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Assassin's Bane

"I am going to assassinate them!" Sarah said with giggles in between.

Ash was again trembling. Her life had never been peaceful ever since Sarah started bursting into her room each day and acting like they are close friends. Sometimes Sarah would stay for a long time and ask her about King Timothy or Queen Lucia. Of course Ash would keep her mouth shut if she is able but sometimes details would be worded. She could only hope to leave this place as soon as she is able.

She did try to escape and slip into the dark night. She tried many times, even bribing a whole Century of guards once. But every time she tries to escape, Sarah would always find her. The last time, Ash believed that she escaped at last. But when her coach driver turned his head around, Ash saw a face shrouded with a helm shaped like the head of a falcon. The Falconhead just stared at her without uttering a single word. Sarah then stepped into the carriage from the back and laughed as they rode around Mythrille. It was pure horror.

"Stop" Ash begged "Please let me go. Or just kill me. Please stop doing this"

"What do you mean Ash?" Sarah's voice was as sweet as an aged fruit wine "I am your friend"

Ash didn't lift her head. She just covered her ears with her blanket. She doesn't want to see Sarah's smiling face either.

"But seriously" Sarah said "I am going to send an assassin, a large man perhaps with a huge scar to scare. I shall give him a sword, large too"

"I will stop you" Ash said in her little voice

"Please do darling" An eerie laughter erupted from the Princess. "I want you to stop me. Please tell them what I'm planning"

Sarah lifted the blanket and Ash had no choice but to looke at her. Sarah caressed her cheek. "His name is Asit. He is one of my guards. Aged veteran, large body, unstabble temper. Asit is a good man, loyal and strong. He has served my family for decades. But age dulls fun. The older one gets the more boring he turns. Asit has become boring lately. I shall put him to good use and have some fun. He shall redeem himself for being boring"

"You are insane"

"By what standard? Everyone is insane Ash. Some people are just more... open to trying new things. I am not insane by my standards. I am merely a Princess who just wants to have some fun in this dull world"

Ash didn't talk after. She got what she needed. Asit was the name of the assassin. He is supposed to be a large and aged Wismarine. That would be easy to spot. She will write this to Queen Lucia after.

"I know what you're thinking" Sarah said. "I am disappointed Ash. We have been friends and yet you still don't know me" She smiled "Like in the past, I am going to provide you with more details. There are many large and aged Wismarines. It would be difficult to spot Asir. Here"

Sarah handed her another letter. This was the third time that the Wismarine Princess did such a thing. Ash immediately knew what the letter contains.

"During the festival of a thousand songs" Ash said

"Yes" Sarah nodded and then chuckled "I am better at spying at me than you"


After two days of preparation the city of Hearldshome was finally ready for the festival of a thousand songs. The streets were lined with decorations, petals of the curtus flower, the symbol of music in the old Cantonese folklore. Shops selling musical instruments lined the streets. There were amateur bards offering their services for a couple of coppers.

Timothy doesn't really like music. It was alright. The tingles in his ears every time he hears a song was all there was. But he wasn't a fan of it. For him, the only real music is the cry of a thousand men lined to stop a cavalry charge. Nothing beats the rhythm of a march. There were only two instruments he was familiar with- war drums and war horns. He wasn't alone in this sentiment though. Maybe it was because of their culture but most Castonians are not music literate.

Lucia though, enjoyed the melody hung in the air. Both of them were on the carriage on their way to the cathedral. Lucia was all smiles. Seeing her with a smile was enough for Timothy to enjoy this festival. Although they were still fighting a war against the giant nation of Wismar, a rest every once in a while wouldn't hurt.

Timothy shook his head. Rest? No. Just like what Lucia had told him, Sarah Wismar is now sending an assassin. First the Wismarine Princess sent a force of a thousand, next she divulged the names of her spies, and now she informed them that she is sending an assassin. Asit was his name. Sarah wrote to them that Asit was a large man with an aged look. Timothy could just really ignore the assassin. Abraham and the Bear could smell a threat like hounds. The Bear alone could tear the Wismarine assassin in half.

But a man has his pride, especially a King. Sarah Wismar was enjoying herself. She thinks that she could have fun in this war. Timothy would make her realize the when he and Lucia were her opponents, she should take everything seriously.

Lucia cupped his hand and Timothy was forced to look at her. Who wouldn't? She looked pretty with her curled hair decorated with flowers and gems. Timothy touched her hair, amazed by how her usually straight hair could curl.

"Mylene did that for hours. Pretty right?"

"Yes" Timothy could only utter a word of agreement. She's perfect.

"Did you fall for me deeper?" Lucia nudged his shoulder and grinned.

"Every single day"

His answer made Lucia's grin froze. She looked away. Her face was the color of peach.

"Me too" She said after a while with a serious voice "I want to have a child Tim. I want to build a family with you. A boy, a girl, it doesn't matter really" Lucia leaned on his shoulder and closed her eyes. A glint of tear was on the corner of her eyelids. If fell, tricking down her cheek "But alas, fate is not with us. I know we've only been trying for months and by luck and the Omniscient's grace our shared dream could come true. But if..." her voice trailed. Timothy's heart ached "If we will truly be alone, then I will just accept that. Having a child would be better but having you would be more than enough"

Timothy gripped her hand "I would have loved teaching a son how to be regal and kind. I have long dreamt of having a training session with my heir on how to speak and to dress. Lessons in sword fighting and horse riding would be nice too even though I am not an expert in such things. Even a daughter would be equally good. I would like her to have your beautiful smiles and delicateness. It would have been amazing seeing thousands of suitors lining for her. But if we cannot have a child then that would be alright too. The Omniscient has gifted me enough by allowing me to meet you. I cannot be greedy right? You are everything that I want. Not even the crown on my head and the armies on my back could match your importance"

Lucia sighed. She smiled, a genuine one. She then put a kiss on his his cheek "I apologize for bringing such a melancholic topic into the festival. We should be joyful tonight. We should indulge ourselves in songs"

"Songs aren't really my interest. I may not be able to indulge myself in such things"

"Then indulge yourself with me later" her grin was mischievous.

Timothy felt his heart stop for a moment. He then chuckled, realizing that he was helpless around her. She was good at capturing his heart and his desires.

The carriage stopped. Timothy could see from behind the curtains the huge cathedral. It was a bit larger than the one at Nirvana.

The guards moved with their spears raised in an orderly fashion. Every pound of their march was a melody so sweet. The crowd that gathered outside the cathedral had no choice but to give way.

Timothy went out of the carriage first. Holding Lucia by the hand, he assisted her. Loud shouts erupted from the crowd. Timothy felt proud. These people were throwing pots of urine at them just a few weeks ago. Now they have warmed to them.

As he walked with Lucia towards the cathedral, one thing was on his mind. With a child or not, he will give his family the best of the world. Even if that family meant only Lucia and him.