Chapter 57 - The way things should be

"What really!? You're gonna take my advice!?" Valentina's cheers boomed in the empty school halls.

She stared at me with a twinkle in her eyes as she bobbed in place. She was way too excited...

"Yeah, I think playing a sport might do me some good. So with that being said, any suggestions?" I asked with hesitation.

I really didn't want to do this. But I knew I needed to face this, I've been running long enough. Just like my super strength, I just needed to keep control and trust myself. I can do this!

"Well of course! We can talk to the coaches for the upcoming seasons! Football's over now, but we have basketball and wrestling coming up."

I leaned against the lockers and rolled over the idea.

"I'm scared I'll have some battle royale PTSD in the middle of wrestling. And I've never touched a basketball before.."

Huh, I'd have to meet a bunch of new people if I do this. My heart started to race and I quickly moved my hood over my head.

"Yeah no, maybe this wasn't a good idea."

"Hey! No turtle shelling! What happened to all that bravado a minute ago!" She barked.

I felt her grab onto the rim of my hood and start yanking on it. But I just turned away from her.

"No way, if I join a team that means I've got to talk to a bunch of new people. And I'll probably just drag the team down because I suck. And then I'll suck in front of hundreds of people during games! I won't even have a mask or a hood! I'd rather fight Stone!"

"Hey calm down they'll teach you! And most of the guys are really nice people."

"No way, I don't want to bother them. This was totally a bad idea."

"Hey what happened to all that change talk huh!?"

I grumbled and looked up at her, my eyes meeting her stern glare. It was weird, I was intimidated. Yet I couldn't help but admire how cute she was.

I groaned and hesitantly looked up to her. She was giving me a stern glare that reminded me of Lux. But I was more distracted by her eyes. I almost forgot how pretty her eyes were. It was like getting lost in the woods. I looked down and caught a glimpse of her lips. I felt the heat rise to my cheeks and I quickly looked away.

"Your right.." I mumbled.

I snuck a peek at her and she was smiling triumphantly at me. Then she took a step back.

"Look, I'm not gonna force anything on you. This is a hundred percent you. All I can do is support whatever decision you decide to make."

I took a breath and moved my hood down. You wanted to be more like Jack right? Just like back at Nirvana, you need to keep your head held up and keep moving forward.

"Thank you Val, I needed that reminder."

Her cheeks slowly grew to a rosy shade.

"Don't mention it, now come on. I have someone we can talk to about this." She grabbed my hand and yanked me forward.

And there goes my heart, back at the race again.

"V-val I can walk fine ya know?"

"Oh no, I don't trust you to not run away."

Ah, so it was a trap…

I decided to just not fight it anymore and go along with her. It honestly calmed me down to hold her hand. It was like a fire was flaring in my chest, making my whole body feel warm. I just felt comfortable.

It wasn't long before we stopped in front of the gymnasium, that's when she finally let go of my hand. And I hesitated to let go. I didn't want the warmth to leave.

"So um, who am I meeting?" I mumbled.

I wonder if she noticed my hesitation. I looked over to her, and I could see she was blushing.

"I-I uh, I have a friend in here named Marco. He was last year's captain and a member of the student council. I figured if you never played before you might want to try it out."

She gave me a soft smile and I nodded. She nodded back and opened the gym doors, and the sounds of the squeaking court leaked out. I peeked inside, and I saw two guys playing a game. One was in a shiny purple and yellow tracksuit with the words "Lakers" on the back. He had short black hair and dark skin. While the other guy was in a regular white T-shirt and black shorts. He had really curly hair and caramel skin, with freckles splattered on his face.

"The guy in the purple is Dais, and the one in the shorts is Marco." Val hummed as she stepped inside.

I quickly followed behind her and tried to keep my head up.

"Hey Marco!" She cried out as she waved at them.

They both stopped playing and looked over to us. The curly haired one smiled and ran over.

"Hey Val, what's up!" He gave us both a huge smile. And I couldn't help but feel welcomed.

"Marco this is Stryder, Stryder Marco." Val hummed.

"It's a pleasure t-to meet you."

I was still nervous. My heart was racing, but I still managed to look him in the eyes

"Relax man." Marco chuckled. "I don't bite."

"Stryder here wants to try out basketball. Wondering if you can teach him a thing or two."

Marco's eyes seemed to sparkle as she said that.

"Oh yeah I can do that!" He cheered. "I thought you were gonna make me teach someone Algebra again."

Well if you can do that too I wouldn't complain…

"Perfect!" Val cheered as she looked over to me. "I have some homecoming committee stuff to attend to. So when I'm done we can walk home together, sound good?"

I smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, sounds great."

"Well good luck!" She cheered and quickly scurried off.

And as soon as the doors shut, I heard a whistle. I looked back and I saw the purple tracksuit guy walking over.

"She's so hot!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah, it's a shame she's not into idiot's huh?" Marco joked.

"Oh yeah? That why you haven't made a move?"

"I haven't made a move because I'm spoken for Einstein."

