Chapter 2

Tajima fathered a son whom he had named Izuna Uchiha after his uncle. Izuna ended up growing much like his father and he was considered to be as strong as Madara Uchiha himself. Though the number of people who considered this was less, most people believed he could only rival Madara Uchiha and not beat him. Izuna was even more of a prodigy than Tajima. Izuna was genin at 5, chunin at 6 and jonin at a mere age of 10. He was a war hero of third great ninja war along with Minato Namikaze who were later considered equals. He and Minato were extremely good friends, both having learnt from the toad sage, Jiraiya. One of the greatest victories of Minato was him having thwarted the chances of Iwa in the War, and Izuna's greatest victory was having thwarted the chances of Kumo in the war. Kumo, Iwa and Kiri had formed an alliance to destroy Konoha after Minato had taken down over a thousand Iwa shinobi, from which Kumo would get 50%, Kiri would get 40% and Iwa a mere 10%. At least this way they would be on the winning side.

Kumo had chosen to attack Konoha head-on and in case they were stopped, Kiri would continue the assault after which Konoha would not stand. Though Konoha might have been strong, it would be unable to take on two villages together.

The third Rakage was leading over ten thousand worthy Kumo shinobi into battle against Konoha, though his son Ay, the candidate for the fourth Raikage and Killer Bee, two of the strongest Kumo shinobi were left guarding the village in case someone attacked.

The news of Kumo marching towards Konoha had reached the Konoha shinobi hearing which Izuna marched head-on into the Kumo troops lead by the third Raikage.

The Raikage was in battle armour. He had a scar on his shoulder. His scar made him look menacing and threatening. The ten thousand shinobi he led were no joke either. Each one was a Level II Jonin. Many of them could be called suicide on the battlefield to shinobi of their own rank. A few of them together could take down thousands of shinobi. They were all wearing Kumo jonin uniforms. Their march shook the ground itself. They left nothing alive in their wake. This march could have been called the strongest march of all time.

During midday, when the Kumo shinobi were marching ahead, a young Konoha shinobi landed in front of them. He was wearing the konoha hitai-ate but nothing about him was like Konoha. He was wearing a black vest, which no village wore in the entire five nations. He had a grin on him which said, 'You don't want to fight me.' He was none other than Uchiha Izuna. His hair was as long as Madara's. It was unkempt. His eyes were normal and he was very cool for a person who was about to take on a thousand Kumo shinobi. Looking at him, the Raikage taunted him saying, "Boy, move and I shall spare you. If you don't, you have sealed your fate."

Izuna grinned and asked, "The fate of me becoming the person who destroyed over a thousand Kumo shinobi?"

The Raikage was perplexed. He was clearly not expecting such an arrogant answer from this Konoha shinobi. Then he examined him. He clearly looked like someone. Then it hit him. The Konoha shinobi standing in front of him looked just like the statue of Madara Uchiha which he had just seen a few seconds ago. This was clearly Madara Uchiha's grandson. He was exactly like Madara. Madara's son Tajima had retired after the Second War. Thus, this Shinobi in front of him was Madara's grandson Izuna Uchiha. Though Izuna was an SS ranked shinobi, but even an SS ranked shinobi couldn't take on over 1000 Kumo shinobi.

The Raikage thought that he ought to be courteous and returned a grin to Izuna, though he was boiling on the inside. He said with all the pride and arrogance, "You might be Madara Uchiha's grandson, but even you cannot take over a thousand of us." The Raikage had seriously underestimated Izuna. Izuna clearly hated being undersetimated. he wanted to be known for his own strengths, not because his grandfather was Madara Uchiha. People outside the village came to fight him only because he was Madara Uchiha's grandson, they did not even care to know that he was in fact way stronger. He was never known for his own strength but only because of is grandfather's. He was jealous of the fact that people respected his friend Minato explicitly for his own strengths. He hoped that this battle would change all of that. He wanted to prove to this Raikage who was looking down on him that he was way too powerful for these Kumo shinobi.

The Raikage manifested his lightning armour covering his whole body. He said, "Let's see you take on me and my people and stay alive for the first ten minutes." The Raikage and the remaining Kumo shinobi laughed a little. Izuna was infuriated. He didn't let any of that come and surface on his face. He knew that he was a true shinobi.

