Chapter 110

"What was that??"

The director of Seoul-Ilsin Hospital, Doctor Lee Seong-Chul got to hear a rather stunning piece of news. A patient suffering from 'Eternal Sleep' disorder had woken up from the terminal stage of the illness.

"Are you telling me the truth??"

"Yes, Director. I've confirmed it personally."

As a doctor, his ears would perk up greatly if such an event occurred in someone else's hospital, yet the patient in question was actually in his own??

'Who knew such a jackpot would come knocking at my door?'

The exceptional brain of Director Lee Seong-Chul began punching some numbers in his mental calculator.

"Isn't this an unprecedented event in the whole world?"

"You're correct, Director."

The doctor in charge nodded his head.

Lee Seong-Chul's smile was so wide that it actually broke past his ears and threatened to rip his face in half.

"Nicely done!! Doctor Choi!!"

"I beg your pardon? D-director, I haven't done...."

"Ehheii, my man, don't be like that now!"