"Dude, this guy totally wants to turn me into mostaccioli.."
"Don't you like mostaccioli?"
"That doesn't mean I want to become it!" Zack grumbled.
"Don't worry, I already paid your debt." I chuckled.
I looked over to Leo, and he was staring intently at Daniros pasta sign. I almost forgot Leo was Italian. I wondered if he was judging our city pasta.
"Don't judge it too soon, Daniro makes some mean pasta." I said to Leo.
He looked over to me, then back to the sign. Then he just turned around and started walking down the street.
"Uh, Leo?"
"I'll see you at the docs." He called out.
I started to walk after him, but Zack quickly grabbed my shoulder.
"I know that look. He needs some time to himself."
I turned back to him, and he was wearing that rare serious look. I took a breath and just nodded. I remember with Lux, I couldn't do anything at the time to help her. Maybe I'll just ask him about it later…
"Right, for now, let's go talk to him. Get our table set. Elizabeth said she'd be here soon."
Zack's hand slid off my arm and he hung his head down.
"Do I really have to?" He groaned. "The guy looks like an Italian popeye!"
"Is the Mighty destroyer of worlds scared of a guy who makes spaghetti for a living?"
"Hey! I ain't scared of nobody! You got that shield boy!?" He yelped.
"Oh really? I bet you're scared he'll pummel you if you bring up the past. Bok, bok bok!"
I gave him a smirk and lifted my arms up, pretending to flap my chicken wings.
He groaned.
"Watch me! I'll go in there and tell him what I did!"
Zack growled and finally stormed through the front door. I just chuckled and shook my head. I gotta write the Zack manual one day…
I gave it a little before I followed him inside. When I came in I could hear Mr. Daniro laughing.
"Well as long as you and your friends order a lot. And pay this time around, all is forgiven." He chuckled out.
I smiled and looked over the two. Mr.Daniros eyes lit up when he saw me. He gave another hardy laugh and turned to face me.
"Whatever you're doing to him Stryder, keep it up!"
Zack turned to me and his eyes got wide. I walked over to him and waved my hand away at Zack.
"I had nothing to do with it. Zack's just been doing a lot of maturing lately." I chuckled as I patted Zack on the back.
"Well, I'll get the burners going!" He chimed as he walked off from us.
"Let's go pick a tab-"
"You tricked me!" Zack snapped.
I blinked a few times.
"Why whatever do you mean?" I said innocently.
"You baited me with that destroyer of worlds crap!"
"What, no way. I would never."
I moved my hand over my chest as if I was offended.
"I'm so proud of you. But I also want to make you step on a lego. I'm so conflicted."
I just rolled my eyes and started to walk off to the back,
"Whatever you decide to do, make sure you wait till we leave."
"Order up! The meat lovers spaghetti plate and the chicken alfredo!"
Daniro smiled down at me and Zack. I waved over to him in excitement as I saw our steaming plates. Ah yes! My favorite food! It's been such a long time!
"Woah that smells great!" I heard Isabella say. "Almost as good as Leo's pasta."
"That little delinquent can cook!? Oh he's definitely making us dinner!" Lux cheered.
"Maybe you can ask him how to not burn a pot while boiling water?" Jack teased.
"Oh my gosh, that was one time! I just forgot about it!"
"Then let's talk about the time you put a whole box of frozen pizza in the oven and tried to cook it." I chimed in.
I could see her cheeks turn red as Jack started laughing.
"Your kidding! She didn't!" He chuckled out.
"Or the time she cooked mac and cheese without boiling the noodles." Zack added.
"Hey, whose side are you on!" Lux roared.
"The side that hasn't left my heart torn asunder!"
"If you want Lux, I can come over sometime and show you some recipes I like. I cook for my house a lot." Valentina chimed in.
"Oy say yoah mykin yoah move huh? roigh' whaen Oy'm abeow' t' layve!" Elizabeth huffed.
I blushed a bit and took a glance at Valentina. Who had a dark shade of red on her cheeks.
"N-no! I'm just trying to be helpful!"
We were sitting at a long table close to the back. I sat at the head with Zack on my left, and Elizabeth on my right. I mention this because every time I glanced at Elizabeth. Her chair somehow moved closer to me. Her ever so alluring scent of the sea grazing my nostrils. However, the smell was overtaken by the intense aroma of my pasta!
Daniro gave a hearty laugh and set my plate down in front of me,then Zack's. I smiled at the creamy sea of white sauce that blanketed my noodles. And the little boats of golden chicken that colored the dish. I was already drooling.
"Can you two be any more opposite?" I heard Alexis call out.
"The loving couple even has matching necklaces!" Jack chuckled.
"Hey! I don't play for that team. And if I did, I could do a lot better than Stryder."
I just rolled my eyes and focused back on my plate.
"Oooh cahn oy troy!" Elizabeth cheered.
I blinked a few times and looked over at her. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks as her chair was practically right up against mine! Thank goodness Annual wasn't here...
"Oh, umm sure."
I took my fork and twirled some noodles around on it. Then got one piece of meat. I held out my fork for her to take. But she just opened her mouth. I blushed slightly but obliged and fed her.
"Mmm, crikey that's good!" Elizabeth cheered.
"Geez, I swear you had to steal my mojo or something.." Zack complained with a mouthful of food.
"Oooh Zack cahn Oy troy that too!?" Elizabeth cheered.
"Or maybe she's just hungry…" I mumbled.
Everyone eventually got their food and we all dug in. Elizabeth insisted on me trying her ravioli, so she fed me a couple of them. Which was the source of oohs and ahs. And Weis managed to get a shrimp pasta dish I didn't know existed!
"So Elizabeth. Since I managed to win two out of three matches. Can you tell me about two swordsmen?"
