He turned and saw a dog trying to get food in the trash, he didn't see Sarah and Eleanor cause they immediately walked away which was a close call. He turned back to Hus friends who were relieved cause if he had found out that they knew about the escape and allowed it, it would have been big trouble for them.
Without him knowing A week later he went to the room to unlock the door and found the dark room empty and with shock searched only to find a hole leading to the back yard; with anger and frustration he went to the yard and saw the hole.
Eleanor and her mother went directly to the principal's house and told him the whole story and why she had been silent for all these years; he sympathized with her and said to her "you and your daughter can only spend a night here cause you husband might come looking for you here" and she nodded in agreement during the night Sarah and Eleanor hardly fell asleep cause they were filled with fear wondering what might happen next.