First Encounter

Timothy opened the doors of the throne room. The first person he saw was his father, the King. And then he saw a woman. Their eyes met for the first time.

But neither of them talked.

A strange feeling of familiarity enveloped Timothy's heart

Who is this woman? He of course knew that she was Lucia Vanadis. But she felt… familiar. I need to say something. Why can't I? Tongue. Move, he ordered. But Timothy remained silent

He examined Lucia. She was also the same. She was frozen in place. Neither of them made a sound.

The two of them looked at each other for a long time until the King broke the silence.

" Why are you here?" The King said coldly "I did not summon you" There was annoyance in his voice

Timothy snapped back to his senses.

" I'm seeing our guests your Majesty" he explained and gave the King a bow.

" They're tired. Leave them." The King commanded "Next time if I don't summon you then don't come"

" In that case, let me escort them to their chambers then. Nothing is more hospitable than the prince himself leading the delegates to their chambers" To this, the King remained silent and just waved his hand as a sign of agreement.

Timothy smiled and went to Lucia. His heart was beating fast. He looked at her. She was a little dusty from her journey, but her beautiful appearance still radiated a dazzling glow. Timothy couldn't help but feel delighted. She was the prettiest woman he ever set his eyes upon. Timothy was nervous.

" I..I am Timothy Castonia." Timothy stuttered "Please follow me" he forced a smile and tried to look at her in the eyes. To his surprise, he couldn't.

" Tha..Thank you, Prince Timothy" She also stuttered " We'll be in your care"

It seems she's also nervous, Timothy thought. To this, he felt slightly relieved. If he was the only one who was nervous, then his self-confidence would drop to rock-bottom.

Lucia, Sylvie and the Vanadian royal guards followed Timothy. The rooms prepared for the Vanadian guests were located on the sixth floor. For safety purposes, everyone on the sixth floor was transferred to other floors except for a few maids. Their walk to the rooms was filled with silence. Timothy actually planned to talk a lot of things to Lucia on their way to the rooms but now he was completely silent. He wanted to see Lucia's personality. He wanted to know if he could trust her. But now he couldn't say a single word. He wasn't usually like this. He was good with words. But in the presence of Lucia, he was speechless.

The royal guards were stationed in a room that was only a few meters from Lucia's. If anything happens, they would be able to respond quickly. Sylvie's room was next to the Princess.

"Get to your rooms and rest" Lucia said to the guards and Sylvie.

"If you need anything, just tell us your highness." An old guard said to her. Timothy guessed that the old man was the Captain of her guards. He seems capable and experienced.

Everybody went to their rooms except for Lucia and Tim. They were left alone. Lucia turned to him but avoided eye contact again. Tim was no better either because he kept his head down.

If you really think about it, this awkwardness between them was not that surprising. They will be married to each other and will become as one. She will be his wife, and he her husband. They will spend their whole lives together. This was the first time they've met. So this atmosphere was just normal right? Before he went to the throne room, he thought talking to her would be easy. He doesn't have much experience in these kinds of things, but he had always been good when it comes to dealing with people. Now he was conscious of how he should act.

He shouldn't be the first to experience this. Political marriages were common so those nobles must have felt the same when they first met their betrothed. How about his two brothers? Did they have the same experience as this? Timothy didn't know what to do to break this atmosphere between them. He wanted to know her as soon as possible.

There was one more thing that troubled Timothy. Princess Lucia's presence felt so familiar. It was like they had met before. He finally found the strength to look at her in the eyes.

" Have we met before?" Timothy blurted.

He quickly realized how stupid his question was. Think before you talk Tim, he cursed himself. He needs to get out of here before he further embarrass himself. He will just talk to her tomorrow.

" I'm sorry. Forget it." He quickly said. "If you need anything just call one of the servants. Welcome to Castonia" he forced a smile and turned away from her. But before he could, she stopped him

" Wait" she immediately said.

He turned to Lucia again. She was lowering her head.

"When is…the ball?" After a while she asked. She was still lowering her head refused to look at him.