The Raikage was right now the fastest shinobi alive, or so he was thinking until Izuna used his own lightning armour. His was much brighter than the Raikage's and seemingly much stronger. Izuna smirked and smiled in way tha creeped thatt the Raikage out and there was nothing that could creep him out. He said, "Let's see you survive for the first minute. Then we can talk about my survival."

The Raikage thought Izuna had used his Mangekyou Sharingan to copy his move and had then improvised, but he was proved wrong when the lightning armour of Izuna got mixed with a fire armour. Izuna then used Susano'o. It slowly emerged. A pitch black Susanoó. First the ribs, then slowly it turned into an entire skeleton. The Raikage gulped in fear. Then it grew up to become a full proper body. Then it developed an armour covering the body and it had reached level five. His Susano'o was darker than the darkest night. It was as big as a mountain. The killing intent radiating from it was unbearable. It was absorbing all the chakra around. The sun was not even visible. Soon, everything around became so cold that few of the shinobi started freexing to death. That was how unbelievable Izuna's Susanoó was. The kumo shinobi started taking a step back and they started retreating. Even the Raikage wanted to retreat but he would not destroy the pride of Kumogakur no Sato by retreating when faced with just one shinobi. He knew that boosted morale was stronger than any killing intent. He went to the farthest of Kumo shinobi ranks. He was going to do what was necessary for boosting their morale. He screamed with pride so that his voice could be heard by everyone, "Shinobi of Kumogakure no Sato, are we going to retreat at the face of just one shinobi? Are we going to deface and destroy the pride of our village at the face of just one shinobi? Are we going to shame our village by retreting against one person?" He added more strength to his voice and asked again, "Are we?" The kumo shinobi bent their heads down in shame. A few of them even said in fear of death, "You are a Raikage. You might be able to face him fearlessly. But us? We aren't as strong as you are. We aren't as fearless as you are." The Raikage said angrily, "You are talking about fearlessness. You are feeling fear now?" The Raikage wanted to kick those who had just said that. Why did they even come along if they wanted to retreat at the last moment. But now he couldn't possibly loose even one shinobi. He needed the support of all of them. He said, "Fearless you say. Let me tell you one thing comrades, I am not fearless. Even I am afraid of war and fights, but look at me, do I retreat in the face of fear. Let me tell you all, my comrades, the more you face your fear the weaker it becomes. Fearlessness is not what is important. It is the courage to overcome your fear. Tell me, can we not beat this tyrant in front of us if we do it together? Together we can conquer the whole world. What is one shinobi compared to the whole world? Will you fight with me to the bitter end?" All the kumo shinobi now said in harmony, "We shall." The Raikage then said, "Let us show this tyrant what we kumo shinobi are madde up of. To victory my comrades, to victory!" The Kumo shinobi resounded together, "TO VICTORY!" The Raikage felt that he had done a good job raising the morale of the sihnobi. Iuna yawned and said, "That was inspirational and all but are you guys planning to attack any time soon. If you won't I shall come to hand death to you in a silver platter." Thihs did the job of angering the Raikage and all the Kumo shinobi. Now their actions would be led by their anger and not by their rationality.

The Raikage angrily said, "Comrades, what is the strongest jutsu you are capable of? Whatever it is use it to your fullest advantage and strike down this tyrant here and now and let it be known that it was us who took down this tyrant. Let us make a mark here and now."and the Raikage himself used his famed technique, black lightning, and hit the Susano'o head-on. But Izuna just hit him as though he was rubbing a fly of his clothes and clearly overpowered the third Raikage who was smashed into the ground by the Raikage. The Raikage then said in disbelief, "Let my life go to hell. Kill this goddamned bastard of a tyrant." When he did so, the other remaining shinobi used the strongest lightning jutsu they could use against Izuna's Susano'o but it was only strong enough to push him back slightly and the Raikage went back again with his one finger strike against Izuna and this time it didn't even make him move back. This pissed off Izuna. He was originally going to make this slow and go easy on them but clearly he wouldn't.