"Oh yayh thaht's roigh'! Waell faw stahtahs, laeh''s tohk abeow' Arrow. Seence yoah dytin hiiem, whoy daon't yah taell stryder abeow' hiiem?"
I saw Isabella stop midway from eating her meatball sub. She looked around at all the eyes on her. She blushed and slowly set her sub down. She coughed and then sat back in her seat.
"W-were not even dating yet.." Isabella grumbled. "But his name is Arrow, and I'll answer any three questions about him.
"Three questions!? Come on lady! My guy got beat like a crash test dummy. That isn't fair!" Zack roared.
"No, no it's fine. It's only fair so I don't just get the drop on him. Besides." I gave her a smile. "It wouldn't be fun if I knew everything."
Isabella seemed to relax more as I said that. She took another bite of her sub and seemed to await my questions.
I need to be smart and careful. Three wasn't a whole lot. So what would be a good question? First I need something to set me up for the next one...
"Hhhmm for starters, what class would you put him under?"
" I'd say an archetype class."
"Describe what his class is like."
"He uses a wide range of weapons. Unlike me and you, he doesn't summon them. They are already on his person. All different magic like items. I wasn't even able to see them all. But I'd say his class reminded me of a video game character."
I nodded. So he's like Weis and Elizabeth then. He has a sword that he's had since the beginning. Plus a bunch of other toys. If I had to guess I'd say he be a trickster of some kind. Maybe he was like Link from Zelda, or maybe he was more ninja-like and focused on stealth? I needed just a little bit more. But what would be good for getting more info on that?
"What's his personality like?"
Most powers I see have a symbolic connection with their user. Plus with all the dating jokes. I'd assume she knew him well. So this should be detailed enough
"Well.." she rested her hand on her chin as she started to think. "Arrow is very childish, and easy-going. He's adventurous and always has his eye on the next adventure ahead of him. He doesn't like to lose either. He also works really hard for his strength. His power isn't what makes him strong, it's his ability to play his opponent. You two honestly fight very similarly."
That's my confirmation then. I'd assume he's like Link. I can look him up with Lux later too. Maybe Jack could even have something to add.
"Thank you."
She nodded
"And Elizabeth can fill you in on Penelope."
"Unloike Isabella Oy'll taell yah everything we knaow abeow' hah!"
"Really!?" I cheered.
"The only reason she can do that is because there's so little info."
"Maynie!" Elizabeth huffed.
"Well, why is that? Just not stop there yet?"
"Theah's nao recoahd of hah anywheah. Nao cuymaera recohdin, aw peecchuhs, nawthin. Nao one she's faw' wahnts t' spayk abeow' ih' uythah. We just knaow thaht elaectricity sayms t' be a cawmmaon thaeme in hah foights. Hah veectims oolwhys end weeth buhn mahk's."
That sent a shiver down my spine.
"We only know her name thanks to Arthur himself giving it to us." Isabella chimed in.
I nodded.
"I see.."
"Ppffft, your gonna get wrecked. You got Batman with superpowers coming after you." Zack chuckled.
"Thanks for the vote of confidence," I grumbled.
"Well, we should get going." Isabella stood up.
"I'll pay." Jack chimed in as he stood up." You kids head out."
"Sweet! later!" Zack cheered as he shot up from his chair.
The stars were sprinkled around the beautiful night sky. Shining our way as we flew through the sky! Most of the ride was in silence. Just us enjoying the beautiful full moon on a clear night sky.
Once we landed, we all got off and stood in front of the flying dutchman. FInding Leo sitting on top of the railing, looking over the night sky. The crew walked over to their ship and then looked back toward us.
"Well, I guess this is it then." Isabella sighed.
"Well, we will definitely see each other again, right? We are the seven after all." I chuckled.
"RIght," Isabella said with a nod.
Leo then stood up on the railing, then he jumped to the ground. Standing in line with his old crew.
"Oy'm gawnna meess yah Leo!" Elizabeth cried.
"I can't say the feelings mutual." Leo sighed.
He looked back to Elizabeth for a moment. Then back over to us. I gave him a smile and he closed his eyes, moving his hands in his pockets. Then he started to walk over to us.
"Oh yeah, and I want my damn treasure chest for winning our bet." He called out.
"Yah remembah that!?" Elizabeth huffed.
As Leo came over to us, I walked over to him and patted his shoulder. Then I walked past him and over to the crew.
"And remember, if there's anything you guys ever need. Just call okay?"
"That's sweet, considering we came here starting problems." Isabella chuckled.
Weis hopped forward and gave me a wide grin.
"Fight again." He said as he held out his fist to me.
I smiled and nodded, bumping his fist with my own.
"I'm not gonna lose next time."
He nodded and moved his arms behind his head. He turned back to the ship and leaped up to the railing. Isabella waved off to me and then hoped on herself. That's when Elizabeth walked over to me. Her sea-green eyes seemed to shine as she looked into mine.
"I know you didn't want to be sappy. But I just wanted you to know that you've helped me more than you think. And your letter really touched me, it's something I'll never forget. I'm proud of what you're gonna do, and I'll never not believe in you. So take care and call me. Even if it's just to say hey."
I moved closer to her and opened my arms, and she walked in and hugged me. I wrapped my arms around her and held her close.
"You're always welcome here Lizbeth." I whispered to her as I squeezed her in my arms.
Soon we broke our embrace, and I looked her over for a moment. We hesitated to move apart, and just when I was about to move away. She shot forward and pressed her lips against mine. The aroma of the sea swirling around me, my body felt like a wave crashed into it. It woke me up, and made every part of my body tingle.
"Oy'm steell a piryte aftah ooll, sao Oy'm gawnna stayl thiies."She hummed.
I watched as she began to float up to the sky. Giving me a big smile as she did.