Running and casting spells

Nessia chanted what the teacher chanted but only some students managed to cast a shield with the colour of their element.

A small, yellow shield appeared infront of Nessia. ''I guess I am very weak...'' she sighed.

''Good job, whoever who casted the spell. Sometimes, you need to pronounce it perfectly for the shield to appear. You can practise chanting the Shield Spell in your dorm room after classes. The stronger you are, the bigger the shield,'' Professor Lora explained. ''Now, who's ready to duel!''

The class cheered as the classroom changed into a battle arena again. Professor Lora handed out magic dust to the class equally. ''We will have duels before going to our dorms everyday,'' she added.

''However, this time, we'll be dueling our own partners! Also known as dorm-mates,'' the teacher said.

She did her countdown as the class became very competitive.

There were loud horn sounds and the class began casting spells with magic dust and dodging. Exploding and cackling noises were heard as Ledia tried to aim perfectly to get Nessia stunned to the ground. Nessia kept dodging but later felt tired and created a light barrier around her to block Ledia's spells. 

  However, after 3 magic dust spells were casted, the light barrier cracked and Nessia ran for her life until she figured out what she could do.

  As she ran, she threw some magic dust that emitted light. Ledia stopped when she couldn't take the light and Nessia took the chance to fight her.

  The magic dust around Ledia became spikes and Ledia couldn't jump over it. She's trapped!

  Nessia felt merciful and spared Ledia. Professor Lora came to heal Ledia's bruises and Nessia looked at Acidos (the boy who raced with Ledia) and Nick playing around with each other, doing harmless attacks.

  She glanced at Ledia. She was making faces to herself, secretly blaming herself for losing to Nessia.

  Nessia then thought of training with Professor Lora after the duel period is over.

* * *

  As the sun set on the orange and yellow sky, the arena transformed into a classroom again. ''You are allowed to go eat dinner and either sleep or practise the Levitation spell for the exam. Good night,'' Professor Lora smiled as the class except Nessia exit the classroom.

''You too. I'll wait for you at the field,'' the teach said gently. Nessia nodded and quickly headed to the cafeteria.

After eating, she went to the field where Professor Lora was waiting. Both of them did some warm ups and started jogging 3 laps.

Nessia breathed heavily as she tried to keep up with Professor Lora. She felt dizzy and stopped to take a rest. Professor Lora went beside Nessia and noticed yellow spots on her cheek. The teacher gasped, ''Oh my... Your extra powers are awakening!'' Nessia became confused, ''What?''

''Only some people can awaken extra powers. With those, they have more power limits than others. They can dodge a lot of spells without resting, block a very big attack and doesn't need a lot of mana, also known as energy, to cast a spell,'' the teacher explained. ''But when you are awakening extra powers, you'll be weak until the sign on your cheek completely forms into the symbol of your element,'' she added.

Nessia absorbed the information and thought hard. ''So it means you need to rest while it forms. The extra training session is cancelled for today,'' Professor Lora smiled and Nessia went to her dorm room.

She took a shower, brushed her teeth and slept.