Doctor want to send her right now, but he finally completed his mission to making a clone from the soul, that black witch collected for them. Doctor using them, used as clone to capture the person, who are really close to them, he wanted to build up a road to the clone with the soul. They just need person body for cloning.

Jenny was unconsciously sitting on chair, when electricity passes through her body, she release smoke from mouth because of the shock she get from the experiment, jenny was seeing the half soul memory. She slowly comes to darkness of her memory, but she knows that, once clone jenny complete her mission, she killed her and release her soul, her memory started to fading, after she complete her mission for this bad people.

Jenny also fake her death, for escaping from the dark lord academy, but black witch want to play her body, but headmaster stop her and said, we forgot our meal for our pets, throw her to outside of campus and feed her to the creature.

Doctor said, clone is alive, she is dead now, can I use her in my experiment, he saw that dead body and make his lust full imagination in his mind.

Clone jenny said, that's my body, if the complete my mission you have to transfer me to that body, so why are you killing her, if I complete my mission.

Doctor said, she is right, I will take care of your body, so complete your mission and come back, I will take care of your body, and so you can go back to your normal life.

Headmaster, if you fail in your mission, forget about your body back, I will soon come in that academy, you have to complete your mission in between this time, if you fail, you already know your result.

Clone jenny said, I will do and go back to my original self.

Headmaster gave the special solution to the clone jenny, make you spray this on every person on that academy, and the other solution, you have to mix in food. This will enough for you, this mission is for your sake or your future sake.

Clone jenny stands in that circle and she finally arrived the door, where she vanish, Sinha was standing in front of her,

Sinha asked, they gave you lotion and solution for this mission, you give me that spray, and you have to mix this solution.

Clone jenny said blab, I will do whatever it's take to back into my body, she saw at him and talking normally and standing like a normal person.

Clone back to her room, where she stayed? She has some of her memory, Sinha show her the dorm of her, so she can't lost, Sinha show her the photo of the person, that person is your master, so don't worry, he never suspicious about you, but you have to act like her.

Headmaster sushant looking at jenny from his room, he saw jenny walking normally, but he also saw her aura, that was not her aura, he suspect her and Sinha intentions. Headmaster can't understand, why jenny aura sudden change. He decided to keep his eye on both.

Real jenny was throw the outside of campus forest, forest was full of the monster carnivores creature, this is the reason, no one escape from this academy,

Mortal rush to doctors room for he get an information of girl, who walking in his hand and legs, You thought about it and it could be jenny, he want to revenge against jenny, mortal came and said, where is jenny, I heard that you capture her

Headmaster reply, she is already in other world, you don't have to worry, we will feed her to our pets, so don't worry.

Mortal reply, I will play with her body and then feed to that monster looking creatures, so hand over her body, I have to force you for this.

Dark lord headmaster reply, you threatening me over a dead girl, you have a lots of gut to challenge me. If you want that body, go to that forest, take this from them if you came alive from magical beast.

Magical beast is very powerful creature, he suck the magical power, and it can absorb the magic attack and spell.

Mortal reply, put his head down and said, sorry, we do as you said, throw her in front of that monster. I just angry about her, I want to torcher her and slowly kill her, that my wish.

Headmaster of dark lord said, just throw his, he hit mortal head and say bye,

Mortal knows that, he can't stand against him, above his stronger than him, I don't want to angry him, above him is more powerful, that unknown person can capture jenny, it means he is something.

Jenny was throw to that forest, she is now the food of that monster, he shock awake and take a heavy breath and run away from there, she also know that the presence of the magical sucker beast, she can't stand against him, other also dangerous beast live in that forest, he cover herself in mud and soil, and they can't get her smell.

Jenny running but follow him and destroying the tree around her, and follow her for the food, she said, now I have to escape from this forest.

Doctor and mortal saw from the outer wall of campus, they thought that, they are fighting over meal, so they follow the small creature followed by bigger and stronger creature, but jenny trying without using her magic, she know, if she does, other magic sucker creature follow her and kill her,

A creature almost close to her, jenny throw a big rock in its mouth, it mistakenly ate it. That creature running on four legs and teeth are very shark and jaw was huge