It has been 5 years

The girl ran up to Wang Lin and hugged him. This girl was Wang Qing, his little sister.

At first, Wang Lin was ecstatic to see his sister after 500 years and started crying.

They looked at Wang Lin's face, then their faces became faces of shock, his sister spoke with a quivering voice "How... how are you... alive?"

She buried him with his own hands, how is he standing, no... how is he living?

She spoke again but now with a terrified voice "Are you... being controlled by those evil cultivators?"

Wang Lin looked at his sister weirdly, evil cultivators? In the other world, Wang Lin had come across and an evil sect called the Ghost Refining sect which used souls of dead people and refined the souls into an undead army. Although they couldn't harm Wang Lin they were kind of creepy.

Wang Lin didn't think of an excuse and thought of the excuse that he read in another novel "I don't know, I saw a flash of light and appeared inside the graveyard, I ran straight back home, what happened?"

His sister looked at Wang Lin with a look of sadness and said: "Come inside we will talk."

Wang Lin was sweating when he told the excuse but when he saw his sister being so calm he had to ask "Aren't you a little suspicious, I came back from the dead and appeared on your doorstep all of a sudden."

Wang Lin's sister laughed with a sad tone in reply "A lot of unexplainable and unimaginable things have happened, although I know you aren't telling us something, this world changed since you left us, and a lot of people aren't sure what is or isn't possible. Maybe you coming back to life is one of those possibilities..."

Wang Lin looked at his sister, he knew that she wasn't the same as before, no his world wasn't the same as before.

Wang Lin then asked the most terrifying question "Where are mom and dad?"

Wang Qing looked down with more tears falling down, her voice quivered once again "They... didn't survive the event... they died the same time you died..."

Wang Lin felt the world crash around him, although he spent 500 years preparing for this possibility, he still felt the pain crush his heart. The air around Wang Lin went quiet and a terrifying aura came out of Wang Lin. Although Wang Lin doesn't have any cultivation, Wang Lin's soul was still as powerful as before, and his killing intent still existed.

Wang Qing who was nearby felt suppressed by the terrifying aura and she shouted in surprise and fear. This shout woke up Wang Lin from his killing intent and he wiped off the tear that appeared on the corner of his eye, he then spoke in his normal voice but to Wang Qing, it wasn't the same "Let's go inside."

They all walked back inside. Wang Lin could feel the Qi in the air, due to him already coming in contact with cultivation through his void eye and constitution. Surprisingly the Qi on Earth is much purer and there is more quantity than on the Azure Wind Planet.

Sister Qing started explaining "Big Brother, when you, died, 5 years ago, the world started changing, and this energy people call Qi appeared in the atmosphere and it was energy unexplainable by science. About 2 billion people died around the world that day and you were one of them. But luckily we survived the catastrophe. The world started in chaos as some of the 1 billion were leaders, law enforcement, and soldiers but some people who called themselves the Ancient Cultivators reformed the world with their "sects" and established the world under two flags, the Earthly Cultivation Nation and the Western Cultivation Alliance. We live in the Earthly Cultivation Nation and they distributed the Earthly Cultivation Technique to everyone here. Academies started reforming under the usage of cultivation and academics instead of completely just academics, science also expanded as Qi is now used to power all electronics instead of electricity. Technology like the Cultivation Talent Tester was also created with the coalition of scientists and ancient cultivators, Big Brother... this might be a lot to take in, bring Wang Lin to his room."

Wang Lin was interested in this new earth and asked: "What talent are you and what is this system for cultivation?"

Seeing that Wang Lin was relatively calm after learning of this new world, Sister Qing sighed with relief that he was okay after everything that just happened and answered "I am a Rank 8 talent, I reached Qi Condensation Stage 2... wait you don't know the stages of cultivation yet, I'll tell you late, right now I go to the Wind Walker Academy."

Wang Lin looked at Wang Qing "You mean the top academic school in China?"

Sister Qing blushed "Well yes 5 years ago it was just the top academic school but now it is the top cultivation school as well."

Wang Lin looked at his little sister and praised her "Good job, you are my sister, of course, your stronger than everyone else." She looked down while blushing even harder.

Wang Lin was 12 when he died and his sister was 7 years old. Wang Lin hasn't aged during the 5 years of being dead, so his sister was the same age as him, 12.

On the other planet, reaching Qi Condensation Stage 4 in 5 years is an amazing talent. Wang Lin was proud of his sister to be this powerful and rubbed his hand on her head like he used to do causing Wang Qing to tear up inside herself as she thought of her sadness when she found out her older brother died while she got more powerful.

Wang Lin then asked, "Can I go to my room now, I am a little tired..."

Sister Qing seemed to be in a dream state, she was just so happy her brother is back and she has someone to spend time with... when Wang Lin asked her the question she was surprised "When did you ask me to go to your room big brother, I remember you used to tell me when to go to bed, hahaha it seems the roles have flipped, I'm gonna have to take care of you now."

Wang Lin smiled at his giggling sister and chuckled with her "Well take care of me well then, I'm going to my room."

In this new world, cultivation was now everything, people before were seen by money, economic power, and political power. But now everything came down to cultivation level and strength so everyone tried to become as strong as possible in this world. But Wang Lin's problem was if the earth was stable, why was there such a strong need to cultivation, or was there a deeper problem.

Wang Lin wasn't strong enough to know the answers to these questions so he put these questions away and ran to his bedroom. The door opened and it looked brand new, as it had been cleaned recently, and Wang Lin felt warmth in his heart as he knew that his sister hung on to his memory, and even taking the time to clean his room.

He didn't reminisce for too long and sat down on the floor.

He started wondering "In my previous life I cultivated with the Void Qi Cultivation Technique that got me to my previous cultivation level, but during my travels, I found the complete Divine Void Soul Cultivation Technique which allows a person with the Void Consitution to cultivate both the Void Qi and Soul Energy. But it required the person to not have any cultivation to start the technique, it is a technique that evolves with the users due to it having direct ties to the soul meaning that it was useful to even the highest cultivation levels. This is a decision that would affect my entire cultivation life... I will choose the Divine Void Soul Cultivation Technique."

Before Wang Lin started cultivating his soul accessed the Eye Dimension and walked to the tree, he then grabbed one void fruit and then left the dimension.

In the outside world, Wang Lin's hands now held a Void Fruit filled with the power of Void Qi inside. Actually, Wang Lin researched a lot in his previous life and never found any records of trees or Void Fruits anywhere, even those who previously had the Void Eyes neven reported this.

Wang Lin started the Divine Void Soul Cultivation Technique and ate the Void Fruit. The Qi around the room started storming into Wang Lin's body.