Amazing Talent

Wang Lin and Wang Qing woke up early in the morning and got ready for the new day. The first thing they had to do was go to the Earthly Cultivation Nation to make sure Wang Lin was a registered citizen of the nation. Then they had to go to the Wind Waker Academy to get Wang Lin enrolled.

Wang Lin and Wang Qing planned to tell the story that Wang Lin was a long-lost brother Wang Lin were taken by a master when he was young, suddenly the master brought Wang Lin back to his house and disappeared. This encapsulated his sudden disappearance and appearance and explains why his cultivation was so high. Since they are orphans they hopefully won't get any trouble and will be able to get Wang Lin citizenship due to his sister being a genius of the Wind Waker Academy.

They walked to the Earthly Cultivation Nation Government Building. There were many people there, Wang Lin detected a lot of Body Refinement Cultivators in the building, While they walked through the building, a lot of people looked at his sister with malicious eyes which caused Wang Lin's fist the clench, Who Dare Look At His Sister This Way. Suddenly Wang Qing turned around and shook her head, telling him not to do anything rash. Wang Lin who was still pissed calmed down, Wang Lin was not going to allow anything to happen to her.

He and his sister walked up to a desk and his sister spoke "Brother Tian can you help my brother sign up as an Earthly Cultivation Nation?"

The man behind named Lu Tian looked surprised "Little Qing you have a brother? Well tell me his story and if there is no aura of the Western Cultivation Alliance on him I can sign him up."

Wang Lin started telling his story, Lu Tian kept looking in shock when Wang Lin showed him his cultivation rank, which was even higher than his sisters.

Lu Tian looked at the sibling monster pair and said: " Both of you are cultivation monsters, although this won't affect the registration as you don't have the aura of a Western Alliance Citizen, what is the name of your master."

Wang Lin then relayed the name of his master from the other world "Wang Yang."

Lu Tian then said, "Wang Lin walk here and I will implant the aura of an Earthly Cultivation Nation Citizen on you."

Wang Lin learned that this was the way people differentiate the 2 nations from each other since the combining of the world under two nations it was more difficult to track who belonged to which country so they established this method.

Wang Lin felt an aura breach him, due to his soul power being higher than a normal person he quickly contained the aura inside of small pocket space in his Eye Spatial Dimension and released a bit of it so it exuded from his body.

Lu Tian checked that everything is in order and made Wang Lin follow him to the middle of the government building. Wang Lin marveled at the machine in front of him. It was the talent tester his sister talked about. Lu Tian went to the start panel and told Wang Lin "Make your right and left leg line up with the dots on the floor and stay still."

Wang Lin walked into the tester and stepped on the dots. He then as quickly as possible hid his aura, his Void Consitution, and his Void Eye. The tester was only detecting his base body without his other talents. The machine powered down and a number appeared on a panel to the side...

"Talent: Level 10, Max"

Wang Lin was surprised, his base body was this good? Then why did he die when the Awakening event happened, was it random? Wang Lin face was very confused, as he was contemplating he came up with an idea "Those who died had a greater attraction to Qi the surviving people meaning the sudden attraction of Qi overloaded their bodies, usually, people can't control such large amounts of Qi breaching into your body which causes the person to overload and they die. This is why in cultivation planets most of the people have low talent and very few have such a high amount of talent, during the awakening the higher talent people die and leaving the lower rank people to repopulate the majority of the population, of course, there are exceptions, like my sister."

While he thought up his theory he died the entire building was in shook "A MAX TALENT APPEARED!!!" The building was turning upside down as recruiters called their bosses and the employees called their own bosses. Level 10 talents were literally the suns level of good.

Wang Qing looked at her brother in shock and felt a nagging inside of her, something she felt 5 years ago but hasn't felt in a long time. Wang Qing forced a smile and hugged Wang Lin "Brother, you are amazing, you can for sure get accepted into the Wind Waker Academy now."

Wang Lin looked at his sister and smiled at her and said: "Of course your big brother is amazing, no one can bully you..." Wang Lin put up a smile but inside he was frowning, with his previous experience with betrayal Wang Lin felt the enmity his sister had for a second before she smiled and hugged him. Wang Lin's psyche faltered as he thought "Please Sister don't be like them or else..."

Wang Lin got his citizenship and talent certificate and walked to the Wind Waker Academy. Wang Qing asked Wang Lin to stand to the side, she then walked towards the guards at the gates and she whispered something, the guards opened the gate and she then waved her hand. Wang Lin and Wang Qing walked into the academy, Wang Qing lead him into the Student Information Booth where Wang Lin signed up for the academy. The student at the both was shocked at Wang Lin's Max Level Talent and he immediately joined the Gold Dragon Class, the same one Wang Qing was in.

The bell rang and students started entering the academy, it was Wang Lin's first day of school in this new world.