A Town Lost In Time.

"I don't get it. Why are you guys following me?" Sany said as she marched forward while looking behind her with the corner of her eyes.

"You are strong," Kon said as he trailed behind her with Mr. Peru perched on his shoulder. "Why don't you join in my adventure?" He grinned at her.

"No, thank you." Sany looked up ahead at the narrow dirt path that wound up a hill. They had been walking for almost four hours now, and the bright sun had warmed her nape and back so much that she had started to feel a bit dizzy. The royal guards were no longer chasing them. Maybe, she could now afford to take a little break under a tree for a moment. Yup, that sounded like a good idea. She started scanning the area around her for a big tree with wide branches and a thick canopy of leaves.

"What are you doing? Why did you stop?" Kon scratched his head.

Sany didn't reply. She was too tired to even let out a puff of sigh. She walked to a big tree and settled herself under its shade.

Kon sat before Sany, looking at her with his curious, big eyes. "Do you want juice?"

"Uh…" Her throat felt parched.

"I have watermelon juice with me."

"No, no," Mr. Peru squeaked. "Don't give her my juice."

An evil smiled appeared on Sany's face. "Yes, I would love to drink some juice." She looked directly at Mr. Peru as she said that.

"No," Mr. Peru roared. "Don't." He started hopping on Kon's shoulder.

"I'll have to," Kon said, pulling out a plastic bottle with red liquid inside it. "I want her to join me." He held out the bottle. But before Sany could take, Mr. Peru swooped down and took the bottle away.

"Ha. Ha. Got you," Mr. Peru said as he flew into the woods.

"That's it," Sany said, jumping to her feet. "I'm turning that parrot into a fried chicken." She bolted behind him.

"Hey, guys, wait up!" Kon called after her.

But Sany paid him no heed. She just ran across the rugged terrain that was bathed in green and yellow dappling lights. The red creature was flying a few yards ahead of her, bobbing up and down under the weight of the bottle.

"You stupid bird!" Sany screamed as she jumped over a fallen trunk.

"Go away. Shoo... shoo." Mr. Peru said as he seamlessly flew past twisting and turning branches.

The land had now started to gently slope downward.

"YOU…" Sany lunged at him, but the red bird soared upward, banked left, and started flying back in the direction from where they had come. Sany skidded to a stop, pivoted around and was about to dash but stopped when she saw Mr. Peru hitting something in the air, dropping the bottle to the ground, and himself corkscrewing to the forest floor.

A bit dazed, she walked over to the bird and picked it up. "Served you right!" She giggled.

But the red parrot didn't stir.

"Hey, you alright?" She tried her best to not sound a tad bit concerned about the little creature but failed at miserably.

Mr. Peru moaned from her palm. He seemed to have been knocked out.

"What in the world just happen?" Sany looked for the bottle of watermelon juice. Found it. And with it stuck under her arm, and the red parrot resting on her palms, she started following her footmarks.

Mr. Peru moaned again. She looked down at him, and at that precise moment, something hit her forehead. "Ah."

Sany was thrown backward. She landed hard on her butt. Rubbing the bruise on her forehead, she looked ahead her. There was nothing before her. Nothing at all. Just a small dirt path twisting and turning through woods. She got up, cradled the little bird in her palms, and again resumed her walk, slowly this time. But was again stopped by something invisible.

An invisible barrier, Sany thought, this time rubbing her nose.

But it hadn't been there before. Mr. Peru had flown past it, and she had just run through it a minute ago.

"KON," Sany yelled.

No reply came. The forest remained silent, dark, and bright, all at the same time.

She decided to walk along this invisible wall to see where it ended. It was a while before she realized that the invisible wall was not going straight but was turning inward. She felt as if she were inside a large circular room whose wall she could not see.

Like a dome.

"It's a special barrier," Sany mumbled. "A magic that lets you in, but doesn't let you walk out."