And he just sat there in front of her with a lot of recenent and hatred in his eyes with a roll of cigarette in his hand and a bottle of beer in the other.

Eleanor was drugged anytime she woke up and since her mother was away for the weekend working she had no one, and jack made up his mind to sit and wait for Sarah no matter how long it took her to get home. Then Sunday evening finally came Sarah got back home but was surprised cause usually Eleanor would come running to her to welcome her so she walked to the front of the house and perceived weed then she knew that Jack had found them but she couldn't shout or runaway cause she doesn't know what he might have done to her daughter, then she slowly and quietly walked to the back of the house and then she saw one of Eleanor's friend and asked her to go tell her mom to call the police. The little girl headed home to give the message to her mother while Sarah opened the back door and creeped in to her surprise she found her daughter lying helplessly on the floor with torn cloths, blood on her head, weak and unable to move a muscle when she saw her daughter in this state she screamed unconsciously dragged Eleanor to her chest and cried immediately jack walked to where she was and smiled hysterically and said "how kind of u to finally join the party"

Sarah asked "what have you done to my baby you monster" with tears rolling down her eyes. He only replies saying "its time for you both to come back home where you belong" he dragged her by the hand when she hesitated he beat her up.