Chapter 6

Unknown POV

''You'll never get anything out of me , you think just because the council keeps quiet they don't know what you are ''

Standing in the darkest Conner of the dungeon I lazily looked at the all blooded and messed up Beta hanging over a couple of silver chains almost at the brink of death .

I chuckled slightly at his words with my voice echoing around the walls of the prison I said

''And how is it your little sorority described me ? ''

Feeling really amused to hear what he was about to say I moved towards the little little in the middle of the prison where he was hanging from his hands and trying to catch his breath

''They call you the demon wolf king , you and your pack present yourself' sad normal werewolves among others so you can silently cause chaos and strife ''

He said and continued which made me stop in my tracks

''But I think they under described you . You're not just a demon wolf, you made a deal with the devil and draw your powers from your dead victims something only a true alpha can do , you're a true alpha with a demon wolf inside of him ''

I paused for a while after hearing what he said and I burst out laughing

''Demon wolves don't need the devil to be powerful and I'm already as true as I can be that's why you're gonna tell me exactly what I want to hear ''

With that I growled viciously, revealing my claws and fangs before I stepped out of the shadows .

A little while later his screams filled the air and echoed all over the whole dungeon the whole pack would have probably been at high alert if this facility wasn't underground.

Stepping out of the prison someone handed me a towel and I said wiping the blood off my hands and face

''Red moon pack , the daughter with the strength of a thousand wolves ''

I said smiling at the man in front of me as he handed me an envelope

I opened it and saw it was an invitation from the same pack . My smile grew wider and I handed the invitation back to him

''Looks like We have a mating ceremony to attend Zeus ''

With that I walked away laughing out loud thinking how long it has been since I was this happy.

Amina's POV

''So we have to wear white dresses? '' I asked looking at Ashley and Meredith :the new cook : completely confused

''No , the unmated wolves have to wear white" Ashely answer

''Ok two things first , I'm not a Wolf and two I'm not wearing a pretty dress just so someone dude can sniff me '' I said taking a sit beside Ashely

She had become twice her size over the past weeks but she hasn't shut up about planning the perfect party either . I try to help her as often as I can even with my awkward Gamma and Beta activity with Jason, I swear one of these day one of us is gonna end up jumping into the other's skin and there wouldn't be much resistance either.

''Hey , did you hear me '' Ashely said snapping me out of my thoughts

''What ? '' I asked and realized Meredith had already fixed our plates

'' Meredith thinks there is a eighty percent chance of you getting a mate . Wolf or no wolf '' Ashely said

I turned to the cook who smiled and said

'' my son has a human mate so anything is possible ''

''Well I'm not human either '' I murmured and stuffed my mouth with the muffins she just Made

''Oh my god , hmmm this is good '' I said still chewing the food

Ashely just kept on eating hers and giving positive hand signs as to how good they were

We spent the rest couple of hours buying dresses online and we spent almost all the time choosing suitable one for Ashley as she wanted to look stunning in her baby bump

''What do you think about this one , it's long flowy , has slits and is white plus some glitter and pearl details '' I asked her

''It sounds beautiful and suitable for a Luna '' Meredith added and I had to admit she was kinda cool to hang around with at her age

''Hmmm , think Kyle will like it ? ''Ashely asked me hoping I would give her something positive to work with

''I mean I don't know much about dresses but I think you should be choosing to wear something your comfortable in and feel powerful and sexy while at it plus I don't think Kyle cares what you're wearing he'd always find you beautiful ''

I said not even know if what I was saying was gonna make her feel better

''She's right I think the alpha prefers you with no clothes at all '' Meredith joke and we all burst out laughing

There was a slight cough by the kitchen door and we all turned around to see Kyle and Jason watching us

''How long have you too been standing there ? '' Ashely asked as Meredith quickly went back to her cooking hoping no one notices her

''Not long, but i could hear you three talk about me right from the front door '' Kyle said walking towards the kitchen island and hugged His Luna from the back and Jason grabbing a sit beside me

''Seriously '' I thought turning my attention to Kyle and his mate

'' although it's true that I prefer you naked but there will be thousands of prying eyes at the party and that dress would look divine on you '' he said pointing towards the laptop and placing a kiss on her forehead before sitting beside her .

I smiled slightly at their cute interaction and a thought suddenly hits me

''Wait how many wolves did you say are coming? ''

''We don't have an exact amount but ceremonies usually takes up the whole space in the pack so probably more than thousands why are you asking? '' Jason asked

''Nothing, I was just asking '' I answered still kinda lost in my thoughts

''So we still have to run a perimeter check one last time before the party '' Jason pointed out to Kyle

''Relax , there is still three days before the party . do you even have an outfit ready we can't afford to have our Beta roam around in a vintage leather jacket and Prada boots '' Kyle said teasing

Ashely and I burst out laughing till she called me out too

''Don't laugh so much you haven't chosen a dress either ''

I immediately looked at Jason who was already grinning at Ashley's words

''Ok I wanna go see how the decoration at coming along '' Ashely said slowly getting up and we all shouted ''careful ''

She looked at us annoyed and said '' guys I'm a pregnant she wolf not a ticking time bomb ''

She stormed out of the kitchen and Kyle went after her

'' can't decide what to wear ? '' Jason asked

I looked around the kitchen and Meredith was already gone so I turned to him

''I could ask you same '' I answered

'' I'm not looking for a mate '' he said shifting his chair closer to mine

'' me neither, but I think I have more advanced chances than you in this matter '' I got up from my chair but he pulled me back down and closer

''You have no idea what you do to me do you ? '' he asked looking intensely at my lips

'' I don't think I want to risk finding out when there is a mating ceremony for wolves just three days away '' I answered also looking at his lips

His hand slowly reached for my face , he brushed them down to the back of my head and up the back of my head through my hair

''how unlucky am I with the moon goddess that it wasn't you '' he said closing his eyes trying to resist the urge of our bodies touching each other's and he added

''I wanna fuck you on this table so bad ''

I didn't know what came over me and I just blurted it out

''Then do it ''

Within seconds our lips crashed together . He was unexpectedly gentle at first but we slowly started going crazy as he grabbed my hair and I brushed my hands over his now hard member

He lifted me and placed me on top of the table and ripped my tank top off as I was about to do same a loud howl coming from the pack woods made us freeze and Jason whispered in my ears with his eyes closed ''fuck ''

''Rouges ? '' I asked out of breath

Jason nodded his head on frustration as he said

''Gamma And Beta duties calls come one ''

He got me off the table and we both left the kitchen after I put my clothes back on.