfather replied "are you the man that has been dating my wife behind my back" and with great shock the principal replied "No, am just the principal at Eleanor's school" then he stepped back and continued "I found Eleanor in front of my house yesterday night and she was crying with wounds on her body" and the stepfather asked following what he said " and where is she now" the principal replied in my house. Her stepfather followed the principal home and found Eleanor sitting on the sofa with fear in her eyes and he said to her like a loving father "what happened to you El, you mother and I have been looking for you all night why didn't you come home did you get lost" and all Eleanor did was cry and shiver and the principal told her " its OK now your dad is her to take you home" but Eleanor refused and cried more when the principal asked her why she was hesitating she couldn't reply cause her stepfather was there and he was staring at her with his eyes brow lifted so all she could do was cry.