It has been a few days since the arrival of our MC to this new world known as unknown to him. since he still doubts that his arrival could have affected and create a different world to which he knows through the novels he read in his previous life.
We can see our favourite white-haired boy ... sleeping next to two girls: a white-haired girl who wears nothing besides her socks on his chest while the other dark-haired girl sleeps with a dark purple negligee with a small smile on both peaceful faces if it weren't for a sound that repeats the same melody repeatedly. the alarm that rang a while ago.
Allen: "mmmmh ... aree? What time is it? "Opening his eyes slowly realizing that they accompany him, smiling at seeing this scene remembering all the years that both have accompanied him since his dimensional trips.
Feeling that annoying sound again goes to see the alarm to verify what time it is and as if it were a joke of fate as good new student his first day was late.
Allen: "They are ... 6:50 am ... not supposed to start classes today for me ...?" Stopping to think for a second as if a beam had his body freezes to scream then waking up his two companions. "Ahhhhh! I'm just late for my first day! Restia!, Est! Wake up!" Jumping out of bed and running to the bathroom, to bathe, brush his teeth and get ready for his new start.
<10 minutes later>
We can see an Allen cooking with a white apron dressed in Kuoh's shirt along with the black bowtie along with black pants and shoes of the same color with his hair tied hiding his mark with a few strands of white hair that fall to his left cheek smiling and humming something while the companions of our protagonist are sitting at the table with their eyes closed and almost dozing, in that Allen finishes making breakfast for everyone, awakening both in the process by the smell that comes from the cooked dishes.
Allen / Restia / Est: "Itadakimasu" the three of them say to eat.
Finally finishing his breakfast leaves dirty dishes in the kitchen for when he arrives to wash them later. Finishing dressing, adjusting his tie tightly he says:
Allen: "Yoosh! I'm ready, girls, shall we? "Getting two positive responses, they both became a light and then disappear being inside Allen's mental space now, seeing his hands and sees he has a seal on both hands, sighing. to don't draw attention, he looks inside his dimensional space getting a pair of white gloves to put them finally, nodding grabbing his bag and then leave his apartment.
Around a few minutes we can see a very handsome boy with white hair that reaches his shoulders tied in a ponytail walking the streets heading to the Kuoh academy, without thinking about the surroundings, because if he noticed, he could see that most people look at him muttering curses for being a handsome boy while the girls blush and giggle to murmur among their friends.
Arriving at the establishment he amazed by how big it is, and he also feels a force field around the school in case someone unknown of the supernatural world comes in, taking no greater importance, since he is a human and his curse does not influence the field, because it is inside his body and goes unnoticed by other people and by supernatural beings. He takes a course towards the director's room ... but ends up with a perplexed face since he does not know where it is, so he asks someone nearby taking no greater importance. He is walking towards a girl with dark brown hair, honey-coloured eyes of medium height with a good body, but not as developed as the "onee-Sama" of the academy, he approaches at her, scaring her at the process.
Allen: "hello," he smiles making her release a little gasp "excuse me, could you tell me where the director's room is? I'm a new student and I do not know the place well,"
?: "Y-yes! I will guide you "with a somewhat perplexed smile since her reputation inside the school is not the best since they consider her with her friend the perverted duo, but they do not take it as they are like that, captivated by the smile of the boy is in front of her, she thinks' how cute is he, will he be single? Will he be scared if he knows who I am? '
Allen: "Thank you for your help, I'll reward you as you like" smiling with closed eyes does not notice the strong blush that brings the girl out for his words that can misunderstand and much more if she have a pervert mind.
?: "H-hai, follow me" hurries to cover the blush that has all over her face leaving an Allen in the same place, turning around screaming "you will follow me or not?" Making him let go a giggle to her. As they Began to talk in the process getting to know the name of the girl. the girl is Isami Hyoudou, scaring and perplexed the white-haired boy since she should be Issei and not a pretty girl like her, thinking and talking to both partners mentally while he followed by step to the brown-haired girl.
Arriving at the director's room he shows up properly while his companion returns to the classroom to talk with her best friend of the new boy who arrived at the school without knowing the girl expected to will pleasantly surprised.
Walking the boy to the classroom he will attend this entire year takes a moment to calm down and think 'Allen, this will be one of the first steps to your new life, here we go' knocking on the door waiting for the teacher, to tell she who is he, nodding the middle-aged woman tells him to wait outside for a moment to present him taking a nod from the boy and a soft smile, taking a little blush from her and leaving complicated thoughts in her head such as' is a student, I am her teacher 'among others, taking a breath to calm down she approaches the class to talk to them.
Teacher: "Attention, today a new student will join our classroom" making murmurs among the class such as "will he be the new guy we saw on the street?" "she will be a pretty girl?" "Who will be" "like will be" so that then the door opens slowly and letting the person coming in gasping among the girls making their eyes become hearts while the boys are invaded by an aura of depression for not being a new girl .
Teacher: "well new boy, introduce yourself" she smiles at him to start his presentation.
Allen: Hello everyone, my name is Allen D. Walker, nice to meet you all, let's get along each other. "smiling radiantly to take a deep gasp among the girls including a certain teacher who looks at him while having more complicated thoughts than before getting back to having the Calm asks the class
Teacher: "Any questions for Allen-kun?" Asking all of her students which most of them raise their hands, taking out a drop of sweat while Allen randomly points to those present
Student: "Hello, your hair is natural?"
Allen: "Ha Ha" he smiles forcibly with a slightly twitching smile he replies "yes, my hair is natural, some other question?" Pointing towards a boy with glasses.
Student: "Hello, that birthmark is real? Or is it a tattoo? "Perplexing several since they had not noticed the red mark that goes down his left eye just for Allen to chuckle answering.
Allen: "Yes, it's a birthmark since I have knowledge I have it" lying blatantly towards them since they need not know the truth, "another question?" he points to a girl with glasses with brown hair recognising her and regretting his decision to leave Ask him what she wants, and he is not wrong at all.
Aika: "Hi Allen-kun, could you tell us if you're single? Making a satisfied smile while our white-haired boy already feels a danger for his own person, not for the girls in the classroom, if not, for two possessive spirits waiting for their response and depending on it there will be punishment or reward, he began to sweating bullets and he respond with a fake smile.
Allen: "Yes, I'm single" 'I'm not with any person in this world' "Last question?" Randomly pointing again to point to a certain guy with glasses with dark brown hair recognising him with the name of Motohama also known as one of the "duo" perverts "of the Kuoh academy again lamenting his bad luck he listen carefully.
Motohama: "Why did you come here boy at this school? Will you take all the girls away from us right? "Asking him seriously as if it were a matter of life or death while Allen looks at him as if he were an insect in the garbage he responds coolly.
Allen: "No, and I would never play with the girls and then dismiss them as a playtoy" responding with a cold look that made all the men tremble, while the women brought out a strong blush including Isami who still does not she managed to accept that the boy she helped earlier is in her classroom, praying to her ancestors for her good luck to be with the handsome guy.
Teacher: "ok guys and girls, enough questions. Allen-kun, please go sit behind Isami-chan, right? "Nodding to his teacher, he will sit behind the girl who helped him before, giving her a soft smile and blushing her while the other girls They began to look with spiteful and envious eyes at her while she continues to thank her ancestors crying with joy.
To start Allen's new life.