Author's Notes: If you read this, it is my humble request for you to review this so that I can make necessary changes. Sorry for the very very late update.
Naruto and Naruto Shippuuden are owned by Pierrot Studios and TV Tokyo. This is a non-profit fanfiction
Naruto and Mito left Konoha a week after their date. They set out first for the easiest place- uzushiogakure, a city in ruins.
The seals in there wouldn't be easy to break but the seals hidden within those would be worth the hard work.
It took them eight hours at medium speed to reach the place. Not the village itself, but the whirlpools around it. The whirlpools were enhanced by seals, as expected and the seals weren't a walk in the park. But, unlike what they had expected, the seals also worked against flying things-susanoo. When they tried to fly above, a hurricane was formed fast enough to throw them back out. Even amenotejikara wasn't too helpful. It only helped him go to places within his eyesight or places which he had a clear image of. And there was a highly chakra enhanced mist preventing him from seeing anything near the island.
So, they started to set up a camp in the place.
"The seal doesn't show up on the waters, so the seal matrix must be under water." said Naruto.
"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" asked Mito.
"Underwater susanoo!" exclaimed Naruto.
"What?! NO! It's too chakra intensive and unnecessary. I was thinking that one of us go underwater and do it but, yeah I guess underwater susanoo works just as fine. "
"Aren't they the same thing?" asked Naruto.
"Well,... I guess you are right. They are almost the same thing but you just wanna spend chakra and look cool." she answered.
"Then what are we waiting for? Let's do it!" said Naruto.
The both of them flared their susanoo and went underwater.
The seal matrix was on the sea floor which was about half a mile deep.
The pressure of water around them was no joke. If it was any other shinobi, they would not have survived this far down for so long.
Naruto and Mito started to examine the seal matrix. There were eight complexes here, and each one intertwined with all the other six. This added structural integrity but also meant that to cut off one complex with the other six, they'd have to cut off all the connections it had. And of the seven complexes, the first had the job of creating any connections that were destroyed.
It's complexes were also each separate from each other such that if one fell, the others wouldn't be affected, but such that if one complex were to fall, the others would be able to do the same function by themselves. Each complex was in itself the same seal repeated with a marker which told which complex to do what. The complete disconnection of one complex meant that it's marker was disconnected and that would cause that marker to appear in all the other complexes. This was done by the second complex.
The third had the job of drawing nature chakra from the water around them and also absorb all energy from the sun that reached the water surface by instantly conerting it to chakra and also store it.
The fourth had the responsibility of causing the whirlpool and aerial prevention of entry.
The fifth was responsible for repair of the complexes, if one were to wreck anything. The sixth was responsible for defense. The seventh was responsible for making the water frictionless, without any viscosity. The last one was responsible for letting people in. It took into account the amount of Uzumaki DNA a person had in them. and also allowed for a pureblood Uzumaki to add a genome that the seal decided was not Uzumaki enough to let them in.
Naruto was baffled by looking at all of this. He knew what the things were, but he knew neither how to make the seal or break it.
So he was gonna use his ability and just absorb the seal. Sadly for him, things just didn't work out that well. The seal got absorbed but there was an underlying seal connecting the multiple seals used for all the whirlpools which regenerated any destroyed seals. This meant he'd have to absorb everything in here together. The seals were too vast and spread over an extremely large area to do that.
He told Mito, "Let's leave and come back with a better understanding of seals."
She agreed and the both of them tried swimming back up but chains erupted from the ground and held them down. Naruto teleported the both of them back up above the surface.
They were met with an incredibly powerful super hurricane. All of a sudden, they were hit with with the chains again and this time, gravity seals appeared on them, increasing the force on them thousand fold and they were forced back to the ocean floor whereupon the chains formed a network around them and a seal locking their chakra appeared on them binding them down.
A ghost appeared in front of them. "Hello young ones"