Chapter 159: The Green Dragon Crescent Blade!

Cutting corners comes with consequences.

In other games, this is true. In the Nightmare Space, it's even more so.

Xiahou Dun, the second-stage boss of Three Kingdoms II, had a very specific combat style—he relied heavily on flamethrowers and explosives.

The best way to counter him? Prevent him from using fire and limit his ability to use bombs. That's why Qin Ming deliberately chose to fight him in the water.

Sure, I can't use my fire abilities underwater, but the same goes for him—and the impact on his combat effectiveness is far more severe.

At least underwater, those terrifying thunder bombs couldn't be detonated!

It seemed like the perfect counter-strategy… but it wasn't.

This was a trap. A massive, deadly trap.

If Xiahou Dun couldn't use his explosives during the fight, he would eventually detonate them all at once in a suicidal final attack.

And if that happened in the water, the results would be catastrophic. The explosion would launch both of them into the air, and Xiahou Dun would drag his opponent with him to a fiery grave.

If I didn't have such high damage resistance, I'd have been blown to smithereens.

The reason Qin Ming survived wasn't because of strategy—it was because his abilities mitigated the explosive damage.

But if any ordinary adventurer tried this? Even with 60 points in Constitution, they'd die instantly, their remains scattered across the riverbed alongside Xiahou Dun's.

Morning came, sunlight breaking through the aftermath of the brutal battle.

A ragged army marched toward the distant town.

The Five Tiger Generals' forces had dwindled to fewer than two hundred soldiers. Each general bore wounds from the brutal conflict, their armor scorched and stained.

At the head of the column, Qin Ming sat atop a magnificent warhorse—Red Hare.

Name: Red Hare (Three Kingdoms II)

Strength: 25

Constitution: 25

Agility: 60

Spirit: 10

Skill: Horse Among Horses (A-rank Passive): Immune to interception from any attack below A-rank while sprinting.Description: "Among men, Lü Bu. Among horses, Red Hare."

This was one of the legendary Three Divine Treasures of the Three Kingdoms Era.

Beside him, Zhou Cang personally led Red Hare by the reins.

And Guan Yu? The proud and unyielding warrior who once rode this very horse… was now walking on foot alongside the other generals.

For Guan Yu to give up his prized steed and have his subordinate lead it for someone else—this act spoke volumes.

This wasn't just respect; this was reverence.

After all, Qin Ming hadn't just killed Xiahou Dun—he'd also wiped out the Tiger Leopard Cavalry and survived Xiahou Dun's suicidal final attack.

Even Guan Yu himself couldn't confidently say he could've done the same under those circumstances.

From the moment Qin Ming raised Xiahou Dun's severed head, Guan Yu no longer saw him as a subordinate—but as an equal.

Not only Guan Yu, but all Five Tiger Generals now viewed Qin Ming with genuine admiration. Their affection levels had soared past 400, reaching the "Confidant" threshold.

Warriors like them were straightforward—they respected strength above all.

Despite riding the legendary Red Hare and receiving such reverence from Guan Yu, Qin Ming's mood was far from jubilant.

The reason?

Name: Green Dragon Crescent Blade (Three Kingdoms II)

Type: Weapon (Dim Gold Plot Item)

Requirements: Strength: 20, Constitution: 20, Agility: 20

Effect 1: Attack Power: 35–50

Effect 2: Ignores 15 points of enemy physical defense.

Effect 3: Dragonslayer Strike (First attack deals 5x Strength-based physical damage, 12-hour cooldown).

Description: "I see you're just here to sell your head."

Beside him, Double-Gun Granny was grinning ear-to-ear, hugging the Green Dragon Crescent Blade like a child clutching their favorite toy.

Why… why did it have to be her who got it?

Logically speaking, Qin Ming should've been happy for her. After all, they were comrades-in-arms who had survived countless deadly encounters together.

But no matter how he tried to reason with himself, he couldn't suppress the unfairness bubbling in his chest.

I nearly got blown to bits, fought that maniac in the water, and barely made it out alive. And what do I get? A horse!

Meanwhile, this woman waltzes in with a few scratches and gets one of the most iconic weapons in history?!

His eyes briefly flicked to the Green Dragon Crescent Blade.

Technically… isn't that a war trophy? And we agreed that I'd have first pick of any loot.

But as he glanced at Double-Gun Granny's glowing expression, he quickly dismissed the thought.

Forget it. It's not worth it. She'd probably fight me to the death over that blade.

Besides… I've seen gold-tier weapons before. It's just a weapon. Not worth ruining our partnership over.

The column finally reached the city gates.

As soon as the soldiers standing guard recognized Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, they erupted into joyous cheers.

"General Guan! General Zhang! They've returned!"

The city gates creaked open, and a group of people rushed out to meet them.

Leading them was Liu Bei himself.

"Second Brother! Third Brother!"

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei stepped forward, meeting their elder brother in a heartfelt embrace.

"Big Brother, we have returned victorious!"

Guan Yu lifted the severed heads of Xiahou Dun and Li Dian high into the air.

But Liu Bei barely glanced at the gruesome trophies. His attention was on his brothers, his voice trembling.

"As long as you're safe… That's all that matters. When I heard you'd been scattered and lost contact, I was beside myself with worry. I even wanted to lead a search party myself, but the strategist wouldn't allow it."

Guan Yu, his expression softening, stepped aside and gestured toward Qin Ming, Double-Gun Granny, and Talma.

"Big Brother, let me introduce you to the heroes of this battle. It was these three who devised the strategy to outwit the Wei forces, broke Xiahou Dun's and Li Dian's defensive lines, and personally ended their lives. Their contributions surpass even my own. I am in awe of their courage and brilliance."

Liu Bei turned to face the three adventurers, his expression solemn.

"Thank you, noble heroes. You've risked your lives to aid us, to defend the people, and to bring hope to the Han dynasty. Please, allow me to express my deepest gratitude."

Without hesitation, Liu Bei bowed deeply to them.

And then—

Ding-dong! Liu Bei's Affection Level has increased! Current Value: 500!

Wait… what?!

(End of Chapter)