Fight in Hammer Industries (1)

Hammer Industries

"We move in on three!" Agent Romanoff calling out on her ear piece before counting down on SHIELD's line with both of us getting ready to follow her.

"Breach" Agent Romanoff ordered as she quickly head towards the front door.

Unlocking the door with her tools, Agent Romanoff lead us into the building. As we followed her inside, Ironman lean in towards me and whispered "We could have blasted the door wide open".

I snapped back at him saying "It is your fault. You could have called them once we are nearly done!".

One of Hammer security guards approached us angrily shouted "Hey, hey, hey! You guys can't come in here".

"Move" Agent Romanoff said in a threatening manner.

"No Warrant, No entrance!" Another of Hammer security guards said as he blocked the way.

"Here is your warrant" Ironman said as he blasted the two guards away with his repulsors.

Agent Romanoff glared at him before heading further into the building.

"What?" Ironman said as he shrugged his shoulder innocently.

"I got a feeling she want to handle things here. Looks like this will be a boring mission" I said feeling frustrated with the whole situation.

As another guard appear from the corner of the corridor, he shouted "Hey! What are you all doing he....". but before he could finish speaking, Agent Romanoff punch the guard directly in the face knocking him out.

"Impressive" I said admiring her close combat skills.

The guard shout attracted more guards to appear in the corridor.

"Finally" said Ironman excitedly as he walk towards the guards while flexing his fingers.

But Agent Romanoff ignored Ironman and rushed forward towards the guards. Using some of her SHIELD techs, she continue striking them with punches and kicks that knocked all of them unconscious.

"Hey, don't hog all of them!" Ironman said feeling frustrated.

"Oi... leave some for us" I complained.

Seeing that she ignored us, I glanced back toward the SHIELD agents following us asking "Is she always like this?" which they merely replied by nodding their head.

"Yup, she is a control freak and it is also part of her stress relieve exercise" one of the SHIELD agents replied as he cuffed the unconscious guards while we continue watching her fight with the guards

"Then what are we? Spectators?" Ironman complained as we continue following her lead.

As Agent Romanoff smashed her knee into another guard's chest, she said in a threatening manner "Agent Mason, do you want me to set up a transfer for you? How about the SHIELD base in the North Pole?".

Agent Mason quickly saluted as he nervously replied "No thank you, Ma'am! I love working with you... You Rock, Ma'am!". Hearing this Agent Romanoff smiled before turning around to face her next opponent.

As Agent Mason sighed in relieved, Ironman glance at him and teasingly said "Whipped!" causing Agent Mason to glare back at him.


Few minutes later, Agent Romanoff kick through a door and entered with guns in her hands. Instead of finding Ivan Vanko, we found a room with several corpses of Hammer's security guards severely mutilated by someone.

Seeing the bloodied corpses, Ironman said "Oh my god! What happen here?" as he quickly averted his eyes from the scene because he didn't want to puke.

Hearing a distinct coughing noise, we found Justin Hammer struggling to stand up. Agent Romanoff grab his collar and pin him against the wall before asking "Who is behind this?".

"What? I don't understand what you mean" Justin replied groggily.

"Who?" Agent Romanoff asked threateningly as she tighten her grip on Justin's collar.

"Ivan, Ivan Vanko" Justin answered as he struggled to break free from her grip.

Letting Justin fall to the ground, Agent Romanoff quickly went towards the nearest computer terminal.

As the SHIELD agents approach him, Justin said "Thank you for saving me. Please catch the man responsible for all this" but before he could continue talking, the SHIELD cuffed him.

"What? What are you doing? Are you kidding me? I am the victim here!" Justin continued talking feeling more confused by the second.

Noticing Tony in his Ironman suit standing near the doorway, Justin said "You are trying to pin this on me, huh? So you and your CEO girlfriend is trying to take out the competition. Can't stand me outperforming you at the Stark Expo, huh! You think you are making a problem for me? I am gonna make a huge problem for you. I am gonna sue all of you".

Ironman ignored Justin's threat asked "What next? Wait.... I am detecting numerous spike of energy!"

"He is in the workshop" I said as all of us quickly head towards Hammer Industries's workshop with Justin shouting "You will pay for this Stark!"


Enter the workshop, the first thing we saw is a whole workshop filled with Hammer combat drones fully powered up and suddenly aiming all their weapons at us.

"What?" Ironman said in surprised as his system detected numerous target locks.

"And you were complaining, we got nothing to do" I said teasingly as I quickly started throwing explosive wingdings towards the combat drones.

"Hey, you complain too" Ironman argued back as he glided across the workshop to avoid the numerous incoming machine guns from all the combat drones.

The wingdings lodged themselves into the skulls of several combat drones causing them to explode and deactivate as they drop the ground. I continue running and somersaulting across the workshop to avoid the combat drones' machine gun fire while continuously throwing another volley of explosive wingdings to pierce the combat drones' metallic bodies.

"Finally!" said Ironman excitedly as he continue firing repulsor blast towards the combat drones. His repulsor blasts destroyed a combat drones with each shot he takes and some of his blast smashed through several drones with one shot.

Ironman looking over his handiwork said ''Damn, I am good!" as he continue blasting away at the combat drones and at the same time, avoiding their attacks.

Agent Romanoff leap into the workshop saying "Save some of the fun for me too" as she fired off her handguns that deactivate several of the drones" before taking cover. After that she proceed to unload another magazine of bullets towards the combat drones.

More combat drones continue falling to the ground as bullets, repulsor blast and wingdings slammed into their metallic skulls. "Have you guys seen Vanko yet!" I shouted as I vaulted myself over a combat drone before tearing out its head with my bare hand.

"No" replied Agent Romanoff continue letting loose a volley of bullets as she move through the workshop while using obstacles for cover. As two combat drones approach her position, they were meet with miniature guiding missiles from Ironman that destroyed their bodies.

"Thanks" Agent Romanoff shouted before riddling several combat drones behind Ironman with bullets.

"Where is Justin?" Ironman asked as he smashed his fist into a combat drone's chest that have gotten to close to him.

"Outside. It is getting too dangerous so I ordered my agents to clear the building" Agent Romanoff shouted back before running to another corner, leaping over several boxes and sliding on the ground while firing her weapons.

"Is the enemies contained? We don't want any of them escaping" I said as I kicked another combat drone away

"Don't worry. SHIELD got the area covered. Nothing can escape SHIELD's net" Agent Romanoff replied confidently as she continue firing her weapon.

As our fight continue, more and more combat drones storm towards our direction.

"Get Down!" I shouted as I throw several explosive wingdings through the air. As the explosive wingdings slammed into the workshop's ceiling.

BOOM!!!! CRASH!!!!!

A powerful explosion erupted inside the workshop followed by a loud crashing sound as ceiling area where the explosive wingdings hit come crashing down onto a large number of the combat drones. After ceiling collapse, smoke and debris flew all over the place.

"Not bad!" Ironman commented as he scan the surrounding area.

"Is it over?" asked Agent Romanoff as she walked out of her cover to observe the destruction caused by the collapsed ceiling.

As the dust and smoke slowly dispersed, Ironman said "Looks like our job here is not done!" when much larger intimidating armored silhouette slowly approached us from across the workshop and large thumping sound could be heard with each step it took.


"Yeah!…I see what you mean'' Agent Romanoff said staring at the large silhouette approaching us.

When the helmet of the large armored figure slide back to reveal Ivan Vanko's face, Ironman cursed under his breath "Oh, Shit!".