Timothy's head was in chaos. Why? Of all times, why would she ask about the wedding now? The atmosphere was awkward between them because of the wedding. Also, why does it make him feel slightly embarrassed? She was just asking a question. Dammit Tim. You are the infamous rooster prince. You'll lead armies in the future, but why can't you control your emotions! You have no experience in romance but this is not the way to go Tim. It's just a question Tim. Relax. Answer her with dignity. Show her that Castonians are matured. Don't embarrass the Castonia family. He lectured himself.

"Next month. Grand Cathedral. Father send invitations next week. Hope this union strengthens the alliance!" Timothy answered in a very fast manner. His heart was racing. Talking about the wedding really stressed him.

Wait! Timothy felt shivers down his spine. Did she say ball or wedding? Because if she meant the ball…In that instant, Timothy realized his stupid..stupid answer. He wanted to bury his face into the ground. What's wrong with him?



What followed next was silence. It was so quiet that he could hear the wind blowing. It was so quiet that he could hear the birds flapping their wings. It was so damn quiet that he could hear his heart thumping like a horse on a full charge. But he doesn't care about the wind or the birds. He looked into her eyes with his mouth agape. Although he was almost certain that he had made a big and embarrassing mistake, he still wanted to know if he really did.

"You said… wedding right?" Timothy stammered.



"hahahahahahahaha" Princess Lucia burst into uncontrolled laughter. She bent and held her stomach with one hand while laughing. Timothy's heart melted. Yes, it melted. She was beautiful. The scene in front of him was more beautiful than the best paintings in the world. It was more relaxing than the bluest skies. Making a beautiful girl laugh, even at the cost of some of your dignity, was one of the best things in this world. On top of that, she was not just a beautiful girl, she's Lucia Vanadis- his betrothed.

After a while, Timothy joined in laugher. Both of them laughed for a long time. Lucia tried to contain her laughter and tried to speak" I… hahaha. I asked about the ball Prince Timothy" she grinned at him "not the wedding"

Well, he made a mistake. But after seeing her laugh, it was not embarrassing anymore.

" I never thought that talking to you would be this intense" Timothy admitted.

" I know, right?" Lucia agreed. "It feels like talking to my grandfather. " By now, the earlier awkward atmosphere was gone and the two of them talked as if they were old friends.

" Well to answer your question, the ball will be tomorrow." He smiled at her "And I'm looking forward to seeing you there Princess Lucia" He bowed slightly.

" I'm also looking forward to having more 'intense' conversations with you Prince Timothy" Lucia grinned and they bowed like a lady.

" Yes, to more intense moments" Timothy also grinned " Have a nice stay Princess Lucia"

" Thank you Prince Timothy" She smiled at him.

Princess Lucia went to her room and gave Timothy one last smile. Timothy turned the other way and headed to the garden.

He was happy and humming a song when Erik interrupted him.

" Happy, aren't we?" Erik joined his walk and teased him.

" Oh shut up Erik. Is it illegal now to be happy from time to time?"

" It's not illegal actually. But it is suspicious" Erik winked at him

" Suspicious?" He stopped walking and turned to Erik "Why?"

" Well, it's just the timing. The Vanadian Princess arrived today and then I saw you smiling from ear to ear" Erik said nonchalantly "Suspicious"

" that so?" Timothy avoided his gaze. He was starting to sweat so he changed the topic "Did you see James?"

" Changing the topic. Not effective against me you know?" Erik grinned

Timothy just glared at him. Erik needs to stop asking questions.

" Fine, fine. I won't pester you anymore." Erik finally gave up "James is in his room"

Timothy and Erik then went to James' room. Timothy knocked on the door. After a while, James opened it.

" Your Highness" James was clearly surprised "What brings you here?" James was now able to relax in front of Timothy after only a short period of time.

" I need.." Timothy hesitated. He tried to find the best words. " Get me the best clothes you could find. I am attending a ball tomorrow"


After Lucia closed the door to her room, she leaned on it. Smiling, she thought of Prince Timothy. He was not so bad, she thought. She doesn't know why, but she was so anxious in front of him at first. But now that anxiousness was gone.

Lucia went to her bed and lied down. She thought that her first day in Nirvana would be filled with longing for Holm. But that awkward Prince made her day.

"Prince Timothy" She muttered "I think we could get along"