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A Monster's Cage

Timothy was looking at the dying Tulosans from the walls. It was a bloodbath below.

Although the Tulosans were trying to defend from the arrows, they can't do anything but defend. Timothy locked the doors that lead to the walls. He also positioned pikemen in all of the entryways in case the Tulosans break through the doors.

The Tulosans were in chaos. Some were trying to break the doors that lead to the top of the walls. Some were busy finding shelter from the arrows. But most of the Tulosans were at the gate, trying to lift the thing open. There was a huge steel lock at the top of the gate so even if a hundred men tried to lift it open, the gate won't budge.

By now, hundreds of Tulosans lie dead on the castle grounds. Several hundred more were injured by arrows. Cries of pain filled the air with a dreadful vibe.

Timothy detested this. Even though the Tulosans slaughtered many of the people who lived in the villages around Solon, Timothy knew many of them were just forced to do so. He hated the Tulosans for invading his Kingdom, but Timothy did not enjoy their deaths.

A human's conscience was a fragile thing. Timothy believes that most human beings were inherently good. Laws were made and rules were implemented because human beings desire peace, they desire goodness and prosperity. Although some people were evil, they belong to the minority. These animals of society were being punished because people hated evil.

So even though the Tulosans below him did terrible things, he still felt uncomfortable seeing them die. He was still a normal human that felt empathy towards the suffering and death of others.

Timothy wasn't a pacifist. He believes that sometimes, war and violence were necessary to solve conflicts. But the reason of this war was stupid. Stupid leaders led the people to this stupid conflict. The powerful tricked the weak into believing that this war was necessary. No, this war wasn't necessary. By killing each other, they are wasting lives and resources.

Timothy doesn't want to fight his whole life so he will show mercy to those who surrender. For Tulosa and Castonia to have a lasting peace, he should minimize the hatred brought upon by this war. His duty wasn't to kill the Tulosans, but to subdue them.

Timothy raised his hand. After a short while, his soldiers stopped firing.

"I will show mercy to those who surrender" Timothy declared to the Tulosans. "Drop your weapons and I promise not to harm you. I am Timothy Castonia and unlike your General, I desire peace. Of course we will still punish you for your war crimes but we will do it justly."

The Tulosans just looked at him. They did not say anything. Maybe it was out of loyalty to their Kingdom or maybe they just don't trust Timothy, but it seems most them didn't want to lay down their arms yet.

"Your silence indicates that you still wanted to fight. I respect that. Every hour, I will order a minute of ceasefire and will offer you peace again. Just tell me if you had enough of this." Timothy lowered his hand "Fire"

The Castonians fired their crossbows again.


John's horse was charging. The wind brushed against his face as his horse ran at full speed. It was a glorious feeling.

Beside John were the Leons. The Leons were famous among the soldiers. Even though the Castonian army neglected the use of cavalry in combat, every soldier still dreamed of joining the Leon cohort. The pay was good and the prestige was even better.

At first John thought that the Leons were proud and unapproachable. He was wrong. They were just normal people. They drink, they eat and they shit. They even let the veterans borrow their horses in the battle of the forest. Most of them were kind and humble.

John felt honored charging with the Leons. If he survive this battle and grow old as a veteran, he would tell his grandchildren of this day. He would tell them that he, Centurion John Wilkin, charged with the Leons in the name of Prince Timothy.

He then clasped his lance. The Leons taught him the proper way of holding a lance while charging. He made sure that his lance was straight and his posture was firm.

The Tulosan camp was near. He can now see the figures of the Tulosans. Most of them ran but a good portion of the enemy stood their ground. John was not surprised. These soldiers were the best of the best. They were the chosen guards of their General so they will not break easily.

"Remember lad" a Leon Centurion said to John "Don't put your weight on the stirrup unless you want to break your legs. Move with the direction of the impact and leave your lance after you impaled somebody."

"Thank you sir!"

"Don't be like that. We have the same rank. See you on the other side" the Centurion winked

John smiled. The Leons were really different from what he expected.

He then looked ahead and found his first target. It was a small group of soldiers who were holding their ground. They wore good armor and it was apparent from their stance that they were well trained.

