Chapter 4

Amina's POV

''You have such delicate skin, I'm gonna rip you from hinges to hinges ''

I felt it's cold claws Traced Down from my lips to my waste

''W .. what do you want '' I stuttered keeping my eyes shut as tears streamed down my cheeks

''Shhhhhh , don't cry ''

His voice sounded cold , and dangerous he continued to trace his claws around my face and it caressed my jawline

I didn't even realize his eyes were closed he entire time till he opened them and said

'' I don't what anything with you , I wants what's inside you ''

With a swift motion he raised his claws over his head and I screamed as his hands came down aim for my throat .

''Amina, Wake up ''

''Wake up ''

I got up immediately almost out of breath and touching my throat to see if any damage was done

''Are you ok ? You screamed in your sleep ''

I finally raised my head to look at who was talking I didn't need any introductions to know who she was . Her signature red hair which Kyle would never stop talking about did look beautiful I had to admit

''I'm fine '' I said taking a deep breath and resting my back on the bed and turning my head to her

''You're Ashely right? '' I asked

She nodded her head smiling

'' Sorry if I just came in I wanted to check if your up ''

She said

''It's your house there's no need to be sorry '' I stated slowly getting out bed

'' it's your house too I mean your pack '' she said nervously like it was her first time meeting a relative of Kyle

I nodded and asked her '' where's Kyle? ''

''He's downstairs in his office I could get him for you '' she said heading for the door

When the fuck did I become so scary the witches never looked at me like this I thought And quickly stopped her

''It's ok , I was just asking '' I tried to forcing a smile

''Ok , dinner will be ready soon if you'd like to join us '' she said

''Sure , I'm starving anyways '' I smiled some more even tho my cheeks were starting to hurt .

She nodded her head and quickly left the room

''Weird '' I thought out loud as I entered the bathroom

I stood in front of the bathroom mirror not being fazed about how awful I look like I normally would . I touched my throat Thinking about the dream I just had .

There was no doubt it was the demon wolf from nightshade , I stripped and turned the shower on . Scanning the bathroom I realized it was already packed with everything I'll need from shampoo to tampons . I got under the shower and my tensed as the cold water hit my skin .

Grabbing a bottle of shampoo I quickly washed my hair and my body next with the body wash , I closed my eyes as the ladder washed down my body . my thoughts were again clouded with the events of the past few days

Why that coven ? , why Nyla ? I was one hundred percent sure she'd never caused any trouble in her entire life as a witch .

I wonder if they all made it to safety, and why would Nyla lie about the existence of demon wolves to me .

I was definitely gonna go crazy if I don't get some answers soon I thought turning off the shower and stepping out of the bathroom with a towel around my chest .

I gasped as I opened the closet and found a whole ass wardrobe with my kinda taste I chuckled as I looked at the full rack of Jordans '' Kyle '' I said out loud

Picking a grey hoodie and a black ripped denim jeans I quickly got dressed

I dried my hair with the towel and left the air to do the rest as I headed down stairs

I finally got to have a good look at the house and it was nice just as Kyle had described when we were little , I found my way to the kitchen where I heard like chatters coming from .

At the dinning table was Kyle , Ashley and the dude who's head I was about to smash into the front door earlier . I paused at the door way watching how Kyle was talking to his mate asking and worrying about her and the baby .

Ashely's gaze averted to me and she waved at me smiling again

''Amina, let's eat '' Kyle said setting me a plate beside him

I walked towards the table and slowly sat down beside my brother

'' hope I didn't make y'all wait ? '' I asked fidgeting with my fingers avoiding eye contact with them

'' a little but it was worth it '' Kyle answered as he stuffed my plate with food

''I wasn't talking about you '' trying to make my voice as bright as possible I continued

'' I meant Ashely and the pup ''

Ashley let out a little laugh as Kyle looked at me and said

''So what I'm suddenly irrelevant to you now ? ''

'' get over it you're old news '' I answered grabbing the plate from him

He chuckled and stuffed his mouth with chicken

'' before I forget Amina this is Jason my Beta ''

I looked at the guy and he smiled at me and said

'' nice to meet you I'm the beta of Red wood ''

He waved is hands at me

'' I'm pretty it wasn't nice at first '' I muttered

'' oh there's no need to worry about that , I get myself into one trouble or the other even now and then '' he said

''And how often does a girl kick your ass?'' Ashely asked him

Kyle immediately burst out laughing and said

''I told you she's be able to destroy you if she wanted ''

Jason sunk back into his chair loosing every confidence he ever had to talk to me

'' I'd destroy both of you '' I said not looking up from my plate and stuffing my mouth with food

There was a brief silence and Ashley burst out laughing again and said

'' God I've never seen the both of you so helpless ''

I chuckled as her laugh was contagious

There was a long silence after that . Everyone concentrate on their food

I thought about it for a while and I finally spoke

''You can ask about it if you want ? '' placing the utensils down I looked at Kyle who turned to Ashley and she nodded a little go ahead to him

'' you said something about demon wolves, ... '' I quickly grabbed a glass of water and he continued

'' how do you know it's not any wolf pack '' Kyle asked

''The magic didn't affect them and everything about them was different in size , strength and speed some of them even had lycan figures ''

I explained everything to them from the beginning to the end and how Nyla wouldn't even let me go close to them

''That's horrifying, '' Ashley said

Jason looked at Kyle who was lost in his thoughts

''You think it might be them ? '' Jason asked Kyle

''You know them ? '' I asked to invading Kyle's answer

'' No , but there are rumors of a demon wolf pack in disguise as a normal pack even the council know anything about it '' Kyle said

I let out a sigh, sunk back to the chair and throw my head back

The room went silent again and I couldn't feel the three of them giving me the pity stares again

'' well I'm here now like you always wanted, you're not gonna have me cooped up in here right ''

I said trying my best to lighten the mood

''Hell no '' Kyle answered with a smile