everyone get a little shocked and sorrow after they listen their reply, that part, they were coming to take from here get stolen, this make him sad and not say anything to them, they just want take that part and leave this country

Masu said, if I we find that part. Can we take it? We will return to you after us completely our work

Sure! Just go and find it

Team leader of agent ask, you saying to us, you came here for help from that queen army, you asking some sword parts.

Diat said, there is world call liar, you have to understand it, you should say before, we both know, queen never gave their army against immortal creatures.

Queen said, you saying that, you are going to battle against that vampire, you must be put off your mind, there is no way you could battle against them, they are really strong, you should stay away and not battle against them.

Masu reply, this time we have Ren and their son and daughter, we easily knock down their army, this is the reason for us, not to interfere them

Diat said, we will investigate the area, where that parts was stole and I will use my prediction power to fulfill my wish, we will take back the part.

Masu support her word and stands on place and said, we will definitely help them and search for part (in loud voice)

Guard stand and said, please low your voice, our queen pet will wake-up

Masu silently sit in her place, she closed her mouth and show, but queen was not listening and concentrate on them, she already said to them.

Diat said to agents, take us to crime scene, we will investigate it and start this matter as from beginning,

Agent said, take her, both are detective, they will definitely find it, they don't stop even we try, let's take her to crime scene

The dog were barking outside, when they moving out form palace, but they drink only royal tea and muffins.

But they were roaming around the gardens but, guard not allow them, all of them sit on car

Inside the palace, so they came here for sword part, did you gave to him?

No! We already know that, we can't give it anyone, this is not the place where they can get this sword, even they get all of the part, and they will definitely get nothing.

But you promise that, if they find it, you will have to give it. In that what will you do?

Don't worry phone, they will never get that part, even they search for entire city, I hide this part in palace, they will never come here again, we will not let them that part away from us.

Diat and masu said, we want to detective from many year, we both definitely find that part,

Haruma and tea said, don't do stupid thing spot, we don't want to get insult in front of them, you both knows you limit don't break anything else there, you will be no longer available for detective.

But earth mind was full of questions and conclusion about queen behavior, she is not talking to them by seeing the face.

Masu said, I will definitely don't do anything else, but dial was confusedly watching the card and trying to figure out the solution for problem

Car stop at crime stop and masu jump from sit to ground and said, now we are on crime spot, you guy waiting here, and I will check anything else

Diat kick him, we are get down from the car, and you know that, we are here for investigation, you still taking this as joke masu.

Agents are regret to take this mess with theme here, they were blaming each other, masu fart and leave the place and enter it,

Everyone looking here and there, they find that, police was cover entire spot with tape, mash looking at tape carefully and she trying to jump above the tape but she just torn the tape.

Agents said, this tape stay away the other intruder, who trying to remove the evident from the spot, next time please be careful with this tape.

diat said, mash pull this card, I want to see the part, where it went we need to soon find it, mash pull card, diat said, it show the below part of this ground, diat ask, there is any room below this floor

Agents said, there is sewage line go below the parking ground, if you want to go there, you need to oxygen mask for that.

Masu jump and she feel down to hole, she said, there is something hard here, there must be rail

One of the agents said, there is old railway track here, but the close it.

Diat said, this card said, there is road to the part we need to go, let get inside and find, we will definitely find anything there.

Masu find the creature who she was feel hard? There is big gigantic creature live there, all of them jump down with torch and looking here and there, but they find suspicious, there smell of some stinky thing

That worm take them to further and further, they hold the hair of the monster and move forward and diat said, jump left, but reached to another cave and sliding down to the place and all of fell down

Agent said, this adventure is very scared, that monster almost take is to their food system, we need to get out of here, but the agent leader said nothing to them

Diat stop by dead ends, but diat feel something behind that dead end, diat said dig it masu

She dig and they arrived in a room, which looking old, there is glowing thing masu grab it ad said, if in glowing thing

Diat and other crawling with that hole and diat said, masu you finally find that part, that we all coming here for, well done