Chapter 27: The Crowned Clown vs Riser Phenex - View of the Underworld / Grigori Part 1

A / N: remember to vote for future worlds, although I must say Overlord / Fate Series / Danmachi / Fairy Tail will be present. since there is a big difference of votes. For future references, Overlord / Fate Series have over 70 votes. I wonder if in the world of Yggdrasil they will be ready for the future appearance of the Kingdom of Camelot? Wink wink, spoiler alert? Maybe.


After starting the rating game, I Grayfia Lucifuge remain seated while I see through the screen as Allen stands without moving while mumbling words and looks impassive at his opponent who is Riser, this boy impresses me, was in front of a Maou and He scolded him as a small child, in front of many people who were speechless.

What most attracts my attention about him is his aura he owns, which can be gentle and pleasant or can lead you to a sea of annihilation with his thirst for blood, but what I am most curious about, is that he has the qualities of a king, a king of kings.

While I think of that gentle and somewhat childish boy, I see through the screen how Riser laughs arrogantly and exclaims loudly so everyone can hear him.

Riser: "Hahahaha Now let's see what you can do damn human!"

To then activate his fire magic, create medium-sized flames and then throw them at Allen who is not moving at all, just looking impassive the attack that approaches him, worrying me a little, does he think to receive the attack with his body? It may be a human, perhaps stronger than many present but equally the flames will burn him gradually, but I can only remain with my eyes wide open for a moment to recover the composure that defines me, but my heart is in a stormy sea, what is that sword in the shape of a cross that gives me the chills with only the edge it has ...?

Returning to the stage a few seconds ago before the fireballs reached Allen he softly whispers a name in Japanese, which invoked the black sword of the night.

Allen: "Kokutö Yoru."

So there is a break in the space where Allen is opening his hand to receive an object. For many viewers it was a late and a botched attempt to protect himself with whatever he tried to do, but only three viewers with a better view could see what he did. So where Allen stands on the stage be cover in black smoke by the flames.

Sona: he cut all the fireballs in less than thousandths of a second, how fast is he with the sword?! ... no, better question ... what is that sword that gives me the chills?

Rias: Kokutö Yoru, according to Allen in our training was the sword of his teacher, I do not know who he was, but I know that in the hands of Allen ... is a weapon of mass slaughter Sona.

Sona: is that the name of that sword? 'Black Sword of the night', is an excellent name to describe it, because of the black edge it has, but is not its handle huge?

Rias: yes it is, but there is something in that sword that is not equal to the demonic swords or sacred swords that are described in our libraries, the vibration it gives is not like a dragon slayer, or a sacred sword that radiates sacred power ... Allen's sword gives a feeling of-

Sona: Dignity of a king and always be up in the food chain, right? I also feel it by seeing it. Let's continue watching the duel Rias, Allen will definitely save you.

Returning to the Coliseum, the smoke that surrounded Allen was cut in half so everyone present was captivated by the sword is in possession of the last Noah, deciding that it is time to start with the trauma of the pigeon-boy, Allen makes his first move: make a small cut in the air with his sword and then exclaim in a calm voice

Allen: "Kokutö Issen!"

At the end of exclaim the audience is silent when trying to find out what he did, but nothing happens, as if Allen had made a cut in the air and nothing else, achieving laughter among the public, while the most experts who saw behind of Allen's technique, they are with cold sweat on their backs while chills run throughout their body.

Riser: Was that all the 'great last Noah' did, move his sword into the air? Do you think with your little ability you can do something to me or-

The boy-pigeon could not finish his words as he felt a strong pain in his right arm remaining with his mind blank to see that his right hand, there is nothing, only blood falls where his hand should be, which is lying on the floor of the coliseum, seeing his hand lying on the floor gives a huge cry of agony falling on his knees on the floor while taking his arm that drops blood everywhere.

Allen: if you do not stop your bleeding, you will be unconscious you know Riser?, and it was not a simple cut. If not, turn around and go in that direction.

Riser with his mind blank while the strong pain in his arm surrounds him, he listens to Allen, only to be pale with the sight.

behind him is the coliseum, or so he thought, behind him there is only a large crack that covers kilometres on the ground, as if it were a puppet that cut his son's threads, he is kneeling on the floor with an empty view looking at what has happened.

Allen: I recommend you use your Phoenix Tear you have, I would not like you to die so fast Riser, there is still a lot to do and believe me, I have plenty of time and I have needed a sack of sand for a while, so, Would you help me, boy-pigeon?

The guests who are watching the disaster that the last Noah has just caused are with a face without expression while sweat falls through his body while a bad feeling grows through their bodies

Devil 1: Is that what you can do with a simple air cut?

Devil 2: Is he still considered human?

Devil 3: Will he accept to join my peerage?

Hearing the words that devil just said to own him along with his nobility for future rating games, many were invaded by the greed of owning it for themselves, only some who saw the bigger picture of what he did, their faces paled at the thought in the possibility of a future war against him.

And Sirzechs to witness that destructive power is no exception, seeing what Allen did with a simple cut, quickly sees his sister to see his face to see if there was a change of expression, but there was nothing, just calm, and that means that Allen, had already shown his skills or he believes, can not be more wrong, because what will be present in a couple of minutes, will be petrified and by all means avoid problems with him again, or will be the extinction of his faction.

While many have different thoughts such as lust, greed against the last Noah, Rias's mother only has a big smile while watching the duel

Venelana: Ara Rias, my future son-in-law is quite strong, by how he introduced himself to everyone he also knows manners, does he know how to cook? He knows how to dance? I want you to tell me everything about him Rias, EVERYTHING.

Rias: Oka-sama?

Venelana: I will not repeat it, young lady. EVERYTHING, NOW.

Rias: H-HAI!