Jenny was very much is crawling in ground, scribble toward her hat, so she and varu can escape from here, but this not going happen, jenny saw that, varu got stab by sword, the girl freeze that, jenny was crying and said

No! Don't do it, with pain in her voice

Both Laila and Lena freeze them, they move toward jenny and trying to capture her and her hat, but jenny throw hat and jenny order to take varu to his house.

Varu was fight with her, but other one was attack from behind, varu look behind but the person he fought, freeze him. Varu look at jenny, varu listen her voice, which said no!

Varu thinking about her word, she really worried about me, his eyes close with darkness

Jenny transport varu to his palace, but jenny also slowly close her eyes and unconscious, her hand down in ice, she write V in ice, she stop and unconscious,

Heart breaking moment of separation. Jenny is very much tired and pain, when she saw this.

Laila and Lena discuss that, both really good but no in front us, we though that, we will killed her husband but, she help him escape, but she stay here, let's take her, Dracula is waiting for her.

Lena, we don't understand that, why Dracula accept that Sid wish? He always against his decision, now he agree with it.

Laila look at Lena, let's take her, if we late, he will not happy, let's take her, but we really enjoy and stab a royal blood

King salmon took all the family member to his house for their protection, but they were discuss, both will not caught by them.

Ren said, I wish both not caught by them, it will very hard of them, she looking and pray for it.

Rakesh said, we never thought that, our sister will stuck in this dangerous situation.

Riya said, we want to help them, but we have limited choice for helping them, if she get caught, it will be hard for us to get them back

Min said, we asked magical council to protect her from them, but we never thought that, magical council was reject our application.

King salmon said, don't worry both will be safe

They saw that something fell from the roof to ground in front of king salmon, when the dust settle down, they saw that varu was under the ice

Varu! Varu!

King salmon order bring doctor here, go and hurry, our son in danger now

Doctor came and melt the ice and take varu to room and treatment them, doctor come out and said, he is out of danger now, but he is still unconscious.

Jenny father said, jenny get caught by them, we never thought that, they also trying to kill prince for them.

Varu mother get angry, how could she? She have to fight with him, my son never be like that, if she battle with them, she is crying and accuse him, she beat big monster and powerful enough to compete them! How she so careless? I will never forgive her

Doctor said queen, I am sorry, but she is the one who save her, you have to thank her,

King salmon crying and ask, how doctor?

Doctor show them, this is jenny hat, she transport varu here, so we can save him, the place she live is very much far from here, if she didn't send him her, maybe you can say that, he could be dead.

Ren wipe her tear, we need to find their location and find them, and they will never take my daughter away.

Someone listen the sound of door open, that varu he open the door and said, mother we have to save her, they are going to kill them

King salmon order his soldier go and inform to academy Jenny has beef capture by Dracula

In the academy, sofiya explain about them about the sword

Earth ask, what kind of sword is this? That we need to find, this sword is really worthy to help

Sofiya said, this sword was break into 7 pieces and you have to find all seven pieces and join them, you can fight with them.

This sword part three we can find easily but, but other you need to find it

Diat ask, you also come with me, I will easy for me, you already know, where it is?


Why! You are not worry about jenny, you both play along and now, you betraying us.

Sofiay make excuse about it, I was curse, it means I can touch the sword, if I trying to find that part of sword, it will vanish, it actually hard on you, don't worry I will send James with you, he will help you

Kanima said, he handsome definitely help us, we will also see his body

Sofiya look at them don't trying to flirt him, he is mine.

Kilo ask, where is all three part? Where we can easily find it

It's on mikatsu family and other was on human world, there is an old slave mine, and third one was on kilo family.

Kilo said, I have no family, I was grown with royal family since my child

Sofiya said, that the truth, I am telling you, for mikatsu, your father never let you take that part, you have to convince them,

I think, you already know about your work, you just split in to seven ground and take your creature with you, it will be good for you one strop person in every group, it will definitely help you, if you don't want to get stuck by them,

I heard about jenny creature, if they agree take them, that creature is special, I heard that, you have kaminari, take them, please break there rule

Tea pet creature, small tree coming from window, cute small tree said, jenny has been capture, you have to come out, jenny