Chapter 1- Our heroes journey begins

Math, one of the greatest torture methods known to child kind. They deceived us when we were younger. Making us think our one two threes were separate from our a b c's. If only we knew of the great beast Algebra two before it pounced upon us all.

I huffed and leaned on my desk. Staring intently at the clock. 

"Come on.."

Brrrring! Brrring!

Suddenly the bell erupted to life. Freeing us all from the torture of Algebra two! I shot up from my desk and snagged my bag, and immediately bolted out the door.

It didn't take long for me to make my way outside. I quickly moved to the side of the building and hid underneath a tree. Shielding myself from the blazing sun. 

Then I watched as one by one, all the kids faded away from the courtyard. Eventually leaving just me. 

"What the heck is he doing?" I muttered. I squinted my eyes and continued to look around the empty school lot, half expecting to see him magically pop up. "I bet he got in trouble agai-"


I practically leaped out of my skin as I heard someone roar in my ear. I spun around and prepared to swing. But the fire inside quickly died once I saw his shaggy brown hair, and Guns and Roses style. 

"Gotcha dude!" Zack cackled out.

He was hunched over covering his mouth, trying his best to stop the laughing. 

I grumbled and punched his shoulder."I almost swung on you!"

But he just kept laughing. I rolled my eyes and headed out from the school grounds. 

"So, want to hang out at your place today?'' Zack chirped as he jumped ahead of me and spun around, brandishing a goofy grin as he walked backwards.

"Not unless you're going to help with chores," I huffed.

Zack groaned, and turned around, moving his arms behind his head.

"I guess the Mighty Zack can help the sad, poor Stryder with meaningless tasks for a while."

"You mean flirt with my sister all day?" 

"Maybe just a little."

"She's too old for you man."

"Love has no age; besides, she can't resist this sexy beast." He stopped walking and pointed his thumbs towards himself. 

But I just ignored him and kept walking. 

"There's not enough water on this earth for all that thirst you got."

"Like you don't ogle at Alexis.."

"Shut up..."

We lived in a small city area, so our walk home usually consisted of a few shops and alleyways. The place reeked of cigarettes, and the walls were filled with gritty graffiti art. Not to mention the trash that was thrown all over the place. 

After a little while of walking, I saw something that sent chills down my spine. My eyes were glued onto the older man ahead of me. Staring intently at the red steel bandana around his neck. He must've been one of them, a red steel gang member. 

As we continued to walk, I noticed the guy change his path to walk directly in front of Zack's. We grew closer and closer, but the guy didn't move and neither did Zack. And they bumped into each other.

"Hey Scrub!" The bald man barked.

He stopped walking and so did we. Then we turned around and faced this guy.

We all stopped walking, and Zack and I turned to face him.

"What?" Zack spat out.

"Maybe you didn't notice, but I'm from the Red Steel Gang. So if you bow down and ask for forgiveness now, maybe I'll let you off with a warning." He glared down at Zack, who met his glare with a smirk.

 I could already tell this wasn't going to end well...

"Look, I'm sorry for him; he didn't know-"

"You can shove your forgiveness right here baldy!" Zack yelled over me.

He turned around and pointed at his butt, then continued to walk like nothing happened. 

"Zack!" I called out. 

The guy just started laughing and shaking his head.

"All right kid, you'll regret that," he croaked as he turned and walked away.

The Red Steel Gang, Zack just pissed off the Red Steel gang. It took a moment for my brain to register. He just pissed off the most powerful gang in the city. I ran and caught up with him.

"What the heck is wrong with you? Do you have a death wish or something!" I roared and yanked him around to face me. 

"I'm just sick and tired of that Red Steel Gang, thinking they own the damn place; I'm not going to let them push me around." He looked me dead in the eye. 

I could see the conviction in him; it was rare to see him look so serious. I felt the fire inside of me slowly begin to fade. I sighed and let him go, I could see where he was coming from.

"Look, I don't like it any more than you do, but making enemies with a whole gang isn't wise. We can't fight all of them."

"I know, I know. I just hate it. It's like I'm trapped in my own damn city!" 

"I understand. Regardless, if anything happens tomorrow, I got your back." I gave him a reassuring smile, and I could see a wave of relief wash over him.


"Five dollars a mask, sunny!" Zack was interrupted by the call of a small old man in the alleyway.

He was wrinkled up like a prune and wearing a dirty white cloth. My heart sank looking at his frail thin arms and legs, like he hadn't eaten in days.

My eyes scanned over his misshapen cardboard stand, and landed on the masks he referred to. One mask was plain and white with a downward sword painted in the middle. While the other mask was red and built like a Japanese demon. It had huge teeth poking out from its mouth, and two horns.

I pulled out a twenty and placed it on the old man's stand. Then I took the red mask and tossed it to Zack, while I put the white one in my hoodie pocket.

"Keep the change."

I gave him a nod and turned back to Zack. 

"Such a hero Sir Stryder," Zack mocked as he put his mask on.

I just rolled my eyes and waved the old man goodbye. Then we turned and started walking away. 

"Thank you, my knight." I assumed it was the old man, but I was puzzled by the tone. It sounded...feminine. 

I turned to say no problem, but the man and his stand were gone. I started to get goosebumps as I looked around for him. 

"Where did he go?"

"I bet the old guy had the munchies."



Soon we arrived at my dad's apartment. It was one of those new-york styled places that stands on the sidewalk like a corner store. 

 As we got inside Zack threw his backpack on the floor. Then leaped over onto the couch.

I sighed and walked over to him.

"Didn't I tell you if you came over we had to do chores?"

Zack groaned."But Lux isn't here yet!"

"Well, too bad, now get up."

I picked up his bag and tossed it onto him.

He grunted.

"Ach! Fine! Whatever mom!"