WebNovelThe Union42.37%


Leopold stood outside a lone tent with Rupert behind him. At the distance, two men were inching closer to them.

They were not alone though as hundreds of torches float behind each party- horsemen prepared for action in case this parley turns ugly.

Timothy and his guard stopped just a few paces from them. Leopold looked at the face of his son. The last time he saw him was just a glimpse. But now he had a closer look.

He looked just like the arse. The same nose, the same eyes and the same color of hair. But at the same time, Timothy was different- better and more imposing.

"King Leopold" Timothy greeted with a single nod.

"King Timothy" Leopold nodded back. He turned his look towards the guard behind Timothy. The man was a head taller than the three of them "Would you look at this man. Big, burly, arms thicker than my legs. I bet he could crack a man's skull with one hand. What do you think Rupert?"

"Yes" Rupert uttered in an annoyed tone.

"I'm sure I'm better though" the old guard added a quiet mumble but Leopold heard it. Rupert's remark made Leopold smile.

"So, shall we go inside?" Leopold gestured towards the tent

"We should" Timothy said and the two of them entered.

The tent was just a common one. No ornaments, dull colors, cheap carpet. The insulation was good though with thick animal furs covering the walls. There was a table in the middle filled with food and two chairs on the opposing sides of the table.

Leopold went to the table and let his buttocks fall to one of the chairs. He massaged his aching knees.

"Food?" Timothy asked as he sat on the other chair.

Leopold removed his hands from his knees and pinched a chunk of roasted pigeon. He ate it in front of Timothy.

"Don't worry it's not poisoned. I am not insane to poison someone on a parley"

Timothy was still looking at the food. "But why are we eating?"

"Because I'm hungry. And I think you are too. I've included some of your favorite foods. Although the lack of chicken prompted my cooks to slaughter pigeon instead. Tastes different but just close your eyes and it will taste like chicken"

Leopold then reached for the bird's nest soup, poured two bowls and offered Timothy one.

"You're still having headaches?" Timothy asked

"There's no evidence that bird's nest soup removes headaches"

Timothy agreed with a shrug and took a sip. Leopold saw the moment Timothy grimaced. "Too salty"

"I actually cooked that one"

"Makes sense" Timothy grinned "Alright. I'm still confused with all of these but let's eat"

The two of them ate in silence. Leopold glances from time to time at Timothy. As he watched his son eat, his heart ached. Timothy's style of eating was similar to his. Soup first and then a lump of bread and finished with a mouthful of wine. Timothy may look like that arse, but his actions were Leopold's.

"You're still eating like that?" Leopold asked

"You mean... the method of eating you taught me all those years ago? Yeah. It works and I got used to it" Timothy pointed the spoon at him "By the way, this is the first time in years we ate together. The last one was... I don't know. Five years ago?"

Eight years ago, Leopold thought but didn't say. That was the time Timothy's face started looking like that arse. He couldn't look at Timothy at that time so he stopped eating with him. That was also the time he started hating his son.

"Yeah. More or less" Leopold said with a low voice. He again felt sad that he wasted those eight years with his hate for Timothy.

Timothy stopped eating and put his plate on the side. He must have noticed Leopold's reaction.

"You done eating?" Leopold asked.

"I am" Timothy smiled. "So... is it true? Am I really not your son?"

After taking one last sip of the soup, Leopold put the bowl on the side. He turned his eyes towards Timothy.

"Will it matter? Will you put your crown down if I said that it's true?"

"No. Nothing will change. I'm just curious"

Leopold leaned back, his full belly protruding.

"It's true. He was a royal guard and he and your mother were lovers" Leopold said, lying because he didn't want to further burden Timothy with the fact that the arse didn't even love Margaret.

"That's not the truth" Timothy said "I think he did not love my mother. Am I wrong?"

Leopold slowly nodded and admitted the truth. "You're right. He had an affair too with the wife of Rupert. So, how does knowing that your father didn't love your mother make you feel?"