He uttered, "Wood Style: Wood Dragon" Just as he said that, his Susanoó developed a massive wood dragon on the inside and the Susano'o covered it. The Raikage watched it in disbelief. The amount of chakra in the Susanoó had just doubled. The kumo shinobi thought that hey would eventually beat it together. Now all their hopes were shattered. They just stood there watching in disbelief as they knew death was coming for them and it was coming very soon.

The dragon wasn't the usual wood dragon. It was way larger. It had a complete human-like body. There were wooden scales all over the dragon. The dragon itself was brown in colour with many different shades of brown to show the texture. It then unfurled its magnificent wings which suited his Susanoó. The raikage knew that he had to do something or his men would just forget about the village and start to flee. He manifested his own lightning armour. It was in the most glorius form possible. He said, "My comrades, this is nothing. We shall conquer this tyrant and any one else Konoha sends at us. Trust me, I shall not let you down." This gave the shinobi some very needed morale boost again.

The dragon now flew as high as it could. Then in the front of it's mouth an orb was seen. Soon it became bigger. It was very dark. It was almost as black as Izuna'sSusanoó. Then they were able to know that it was an orb of the most concentrated chakra ever. Then all of a sudden, a lot of lightning nature just got added into it. Then there was even fire nature in the mix. The Kumo shinobi were now starting to panic. What they felt earlier was nothing. They were starting to doubt themselves and if they should have even come here to wage war and if they should have retreated long ago when they had the chance. The Raikage was astounded that Izuna could do this but he knew that he would survive this. He was worried for his men. There was no morale, but only the want to flee and save their lives. The Raikage couldn't do anything but face him head-on. Then his men would at least helm him and ten thousand shinobi, he believed, could take down this concentrated orb of chakra if they all worked together unleashing their best. He said, "I am going to take that bomb head-on. You can help and support me if you wish. You can leave if you want. I know i am asking you to go straight into death's hand but will you follow me into battle this one last time?" The shinobi knew that their Raikage was telling the truth. They WERE walking straight into death's hands, but that wouldn't change that they were Kumo shinobi and even if they did die then and there they would die for their home and their family woud be proud of them. They would not leave their Raikage alone. It would be their honour to fight their last batlle alongside the strongest Raikage. They would beat the heck out of this Konoha shinobi.

Or so they thought. Izuna fired the huge beast bomb and simultaneously the Raikage flew at it and concentrated chakra he had into this outstretched finger. This might not be enough to save everybody but it would save most of them and give time to flee if they did not want to support him. Many manifested their strongest jutsu and fired it at the concentrated chakra.

The Rakage had made a mistake by fighting Izuna Uchiha. He along with all the jutsu of the ten tousand of his shinobi and the chakra bomb collided. The Raikage was killed off but he managed to reduce the momentum of the chakra bomb. When the chakra bomb hit the ground, the impact sent a shockwave which was strong enough to cause a minor earthquake almost instantaneously in Konoha which was over five hundred miles away from the place where the battle had taken place. A few seconds later the blast reached Konoha. If not for the shields Izuna had placed on Konoha, it would have been obliterated by the huge amount of chakra that came at it. Everything else had been destroyed in the region and for hundreds of miles ahead and almost until the borders of the fire nation. Fortunately for Izuna, he had also put a shield on most water bodies, monuments and villages in the Fire nation and not many people were hurt by the beast bomb. The terrain had completely changed. Most of the kumo shinobi in the one thousand shinobi were killed and only the best had managed to survive. They were angry at their Raikage having been killed off. Izuna landed on the ground and undid the Susano'o and his wood dragon. One of the remaining Kumo shinobi said, "You will not survive after killing our Raikage, teme." At the moment he landed several lightning jutsu had hit him. Though he was not badly injured, he had used a good amount of chakra when he sent such a huge beast bomb. He could not use any more extreme jutsu like the Susano'o now. He had to battle them without wasting his chakra. He had entire forests to rebuild. He just used amateresu on most of them. Then charged at the remaining shinobi and used the chidori on them. No one survived him that day. After this Kiri and Iwa completely forgot the idea of conquering Konoha and just opted for peace. Izuna rebuilt entire forests using his wood style and fire nation became what it used to be and almost everyone forgot that the landscape had been changed completely.

Izuna was offered the post of Hokage which even he like his father had declined, due to which Minato became Hokage.