John aimed his lance towards the chest of one of the soldiers. He followed the advice of the Leons and held his lance straight and firm. The tip of his weapon inched closer to his target. Time ticked slowly and John held his breath.

Finally, his lance struck the chest of the Tulosan. It was a direct hit and his lance penetrated the man's armor. John felt his lance pierce the flesh and bone of the Tulosan. It was a strange sensation. John had killed before, but killing on horseback was different.

He let go of his lance and drew his sword. Swords were almost useless against armored opponents but John had no choice. He turned his horse around and looked for another target. The battle was chaotic. Hundreds of men were running around the place. Horses charged out of nowhere. The cries and screams resonated like a sonata of fear.

But before John could find his next opponent, the battle was already over. Most of the Tulosans were either dead or had already surrendered. What remained of the Tulosan army was a small pocket of guards forming a circle wall with their spears. At the center of the circle was a huge man holding his sword firmly. John went closer. Hundreds of Castonians surrounded the remaining Tulosans.


It was over. Sigurd knew that he already lost. He knew that there was no way out of this.

The soldiers guarding the camp were folded by the Castonian charge. It wasn't even a battle. The Castonian cavalry outnumbered them five to one.

Sigurd looked around. His nephew was missing. Well he shouldn't expect the Whistlers to stay and fight. Sigurd was certain that the cowards had already fled. Good for Luther, he thought.

Regarding his current situation, Sigurd can't do anything. It was an utter defeat.

"General Sigurd" a familiar voice called. Sigurd looked towards the direction of the voice. It was Adrian.

"Surrender now. We will not harm you" Adrian promised "Prince Timothy offers mercy to those who drop their weapons."

"And then what?" Sigurd asked "You will imprison us until our bodies rot? Or maybe your Prince wants to parade us in chains?"

"I assure you that Prince Timothy will not parade you in chains. He will protect your honor and dignity at least. But you're right. We need to punish you for your crimes." Adrian explained. He walked towards the wall of spear. Just like earlier, he was unafraid.

Sigurd looked at his sword. It was a gift from General Kingston himself. Fifteen years ago, when he was just a centurion, General Kingston gave him the sword as a gift.

He treasured the sword and rarely used it. The sword was a gift from a great person and he planned on making the sword a family heirloom. His descendants will pass the sword as their family's treasure. At least that was how he planned it.

He then looked at Knightsend. He remembered the first time he saw the castle. He was still young that time. He was a young officer with big dreams. Unfortunately, the botched invasion ruined his youth. It ruined his sanity. He was never the same after he returned to Tulosa.

Many of his comrades died that day. He always had nightmares showing him the vivid corpses of his comrades. Whenever he looks at the Castle, he always sees that bloody scene fifteen years ago. Knightsend's walls were white. But Sigurd knew that once these walls turned red. The Castle's front gate was now clean, but once hundreds of corpses were scattered near the gate.

Sigurd closed his eyes and then he smiled.

"You know, I really don't care even if you execute me for my crimes." Sigurd went closer to Adrian. His voice was calm "But I have my pride"

Adrian looked at him and slowly nodded "Is that your final decision General?"

"It is" Sigurd answered

"Then I will respect that. You are my enemy and I despise every fiber of your being. But as a fellow warrior, I will respect your decision. I will give you an honorable death."

"Thank you" Sigurd said "Then, shall we start?"


What followed next was a short but intense battle between the Castonians and the Tulosans. It was bloody. The remaining Tulosans fought to the death.

In the end, Sigurd was the only one left standing. His right arm was dismembered and he had three stab wounds on his stomach. He was bleeding. He had no strength left and he fell on his knees.

Sigurd looked up and saw Adrian approach him. Adrian knelt in front of him and held a dagger to his chest.

"Rest now, General Sigurd. You have fought bravely."

Adrian stabbed Sigurd's heart. He then supported Sigurd's back and laid him on the ground facing up.

Sigurd saw the sky. It was peaceful, the peace he had been searching for these past fifteen years. His life had been a cage, and he was a prisoner of his own hatred. He released all the hatred inside his heart. He then saw the smiling figures of his comrades. He had finally broken the cage. Sigurd's vision darkened.

He was finally free.