Speaking to Mother at Last

I was feeling nervous but I need to know if she was real. And so I stretched my arm towards her and grabbed her shoulder. I felt the heat radiating from my palms. Her body was solid; my hand didn't go through her.

My mother was surprised with my gesture and turned back to look at me. Our eyes met one another, her silver eyes to mine. She was more surprised when she saw my face. I am not certain if she recognized me.

"Mama…" I called out to her.

My mother's eyes went wide in shock.

"It's you… it really is you." I can't hold back the tears that were falling down from my eyes. "Mama!"

I opened my arms and embraced her tightly. I was afraid that in any minute she might disappear from my sight.

"A-Alicia?" My mother's voice was filled with uncertainty. "No, it can't be."

"It's me mama. It has… been so long." I said in between sobs.

My mother pushed me in arm's length. She looked at me carefully, her hand tracing the shape of my face.