

I walk into school and Green comes up to me.

"More of your guys were seen on my turf yesterday, the hell do you think you're doin', sendin' them over there?" He asks in his usual, gruff, unlikeable manor.

"I could ask you the same, Black Mambas were seen in Tiger territory."

"I didn' send anyone! The hell you smokin'?!"

"I know what you're smoking because I didn't send anyone either!" He growls, fuming for a bit before stomping off.

"Lying bastard, they killed two of my men..." He grumbled, stomping off, and I'm left there, wondering. I didn't send anyone, but two of his men are dead, how could that be?

Girls surround me as I go to the first class of the day, and I flirt, taking my mind off the fight for a bit. They continue to flirt with me for class after class until lunch finally comes. I decide to visit Lily in her usual quiet spot for lunch as she's been weirdly tame for the past few weeks.

"Princess, people are beginning to talk." I get straight to the point. "Things about Green threatening you or harming you to keep you from talking back. Are they true, Princess?" Green doesn't like people refusing him, and I know he isn't above doing that to get what he wants.

"No, I just don't like gangs, and especially not gang leaders." She says, her voice is cold and hard, a lot like Green's in that way, but I can sense pain under hers. I also can sense that she wants me to leave.

"Then I suppose I'm not wanted, either. But if you ever want to talk, or just complain about him, I'm always open." I go to open the door.

"Wait." I stop, hand still on the handle, and look at Princess. She's writing something down on a torn slip of paper. "My number, if I'm not looking at you, it might be easier." She explains, and I go to take it from her, but she pulls it back to herself. "But, whatever I write is in complete confidentiality." Does she not trust me? "Tell no one, show no one, share it with no one. It stays between us. Deal?" Seems she knows a gangster's only as good as his word.


"Then it's a promise." She gives me the slip of paper and I punch it into my phone, saving her contact.

"Thank you, Princess, for giving me this opportunity. Talk to you later." I leave for real this time, walking back to my inner-gang. I talk to them for a bit before heading for my next class, only to see Princess giving Green a wonderful uppercut and making a break for the parking lot.

"The hell did you do, Green?!" I shout at him.

"I asked for answers! I can't be the only one that's noticed she's been actin' weird! I go an' ask her why, and she fuckin' punches me!" He retorts. It's true, Princess has been acting strangely lately.

"Damn, Sweetheart, who taught you to punch?" He grumbles, stomping off, rubbing his jaw. I bring out my phone again and text Princess, worried. Green could be lying about what happened.