After a few minutes they arrived at Samantha's apartment, they saw Eleanor standing outside infront of the apparent waiting for Samantha like a mother waiting for her little daughter to come home. When they got got out of the car Samantha introduced they both but Eleanor wasn't interested all she did was yell at Eleanor for going out and coming back late. Jerry tried to explain but she refused to listen cause she didn't care who he was and why he was there what mattered was that Samantha was okay and she came back in one piece cause she was all she had and she would not be able to bear it if they ever have to be apart cause of any bad reason.

Eleanor took Samantha inside and shut the door without saying thank you or apologizing for ignoring him initially, Jerry who was shocked at her behaviour turned around in anger and drive off. She helped Samantha change and take her bath the helped her wear her pajamas and put her to bed after a while of Eleanor reading she also went to bed. The next morning Samantha woke up and found Eleanor making some soup for her hangover she couldn't say anything but teeptoed to the bathroom, brushed her teeth when she was done she found Eleanor sitting in front of the kitchen table waiting for her and she said looking shameful "good morning, did you sleep well" and Eleanor nodded and replied "how is your head? cause you smashed it on the door last night" Samantha couldn't remember so she just said "am better now" Eleanor pointed at the soup "come eat so you wont feel sick later at work" then she added "you shouldn't be getting drunk like an 18year old girl you are a woman now you should be thinking of how to get married and have kids not wasting your time with people of no value", Samantha got angry and left the soup went to get ready for work and refuse to say anything to Eleanor for a week. Meanwhile she kept seeing Jerry and after a while it got serious she then decided to move in with him, she didn't tell Eleanor anything but came home one afternoon packed all her belongings and left a note on the kitchen counter saying " you are not my family and u have no right to tell me what to do and what not to do, am also older than you and I know better than you. am leaving you can keep living your boring and pathetic life"