"Bruh, does long distance even count?" He grumbled as he tossed the ball at Marco, who promptly caught it.

"It's real to me, besides, she's into this guy," Marco said as he gestured toward me.

"What! Seriously!?"

"Anyways, let's get started."

"Hey wait! I got questions!" The other kid ran over to me, but Marco shoved his hand in his face and pushed him back.

I hadn't even noticed, but Marco was a pretty built guy.

"Like I said, let's get started!" He said, giving another big smile.

"So, did you have fun?" Valentina inquired.

"Yeah actually, Marco said I was a natural. But I fouled...a lot." I chuckled. "But overall I had a blast! I never knew basketball was so much fun! I'm going to play a game with him and James tomorrow too."

She smirked at me.

"Oh? Sounds like my suggestion to play a sport wasn't such a bad idea after all huh?" She teased.

"I can admit when I'm wrong."

"As payment, you should take me out for ice cream."

"Ya know what, sure. That sounds like some fu-"

Suddenly the loud shredding of an old school guitar ripped through the streets. Followed by the loud screeching of a swerving car. We both looked at each other, and then looked behind us. And there it was, a bright green Ferrari with a flying away wizard hat spray-painted on the side.

Don't tell me...

The Ferrari pulled up to us on the side of the road. The windows rolled down, and I could clearly tell it was Led Zeppelin playing. And there in the driver's seat was Zack. His entire insides were purple and green, and I could see Annual in the passenger seat.

And then there was Zack. He had on movie star shades and a red velvet cape with white fluffy trimming on it. Plus a nifty gold crown. He lowered his shades to look at me, and I could see the rings on his fingers. Then he smirked. And...and I saw what I prayed was a fake golden grill on his teeth.

He wiggled his brow at me, and I just stared at him with disgust.

"Pluts sup plosers."

It sounded like his tongue was swollen.

"Did you get touched by Midas or something?" Val asked.

"You sound like a chain-smoking Donald duck."

He leaned forward and spat out his fake teeth on the floor. Then he whipped his hair around like a model, and it was oddly shiny.

"You're just jealous of my super Saiyan swagger."

"Super what..?"

"Uncultured swine…"

"Where are you two heading? Need a lift?" Annual spoke up.

I looked over to her, and I was a bit surprised. She was wearing a ACDC shirt and a bunch of punk rock gear. But the part that just seemed off, was this thick gold chain around her neck. I blinked a few times. Just staring at her sweet smile and dangling chain. It was like looking at a cute teddy bear with a gold chain on it.

"We were uh, getting ice cream. Want to join?" I asked.

"That would be great! But me and Zack are driving to see this indie band concert!" Annual beamed with excitement.

I smiled and nodded.

"Sounds rad, you down for a ride in the Zackmobile?" I turned to ask Val and she nodded excitedly.

"Yeah! My feet are killing me." She chuckled.

Zack clicked a button, and the doors opened. But not like normal doors, they opened upwards. Like birds getting ready to take off.

"I named her Morgan." Zack purred.

I just rolled my eyes and climbed into the back. Where I became speechless again. There in the middle was Bean. But Bean was strapped up in a baby car seat. With a big pink bow on his head. He looked over to me as if he was asking for help. But he did kill me twice now, so I didn't feel too inclined to help. I sat next to him on the left and Annual on his right. And instead of that new car smell, I smelled freshly made Tacos for some reason.

"Carry on my wayward son! They'll be peace when you are done!" Suddenly Kansas started playing and Zack and Annual started singing.

"Lay your weary head to rest! Don't you cry no more!" They both sang as the doors shut, and then Zack zoomed off.

I looked ahead and saw the big smile on Zack's face, and the big smile on Annuals. And I felt this warmth in my chest as I watched the two sing. Seems like things are back to how they used to be.

It didn't take long before they dropped us off, and me and Valentina were at the ice cream shop. She ordered a coffee flavored ice cream, and I got my favorite, rocky road. Once we sat down, I listened to her gush over the homecoming set up. Venting about the lazy helpers, and how cool the theme is. They somehow got a gangster bonnie and clyde theme for the party. Which sounded pretty cool honestly.

As she was in the middle of telling more about the set up, I got a call on my phone. I took my phone out and looked it over, and it was Jack. That's gotta be important....

"One sec Val." I answered."Hello?"

"Hey! just letting you know I'm gonna be out of town for a bit!" Jack yelled over the sound of something roaring in the background.

"Jack are you okay? What's going on?"

"Oh nothing special, just a huge prison break at headquarters!" Jack yelled, followed by the sound of something crashing in the background. "This area is cleared! Proceed!"

"Woah Wait, do you need our help!?"

"Ppfft, yeah, like you could handle twenty A rank players. I'm just letting you know I'll be out. So don't go losing an arm while I'm gone. Or I guess in your case taking one." He chuckled.

I just grumbled.

"Yeah, right. Just keep me posted okay? Don't hesitate to ask for help."

"Whatever you say hero boy."

And with that, he clicked off.

"What's wrong Stryder? Is everything okay?"

I sighed.

"To be honest, I have no idea.."