WebNovelThe Union75.59%


The villages were empty. Only rats moved. The people and the pets were nowhere. The livestock were either hauled or slaughtered. The farms were burned. The water in the waterholes had discoloration and foul smell- poisoned. Even the hay in the barns had needles in them- poisoned needles.

Timothy wasn't joyful. A grimace was on his face as he looked at the village. Small, with an open field to the north, farmland to the south fed by the a small stream and the main road sprawling towards the east- the village was a ten leagues from Mythrille. Like the others, the houses had cone roofs sculpted smoothly. Altars to the falcon God Ashkara were everywhere. Yes, the people here were believers of the Wismarine God. Their clothing too were Wismarine. Their accents were Wismarine. Their children play with Wismarine toys. Even the dogs bark Wismarine.

The Wismarine influence had encroached to this part of Canton so much. Wars were not the only way to gain territories. Sometimes culture and influence were sharper than swords.

"Damn those people" Abraham's nose wrinkled as he rode Bear. It was still a new sight to Timothy. An armored giant riding an armored bear was a little terrifying despite it being his design.

Bear grunted lowly. He was probably saying another insult or a boastful remark. Fortunately, Bear cannot talk whenever he was a bear.

Lucia pinched his hand. They had talked about the situation in eastern Canton. Everything that happened were in accordance to Lucia's prediction. Sarah played the sentiment of the citizens in eastern Canton. With the people already siding and influenced by the Wismarines, a change of affiliation would only take a single mistake from King Harold. And the stuttering King did make a mistake- a terrible one. From the reports, people saw King Harold let the spy escape and Sarah stopped him. In one stroke, Sarah gained the loyalty of the east. Now it was as if she was their Queen.

Ash was gloomy on her horse. She was tired, Timothy knew. But her gloominess was overwhelming. Bowed head, eyes staring at the ground- Ash face was mess.

"Worry not" Said Timothy "He's not going to die. Your conscience would still be as clean as snow"

Ash lifted her head. The same gloom met him "Pardon me Your Majesty but I know Harold. Although such a word might be too much, I can say that he is weak"

That's why he's going to survive, Timothy thought but did not say. Sometimes being weak is an armor. Sarah would let him live, even protect him. In the crooked world of politics, sometimes logic is also crooked.

"Like what my Timothy said, you need not worry Ash" Lucia said "By the end of it all, Harold would be sitting back on his throne in Heraldshome. That is, granted, that he would side with us"

When they were almost out of the village, the sight of a corpse hung from a huge tree greeted them. It was a young man and woman- probably not couples but the representation was clear. On their chests were planks painted with Timothy and Lucia's names. The incenses that surround the tree spoke of a religious sacrifice. The Wismarines often do human sacrifices to Ashkara. The Cantonese probably thought that making the same ritual and presenting the corpse along the way to Mythrille would terrify him and Lucia.

The royal guards attempted to take it down but Lucia ordered against it.

"Those two volunteered to become sacrifices"

"Yes" Timothy covered his nose from the pungent odor "Ashkara only accepts volunteers they say"

"Barbarism" She said, short but sharp.

"You couldn't be more right. This practice should stop"

Lucia turned her head towards the royal guards. Her frown was frightening.

"They chose this. Those two chose to become sacrifices. Let them be. Let them hang in there as maggots feasted on their flesh. Don't give them the decency of a burial for they don't deserve nor want it. Let all our soldiers know what we are facing. This should wake them from the delusion that we could still win the hearts of the people here like what we did in the past. This is a foreign territory with foreign beliefs and practices"

The royal guards nodded to Lucia's stern warning.

"Well said my Queen. You took the words right out of my mouth" Timothy nudged her a little.

"We are of one mouth remember? We are of one soul and of one mind" Her expression grew darker "But I don't like this Tim. I don't like this at all"

Their whole host passed by the two corpses in silence. There were occasional glances and heavy breathing from those unfamiliar with the pungent smell of death. Ash vomited her stomach when she caught the smell and the sight.

There were no interruptions after the two corpses. The marched resumed in an orderly manner towards Mythrille. The march only ceased only after the sun presented an orange glow from the horizon. The vanguard was recalled from the front.

They set up the camp on top of a flat hill, almost a plateau. A small stream was nearby, not poisoned thank the Omniscient. The camp grew fast as the the tents were designed to be deployed in haste. A ditch, eight feet deep and ten across, was dug around the camp. Spikes and caltrops were scattered on the bottom. Timothy would have ordered palisades to be built but there was no wood to work with.

Sentries were posted and scouts were sent to all directions. Fires were lit for food, stew and bread was for tonight. The Quartermaster added meat as a battle loomed.

The royal tent was larger than the others, five times to an officer's and ten to a common tent. The cloth of the tent was painted gold and white. The flags of both Vanadis and Castonia stood without sound outside. The royal guards' tents sowed around it.

Timothy was inside along with Lucia, Ash and the six Generals. Their food was no different from the others.

"Have you visited your father yet?" Timothy asked Ash.

Something dark formed on her face. Shame, guilt and anger, Timothy guessed.

"No" She said curtly "I know he's fine"

"It's your decision" Marvin said, sucking his teeth "But I do hope you will grow to forgive him. Nothing bonds people like blood. He made a mistake but he's still your father"

"He shamed us. My whole family was shamed because of him"

"I shamed my daughter once. I brought her dolls not knowing she was already ten and seven years old. I mean who would have thought that children grow so fast? She still doesn't want talking to me" General Hoover said.

Everyone doesn't enjoy talking to you, Timothy thought. General Hoover's jests were painful to hear sometimes.

"You have the blood of a noble" General Bourgis' face was ever stern "A noble should have honor. Your father broke his honor and brought shame upon your line. If he was my brother, I would have made him kneel on salt until his knees bleed to the bone. Cruel, but discipline and honor trumps pity"

Abraham entered the tent, still on his armor. His walk was heavy. It must have been a mere illusion but Timothy swore, the ground trembled.

"Shadow has returned Your Majesty. He's..." Abraham tilted his head back "He's bloody"

Not long after and Shadow entered the tent. His black coat was smudged in red. His hat had a long tear on the side.

"Not my blood, don't worry. I'm not hurt but three on the scouts were cut down and five were wounded. Two, I think, would never walk again" Shadow said

"What happened?" Asked Lucia

"Pardon me" Shadow trudged towards the table and drank from Hoover's cup. He grunted and looked back to them "We were scouting ahead when a group of Falconheads. They were fast and strong. They feared no one. One of the scouts stabbed one but the Falconhead didn't flinch. Can you imagine that? He didn't feel pain"

"Falconheads outside the city?" Marvin gave him a questioning look. "Why would there be Falconheads outside? Shouldn't she...rally her forces inside?"

"Because she means to meet us in the field" Lucia answered. She was met with raised eyebrows.

"That is right. We will have a battle soon" Timothy's answer was met with more confusion.

"Why would she meet us? She has the city. A siege would serve her well. The defenses of Mythrille were not impressive, I know. But going outside of the walls is not smart"

Timothy ignored Marvin's plea for enlightenment.

"Exhaust the meat in our supplies. Serve double rations to our men. Tomorrow..." Timothy glaced at Lucia "We will meet them in the field"