WebNovelThe Union65.42%

Poor Little Jimmy

The tavern was filled with people tonight. Every stool and every table was occupied. Men and women alike, with downcast expressions and lowered heads, drank in silence.

Ale was the tavern's special- Eastern Lutani ale. The taste was horrid and the odor was worse. But ale was the way to getting drunk and getting drunk was the only thing that could make one forget the butchery happening outside.

The bard held on his harp. It was an old and battered harp he got from his brother but the strings and the tunes are still fine. He shifted his butt on his stool. He flicked a finger and a note sounded in the silent tavern. The people all turned to him- still with their melancholic faces.

"How about a song?" the bard suggested.

"To drown the cries of those knights? Yea. Good idea" A man with hairy arms said. Taking a single sip from his wooden cup, he continued "I mean it. I don't wanna hear screams of agony tonight"

"Me too Mister. Human ears are better suited to tunes than screams" added a woman.

"Then I'll treat you a song. How about 'Jimmy's Nightmare'?"

"You wanna lose your head Mister Bard?" Sneered an aged man "If the Punishers hear you sing that song, they'll rip your tongue out"

"To the gutters with them. Those Punishers could kiss my shiny arse" A drunk person muttered, rising his empty cup and slamming it on the table "Sing Mister Bard. Sing us that song"

The bard formed a smile. He bowed slightly and put his fingers on the string. The first notes of the sad song followed.

'Thrung in the air, arrow made its path

Little Jimmy's leg it hit.

The wick of the war, pious man hath

loathed a statue a bit....


The Punishers and Tobias bowed on the ground. Thirty people stood tied and gagged on top of the wooden platform. Below the statue revered as the Omniscient were thirty pots filled with brimstone.

The Punishers, in their black capes and disfigured helms, screamed a long cry to praise the Omniscient. Tobias raised his arms, his head looking up.

"We offer these heretics to you oh Omniscient. Burn them with your holy fire and cleanse their bodies with your searing goodness. May your light guide us to victory. May your providence of faith reach our hearts. May we never stray from your teachings. May we fulfill our purpose in your name. Oh Omniscient above, save us from the evils of this world. We declared our allegiance to you and only you!"


'Little Jimmy fell, a roll in pain,

but nobody heard his plea.

Grand Master's oaths, broken and in vain

Pious man refused to see...


The sentry stood on the tower. His helm was tied with a strap over his chin. His spear was pointed upward and held with one hand. His brown eyes were fixed in the darkness, searching for a movement.

The cold wind blew, rattling the creaky wooden roof of the tower. The lamp hung on the side of the tower swayed. His shadow danced under the silent moon.

Rustles in the bush a few hundred paces front reached his ears. He looked, opening his eyes and keening his senses. Squinting, the sentry eyed the bush.

Armored horsemen erupted from the bush. Their approach was slow and calm. Their mounts trotted in uniform. The front horseman wore a golden brown cape painted with the image of a broken crown in front of a sun.

The sentry tilted his body and reached for the horn. His stomach was met with the cold bite of a dagger. The person holding the blade was also armored- a knight. The knight cupped his mouth. As he was being dragged, he could see his trickling blood form a smudge on the floor of the tower.

The knight dragged him all the way to the stony steps of the wall. He was conscious enough to take one last look at the gate. As the sentry closed his eyes, the last scene he saw was that of a small battle near the gate. Armored knights fought against the other sentries. The losing side was theirs.


'Broken was his shin, gushing- his blood

Crimson shade, tears never fade

Little Jimmy

Oh little Jimmy

Poor thing

His only sin is faith

He knows no hate

Poor little Jimmy...


Stan's bare knees rubbed against the wooden platform. The calloused skin held splinters at bay.

He slumped, ankles meeting his butts. Lifting his head and rolling his eye up, the scattered stars met him with glee like a sweetheart smiling to his lover.

Beautiful is the world, he thought. The Omniscient's work is boundless. If his next breaths will be his last, and heavily taxed at that, he would still leave his consciousness a happy man- a happy knight.

Onto the pots of brimstone he turned his eyes. No, not his head. Only his eyes for he was too proud to give the fanatics the satisfaction of witnessing his concern.

He planned on staying silent during the ordeal. He cannot scream for a scream would show his agony. But thinking about the fate that would soon welcome him, he knew that he would scream in pain.

The fanatics ceased their shrill song and Tobias finally provided mercy to Stan's ears by shutting his wide mouth. The lunatic pointed at them, closing his eyes. His finger jumped from person to person.

"The Omniscient chose you!" The lunatic's finger halted. It trembled, crooked and bent.

Stan traced the point into a man of middle age just two paces away. His green tunic had holes as big as coins. His flesh was void of fat with his ribs and other bones making a clear show. His eyes were empty save for the look of fear.

"Please sir!" The man cried. He looked back onto the pots and cried even harder "Please! I don't wanna die. Me little boy is waiting for me back home"

A Punisher yanked the thin man by the collar. The thin man hit the floor. His thin face brushed against the coarse oak. The thin man resumed his pleas.

None of them reached the heart of the Punisher or Tobias or the other Punishers. None of them cared.

Stan rose with both hands still in chains behind. Pushing his feet, he leapt. But his balance was dulled by the chain and he fell again soon after. Many knights also attempted to help but the result was similar. Some of the Punishers went up the platform and rewarded them with a knees to the stomach.

The thin man was dragged towards one of the the pots. His feet still struggling. It was a futile move. The Punishers lit the brimstone on fire. The powder turned into liquid while burning a beautiful blue flame. When all the brimstone was burning, the man's face was shoved into the flame.

"Let the Omniscient's glory be witnessed!" shouted Tobias.


' 'Please don't sire', Little Jimmy uttered

'I do not want to go'

But the pious man was filled with hate

Great Rider's statue he saw....


Lance grasped on his right and sword hung on his hip, Henry rode in his steed. The narrow streets of Vuono provided no relief. His golden brown cape fluttered, a marvelous sight- and a dangerous one at that. Tonight he is the Grand Master of Knights.

Behind, his knights followed- two hundred sixty-eight souls. The hooves of their steeds clacked against the paved but pothole-riddled street of the city.

The citizens opened their windows, curious about the commotion they brought. Many cheered after seeing them. Others cowered. Henry couldn't put a blame. Tonight blood will flow and it will not stop until he gets his knights back. He just held on to his lance and rode his steed.

After turning a corner they met forces with the defector knights. There were no words spoken for they have no need for words. Both sides understood the duty they possess. In total they numbered a little just over five hundred.

Turning another corner and riding straight brought them to the city center. The hideous statue built by Cerwin the Pious met them.

A momentary silence prevailed as Henry held firmly on the reins. The fifteen knights and a few other civilians were lined on top of the platform. Their hands were restricted with iron chains. They were bare- armor stripped. Tobias didn't provide even thin garments.

A man was struggling while being shoved into a burning pot. His screams were loud but fading.

Henry eyed Tobias who also eyed him back. His brows furrowed. His grasp on the spear's shaft intensified.


'Little Jimmy felt kiss of the blade

with the knight as the wielder.

His only sin is faith

He knows no hate

Poor little Jimmy

Oh poor little Jimmy

Tasted the pious man's blade'

The bard finished the song with a reverberating voice. His fingers flicked the last note.

The bard opened his closed eyes. He discovered wetness on them. The listeners in the tavern wore expressions more downcast before.

The bard looked to the window. Outside, Grand Master Tobias is sacrificing knights. It was reminiscent of the great purge of Cerwin the Pious many years ago where the song he sung was based upon.

Poor little Jimmy indeed, the bard thought.