Chapter 40 - Looking ahead

No, not again. Not again! I need to do something! I need to move! But I couldn't, no matter how hard I tried. It was useless. As I was about to give in, I saw a white blur appear in front of me, followed by a chill that ran down my spine. Jack stood in front of me, holding my dad's wrist in his hand.

I looked over, and I could see ice freezing Zeke and Lux's feet to the ground. No way, he managed to stop everything.

"Look, let's all calm down. Like I said, I'm the one who broke your fridge."Jack said firmly as he stared intently into my father's eyes. 

I could see my dad hesitate as he opened his mouth. Like his words were stolen right from his lips. There was silence for a moment, then my dad snatched his hand away from Jack.

"Is that so?" He grumbled.

"Yeah, I'll replace the fridge, the beer, and all the food." Jack went into his pocket and quickly pulled out a thick stack of cash. "For now, compensation for the trouble."

My dad eyed the money a bit before he snatched it from him. Jack took a step back and folded his arms. My dad quickly looked over the bills, creating another moment of silence. He looked Jack up and down after he finished.

"I guess this will do, now leave." My dad huffed." I got work in the morning."

He quickly turned from Jack and trudged off to his room.

"You little-"  Zack growled as he whipped around toward my dad. 

But Jack teleported right next to him. I hadn't noticed till now, but there was ice scattered all over the floor. That explains his moves just now. Jack quickly putting a hand over his mouth as my dad slammed the door shut.

"Let me go ya snowcone I'm gonna blast that piece of crap!" Zeke growled.

"And what exactly are you gonna accomplish by doing that?" Jack asked. "Let's all just calm down."

"Jack, I'm sorry. I-I froze up there.." I muttered out.

My body was still shaking as I rose. Even with him gone, it still feels like his gaze was on me. I looked to the floor and rubbed my arm. I wanted to calm down, I wanted to relax. Damnit! Why can't I calm down! I felt my whole body quake as I felt a hand gently rest on my head. 

"What are you talking about! You were totally brave out there!" Jack chuckled.

I slowly looked up, and I could see Jack's goofy grin smiling down on me. He ruffled my hair a bit and pulled away. I was at a complete loss for words. Brave? How could he call me brave?

"I'll have that fridge for you tomorrow. For now, I think we should listen to the old man and scatter."

Zack just grumbled.

"Right, let's leave then." Leo sighed as he walked to the door.

I looked up for a moment, and I watched everyone get up and walked to the door. Zack was still grumbling, but Jack just put him in a headlock and dragged him to the door. 

"roigh', waell say yah on the mohraow than." Elizabeth hummed as she waved bye to me.

I hesitantly looked up at her and waved back. This was embarrassing. All of this was embarrassing. I wanted to hide away in my hood, I wanted to just disappear. I looked over at Jack again. He managed to take control of the entire situation and put everyone at ease. Even if I don't believe I am. I felt so much better after he told me I was brave. He was just like Zack. 

I see, I still have a long way to go. If I'm gonna catch up to either of them.

I felt a hand rest on my shoulder. I turned around and I saw Lux, with a rather defeated look on her face.

"Stryder, I'm sorry I wasn't there fast enough for you," Lux mumbled.

I looked her over for a moment. I pushed a smile on my face and moved a hand over hers.

"What are you talking about! I saw you running in." I chuckled. "Jack can just teleport, no biggie."

She looked back to me with wide eyes, and I just met her with a smile. 

"Are you okay Stry?" Lux asked skeptically.

"Yeah, totally. The punch stung a little, but I'm totally fine."

"Stryder, it's okay if you're not alright ya know?"

I looked over to her and took a step away.

"No, It's not alright," I replied. "I've been scared of my own shadow my whole life, I still shake when I'm around him. And I'm not okay with that. I'm gonna be different. I'm not gonna let him or anyone else hold me back from being the person I want to be."

"Stryder.." Lux said.Her eyes glazed over me. Like she was trying to find something on my face."I see." She gave me a smile and then chuckled. "Thank you, I think I needed that."

I tilted my head.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"Well your not the only one trying to change little brother." She hummed as she quickly stepped past me to go to her room. I turned back to her, as the memory of her and Jack's conversation came into my mind. "And for the record, your the bravest person I know. So don't forget it, hero." She added as she shut the door to her room. 

And I just sighed. Seriously? How vague can you be..

I felt my entire body start turning hot, my heart started to beat against my chest like a mallet to a drum. The sweet smell of sea salt strolled into my nose, and It was like I was lost at sea looking into her deep blue eyes. HOLY CRAP SHE' S CLOSE!

"Good mawnin dahlin." Elizabeth chimed. 

She had her arms wrapped around mine. Pulling herself closer to me with a huge grin. My eyes finally pried themselves from hers and I looked around the lunch line. Everyone was staring at me. I could even hear people murmuring about us.

