Chapter 4: Robbing the Gun Store

"What kind of gun are you looking for, sir?"

Having received a generous tip, the store clerk was now full of enthusiasm. Qin Ming quickly responded.

"I'm looking for something powerful, for hunting. Do you have any shotguns or rifles?"

The clerk didn't find Qin Ming's request suspicious. After all, the world of Cadillacs and Dinosaurs was one where dinosaurs and humans coexisted.

Due to centuries of deforestation and environmental destruction, a massive flood submerged all structures for hundreds of years, forcing the surviving humans into shelters and cutting them off from the outside world. When the floodwaters receded, they emerged to find dinosaurs had returned to the Earth.

That was the backdrop of the Cadillacs and Dinosaurs world.

In such a world where stepping out of the city meant encountering dinosaurs, buying a shotgun for self-defense wasn't unusual.

However, because dinosaurs existed, purchasing powerful firearms was heavily regulated, especially for high-caliber weapons that could easily be used for illegal hunting.

The clerk glanced at Qin Ming and quietly asked,

"Excuse me, sir..."

"My name's Qin."

"Oh, Mr. Qin, then. Could you show me your firearm permit?"

"A permit?"

"Yes, you need a permit to buy large firearms. It's a precaution to prevent unauthorized hunting of dinosaurs. Do you have it with you?"

"Uh... about that… Well, I didn't realize I needed a permit because I don't have much experience with guns. I just got curious and came to have a look. So shotguns need a permit, huh? What about submachine guns or semi-automatic rifles?"

"Those definitely require a permit."

"Damn. Are there any that don't?"

"There is. Handguns."

Qin Ming's eyes lit up at this answer. Without hesitation, he switched gears.

"Alright, show me some handguns. Give me a few options to choose from. Once I get the hang of it, I'll apply for a permit and come back for a bigger gun."

The clerk sighed in disappointment. Handguns were cheap, and he wouldn't make much commission from selling one. But he didn't argue and quickly laid out three handguns on the counter.

"These three are well-suited for beginners. They're small, light, and have minimal recoil. Take a look."

Without waiting for the clerk to finish, Qin Ming was already leaning over the counter, examining the guns.

But as he stared at the firearms, his face quickly turned sour. The situation wasn't what he had hoped for. Sure, the guns were real, but he couldn't take them out of this world!

[Name: Browning Pistol]

[Quality: White]

[Category: Weapon]

[Requirement: None]

[Effect: Paired with specific ammo, it deals a fixed 10 damage.]

[Description: Beyond seven steps, the gun is quick! Within seven steps, it's both accurate and fast!]

[Note: Non-standard equipment, cannot be taken out of this world.]

The small line of text at the bottom was barely visible, but to Qin Ming, it stood out like a glaring beacon, shattering all his plans.

As he ground his teeth, debating whether to buy one of these in-world-only guns to use for now, something in his peripheral vision caught his eye. His pupils contracted as he pointed at a nearby cabinet.

"Wait! What's that gun? It looks pretty nice. Take it out and let me see!"

"That one?" The clerk hesitated. "Sir, that's a handcrafted model, and it's quite expensive, so usually…"

Before the clerk could finish his sentence, Qin Ming pulled another $20 bill from his pocket and tossed it to him.

"Guns are meant to be used, right? Why display it if you're not going to let people see it? Show it to me. If I like it, I'll buy it."

"Oh! Right away!"

Seeing how generous Qin Ming was, the clerk quickly nodded and retrieved the handcrafted revolver.

It was a Nagant M1895 revolver.

"This is a Nagant M1895 revolver. It fires .38 caliber rounds, offering strong penetration, high accuracy, and excellent stability. Plus, it's aesthetically pleasing—a great choice for a personal firearm."

As the clerk expertly described the revolver, Qin Ming had already picked it up and was closely inspecting the details, while also checking its stats.

[Name: Nagant Revolver]

[Quality: White]

[Category: Weapon]

[Requirement: None]

[Effect: With specialized bullets, it deals a fixed 12 damage per shot.]

[Description: While not the best, it's undeniably stylish for a professional American quick-draw gunner.]

After closely examining the revolver and confirming that it didn't have the dreaded "cannot be taken out of the world" restriction, Qin Ming's face flushed with excitement. He quickly tested its weight in his hand.

Then, with a frown, he glanced at the clerk.

"What about the bullets? A gun without ammo isn't much of a sale, is it?"

The clerk gave a sheepish smile.

"Well, sir, there's a policy here. We don't hand over the bullets with the gun to prevent any accidents."

"What? You think I'm going to rob you? Why would I tip you first if I was planning to rob you?"

"No, no, that's not what I meant! It's just that for beginners, loading the gun with ammo could lead to accidental discharge, so…"

"So what you're saying is, if you don't give me the bullets now, I'll take the gun home and shoot myself by accident later, right?"

"Uh... well…"

"At least give me a few bullets and show me how to load and use it. I won't even cock the hammer, alright?"

Seeing Qin Ming fumble with the gun, clearly not an expert, and recalling the $40 he had already pocketed in tips, the clerk decided not to argue further. He still hoped to make a commission from the sale.

He retrieved a box of .38 bullets from below and handed it to Qin Ming, even helpfully showing him how to load, unload, and aim the weapon.

After several practice reloads, Qin Ming started to get the hang of it.

Satisfied, he grinned, loaded the revolver one last time, and—still smiling—aimed the gun at the clerk.

"Alright, buddy. This is a robbery. Hands on your head, turn around."

The clerk, staring at the gun's black barrel, was slow to react, still smiling in confusion.

"Haha, come on, sir, don't joke about things like this…"


Without a word, Qin Ming had already pulled back the hammer, still smiling.

The clerk's grin instantly froze. With a skilled motion, he raised his hands, placed them on his head, and obediently turned around.

With the clerk's back to him, Qin Ming let out a long breath of relief. He kept the gun trained on him as he peeked under the counter.

There, within easy reach, was a fully-loaded shotgun.

Qin Ming's eyebrow twitched wildly. He hurriedly grabbed the three handguns and the box of bullets off the counter, stuffing them into his pockets, all while keeping his gun aimed at the clerk. He slowly backed out of the store, speaking as he went.

"I'm still aiming at you. Don't move, or there'll be an accident. It's not worth dying for someone else's money, got it?"

He kept backing away until he slipped out of sight, ducking around a corner. The entire time, the clerk kept his hands on his head, standing still.

Once Qin Ming was sure the clerk hadn't moved, he pocketed the revolver, turned around, and hurriedly disappeared into the alley.

(End of Chapter)