"It doesn't make me feel anything. And he's is not my father. I didn't even know him"

"You look like him"

"Is that so? Must have been hard for you then. Watching me grow over the years. A product of your greatest rue in life"

"It was... painful. Being reminded day after day that I wasn't good enough for your mother. After the thing with the royal guard your mother never loved me again. She acted sweet towards me but I know that she loved that man until the day she died" Leopold smiled bitterly towards Timothy "As a result I did horrible things to you. Horrible."

"Like exiling me to Knightsend and trying to get me killed?"

Leopold couldn't say a word so he just nodded.

There was then a long silence between them. The silence was painful so Leopold broke it by saying the words he wanted to say the most.

"I'm sorry" he said, looking at Timothy. "I'm very sorry for what I did to you. I'm not asking for your forgiveness but I want you to know that I'm sorry."

Timothy gave him a pained look. "If you're really sorry, then stop this nonsense. I told you several weeks ago that I want a ceasefire until we destroy the Tulosans. After that I'm hoping for some sort of a diplomatic resolution of the civil war. There's no point in letting Castonians fight Castonians. And now I just heard that you're attacking me tomorrow? I don't get it. I really don't"

Leopold couldn't tell Timothy of his plan because he knew that Timothy would just reject it. No, Timothy will do everything to stop him. His plan was dangerous and would put him in danger. So even if Timothy thinks of him as a monster now, it would be worth it. Even if his sacrifices would not be recognized, he doesn't care. As long as Timothy wins in the end, then he would be contented.

The only reason why he called for a parley is because he wanted an excuse to see Timothy one last time. He wanted to have a meal with his son and apologize for his sins.

"There will be a battle tomorrow. I cannot stop it" Leopold said

Timothy sighed. "I don't want to fight you. Is there really no other way? Will you really attack me?"

"I will"

Timothy closed his eyes "Then" He looked at Leopold and offered his hand "Please be safe. Don't do anything stupid tomorrow. I don't want this to be our last meal together... father"

Leopold shook Timothy's hand, carefully hiding his own hand's tremor "You too"

Timothy smiled at him one last time before standing up and leaving the tent.

As soon as Timothy was out of the tent, Leopold's tears started falling. With his hand supporting his forehead, he let his tears fall on the table.

The tears were neither of joy nor of sadness. They were of both. Leopold was happy that Timothy called him father again. His heart was bursting with joy.

But it was also sad. He wasted all those years not being a father to Timothy. And now that he finally decided to be, it was too late.

Before leaving, Leopold dried his eyes first. He went outside the tent and saw that Rupert waiting for him.

"Rupert" he called while they were walking towards their horses. He turned his head towards the Royal Guard. "I told you before that I may have loved Timothy once right?"

"You did"

Leopold took a deep breath and looked above. Unlike yesterday, the stars were shinning bright tonight.

"I did love him and I still do"

"Even though he's not your son?"

"You're wrong Rupert" Leopold stopped walking and smiled "He is my son. The arse's blood runs through his veins but I was the one who raised him. He is my son and I am his father. Nothing can change that."


Thousands of soldiers were lined on both sides of the field. It was silent, although Timothy knew that the field will be filled with shouts and cries and yells later on.

"Cold" Lucia said as she turned her head towards their intertwined hands. "Worried about the battle or about him?"

Timothy looked at their hands and then at her. She was wearing her crown neatly with her braided hair tugged. Her one-piece flowing dress was a little bulky, showing the presence of mail armor underneath.

"Both. This has become complicated. I just hope that everything works out"

Horns from the enemies' side then blared. They advanced. Soldiers bearing flags of Inkit, Wismar, Hadea and Canton marched forward. Their target were Timothy's Castonians at the center.

But the Castonians under King Leopold remained stationary. Timothy first guessed that they were put on reserve but Castonians were tough. It would be a waste to put them in reserve and it would be better for them to be the vanguard. Timothy fixed his eyes on King Leopold's Castonians.

And then they moved. No. They sprinted, rushing like waves of fury. At their current pace and direction, they would soon slam on the backs of the Wismarines.

Timothy realized it. He realized it all. The sudden call for a parley, his melancholic tone last night, the way he looked at him- it was all clear now what he was intending to do and it was dangerous.

Timothy was frowning and his jaw dropped.

"Fool!" he cried out