Chapter 7 - I gained a blessing

I stared up into the sky and tried to clear my head. I felt exhausted. The grey sky however only loomed over me with a gleam of despair. Reminding me why I can't relax. But what was I supposed to do? Where was I supposed to go..?

I was just burdening everyone. Maybe I should just sit here and waste away. Just disappear. Then maybe Lux can enjoy her years in college, and maybe dad can start looking hopeful again. Zack and Alexis can date without worrying about me too.

I stared into the ominous grey clouds. Accepting whatever fate had for me. I deserved it after all. Then, huge chunks of snow started to fall from the sky.

Weird, it's not even winter yet.

As the snow grew closer, I noticed it wasn't normal. Instead of being balls of it, it was rectangular. Almost like a card. I don't know why. But one just felt. Like, like it was mine. I picked it out like a needle in the haystack. Watching as it danced its way down to me.

It felt instinctual, like I just been waiting for it all this time. I sat up and lifted my hand for it. As soon as its edges fell into my palm, a ray of blinding light came from it. I closed my eyes and tried to hide from the blaring light.

I felt the heat in the air cool around me. I was hesitant. But I slowly opened my eyes. I looked at the card. It had the word 'Knight' written on it in fancy cursive writing.

"Knight..?" I muttered.

My body suddenly started to glow. Balls of light that reminded me of fireflies began to surround me, growing brighter and brighter, until all I could see was white.

I started to panic, but I couldn't move my body! I was paralyzed. The light slowly began to die down, and I could see again, but I was somewhere else entirely.

It was dark and hazy around me; there was an ominous purple light coming from above. I could see shadowy apparitions scattered about, looking just as panicked as I was. In front of us was not just one but twelve giants. They all looked the same with long elegant dresses. However, each had a different color dress and different color hair. In the middle was one in a red dress, she stepped forward and started to talk.

"Everyone, may I have your attention." The one with a red dress stopped talking and another giant took over in a blue.

"You may call us whatever you like—gods, goddesses..."

Another one picked up from the last giant. I assumed they all were just gonna talk like this. "Witches, monsters, demons, etcetera,"

"We're not even entirely sure what we are.''

"What matters is your purpose here."

"We have grown bored and wish to play a game."

"We have chosen each of you specifically to participate in our game."

"And shall grant you all imperiums."

"You are free to do as you please with these impeuriums."

"Also, if you entertain us enough."

"Or defeat another player."

"You may grow in power and be given upgrades."

W-what? What the hell was she talking about!? What the hell was going on!? Did I pass out outside? Am I hallucinating? Impuriums? Upgrades? And now goddesses...

They stopped talking for a moment, and I looked at the still black figures. I had control over myself again. It seemed like everyone else got control again as well. We were all panicking.

"Now there are rules to this game," The orange giant called out.

"One, you are not allowed to tell anyone about us except the other players. Lies and other excuses are allowed."

"Two, if you kill another player to gain an upgrade, said player shall be revived unless that child's owner says otherwise."

"Three, we are not allowed to see future events."

"To check your skills, focus and your card shall appear again in your hand. It grows as your skills grow."

"We also have enhanced your body's natural durability and physical fitness."

"Now have fun our children, with our gifts."

As she finished her last words. A bright light shined from behind them. Slowly consuming the area.

I was about to cover my eyes but I stopped. I stared wide-eyed as I recognized Zack a few feet away. We stared at each other as everything was slowly consumed by white.

Then, I appeared back in my dingy apartment. I blinked a few times and rubbed my eyes, making sure they weren't playing tricks on me. Then I pinched myself and felt a sharp pain.

"Guess it wasn't a dream then," I sighed.

This would be the real test if I wasn't dreaming. I thought about my card, glittering sparkles shined in front of me as my card materialized from the light. I held out my hand as the card fell into my palm. The card still had the word 'Knight' written in fancy cursive letters.

I turned it over to the back and saw it had 'Vision' written there. I decided I had enough for one day. I felt like I was running on E. I looked over at my couch, and I just collapsed on it. Sleep sounds so good right now...