"W-what are you doing here Lizbeth?" I stammered out.

"waell, Oy wanted t' come t' say yah! Plus Oy wahnted t' say what an imaericahn school was loike!" She chuckled.

"Ah, I see. Well, h-how about we eat outside. I can buy you some food? Let you try what our school district considers food." I hummed.

And she gave me a very excited nod.


I looked over at Elizabeth as we walked outside. She was curiously poking at her burger patty with her plastic fork. 

"it's nawt gawnna come aloive naow, is ih?" She asked as she squinted at it.

I chuckled and shook my head.

"Who knows honestly. That's why I suggested you get the pizza." I hummed as I pointed out a bench for us to sit at.

As I started to guide our way, I felt something warm and soft hit the back of my head. I stopped walking and reached back to feel the substance on my neck. It felt like mash potatoes, at least I prayed it was. I turned around and saw a table a little bit away from us under the pavilion. I groaned once I saw the giggling wrestling team. These guys again... 

I turned to Elizabeth and I saw Terry from the team walking over to us. Terry was a lot bigger than me. People around here called him the hulk. He had short blonde hair and brown eyes. He was one of the rich kids, so he was always wearing nice name brand clothing. He and the rest of his team weren't exactly fans of me. I told a teacher on them awhile back when they were picking on a classmate of mine. Which got them suspended from wrestling for a while. I ignored the mash potatoes and stepped forward. I needed to deescalate things. 

"Hey, you're new here. Why don't you come to our table and hangout?"

I looked over at Elizabeth, she didn't seem fazed as he moved an arm down her back. And I dropped my tray and quickly snatched his hand from her. 

" Funny prank Terry, really funny. But-" As I pulled his arm away he quickly shoved me back.

I stumbled some but held my ground.

"You want to do something Rat!" Terry yelled.

I looked around for a bit, and I could see why he was being so bold. No teachers were around. Great, I didn't want to hurt this guy. 

"Look, let's just calm down alright." I stepped forward and looked him the eye. "Just leave her alone."

I made sure to separate him from Elizabeth. He growled at me, and then SMACK! A pizza came flying out of nowhere. I looked back to the door and I saw Alexis running over to us. She stood next to Elizabeth and glared at Terry.

"Why don't you go and roll around on the matt with some of your guys and leave the fine couple alone. Just because your single doesn't mean you gotta be this jealous matt boy." Alexis huffed

D-did she say couple!

" You little bi-!" He was about to yell something, but he stopped dead in his tracks.

I looked around and I could see the whole area staring at him. Even his own team was giving him a look. He growled some and threw the pizza down to the floor. He looked at me, then Alexis. He stared at her for a bit longer and I stepped up to him. I glared intently into his eyes. If he thought he was gonna touch her. He had another thing coming. 

He blinked a few times and staggered back. Then, he turned around and walked to his table.

"Woah Stryder! Didn't think I'd ever see you this angry!" Alexis chuckled. 

She smacked my back and I let out a sigh.

"He looked like he was gonna do something."I turned to her and smiled some."I wasn't gonna let that happen."

"Geez, and here I thought I was coming to save you." 

And it was at that moment, I felt the mash potatoes sliding down my back. I shivered at the feeling and Alexis laughed.

"Well here's some napkins, I gotta get back to Isabella in study hall. See ya!" She chimed with a wave, then ran off.

I sighed and walked over to the bench.

"I'm sorry about all of that Lizbeth." I said with a nervous laugh. "We have some history, didn't mean to drag you into it." 

I took my shirt off and flicked the mash potatoes off of it. 

"why deedn't yah foigh' back?" I heard Elizabeth ask.

But it was odd. Her normally happy go lucky tone was gone. If anything I'd say she sounded agitated. 

"I'm sorry if I made you feel unsafe there. I just didn't see the point in turning it into a fight."

"Yah laeh' him push yah around and cohl yah nuymes! yah could've tyken him, nao one impohtahnt was lookin. sao why? why diied yah laeh' hiiem off?"

I smiled softly, and \ just shook my head. I took a napkin and rubbed the mash potatoes off of my neck.

"Just because I have power, doesn't mean I should abuse it. Plus, it's just names and potatoes,it's no big deal." I moved my shirt back on and started checking my hair. I looked over to her and she seemed off. She was looking at the ground, her ember locks hiding her face from me. I moved over to her and rested my hand on her head. "However, I would have throttled him if he got a step closer to you or Alexis."

She slowly looked up, and I flashed her a big smile. She looked shocked, not a word came out of her mouth. She just stared at me for a moment. I could feel her lean into my hand and she let out a sigh.

"Oy'm an idiot.." She mumbled.

"No, your just human. And there's nothing wrong with that."