"I fell for love."
I was silent to hear that from him. What could I say to him? NOTHING! I was so into my erratic thoughts until Kokabiel spoke again.
"I fell for the love of humanity, formerly before the holy war between the factions where I had to kill my brother and sister angels, as you said, I was one of the best strategists in the war. It was previously the war against demons, not devils, True demons. At that time Lucifer was still a pure angel. Humanity had already been created and was advancing at a safe pace to their future, seeing them was my fun. As they created empires, cities, they formed families and above all they loved each other. It was a community to envy to tell the truth. They had the possibility to make mistakes and learn from them."
"But… by exterminating the true demons and with the fall of Lucifer or rather the exile of Lucifer, everything went to the hell. If Lucifer had not been banished, or the devil-fallen angel-devil factions had not existed, they would not exist at this time. We would only be the angels. The protectors of humanity. You know? Azazel was not the first angel where his white wings became black, they were mine. I sacrificed my beautiful white wings that I was proud to be the protector of humanity, to protect them, being a pure angel, I couldn't do it, I was very limited. And I do not regret, hidden from all my companions, from my brothers I protected humanity, but ... I was only one, and humanity was millions, luckily or bad luck, one of my former battalions where I was commander saw me And they faced me. I cried to see how my old brothers cried in sorrow to see my corrupt wings, black as night. I told them my reasons for my fall from heaven and I bitterly cried whole nights when I saw the actions of my brothers. Do you know what they did?" He looked at me seriously.
I had never heard this, this should not be happening ... but I answered anyway
"Sincerely I dont know. I doubt they have criticized you for your actions." I replied, not sure of myself.
"Each one of my men, each one of my brothers… 300 angels of different ages took off their white wings and without hesitation, they began to think impure thoughts, such as greed, gluttony, lust, pride but at a point where their wings blackened. They fell for some thoughts, not for actions, they did nothing. They just thought something they shouldn't do, and they fell. 300 of my men kneeled before me and proclaimed that they would follow me until the end of my days."
"Every man, every woman in that battalion preferred to fall and follow me to protect humanity than to continue to possess the white wings that we were so proud of." He let out a tired sigh as he remembered each of his brothers.
"Of the 300 angels that followed me there are only 259 left. All thanks to the fantastic holy war. All thanks to the stupidity of Lucifer. And even if I don't want to admit it to the pride of my father."
Kokabiel commented lightly.
To the Pride of the Biblical God? What will he mean?
"You will be wondering, pride? Of the biblical God? How is it possible? Well, it is possible. And it was, that was his downfall. He thought that his first child, that the banished along with the other three could not harm him. That was his mistake. Although they were powerful, my father was a god. And one of the most powerful, surpassed Shiva, Odin, Zeus, many pantheons preferred to turn a blind eye to our faction by his power. Now that he's dead, we're practically an easy target. That is why the secret of the death of God is very guarded in heaven and in all factions. It would be our downfall if everyone unites against us." The angel who accompanied me sighed resignedly.
"But returning to my fall from heaven, I fell in love with humanity. Our father's last gift to us, that we were his children. Our duty was to protect them from evil, be it the other factions or the devils trying to corrupt humans. As I said, humans are ephemeral, they are weak but the potential they contain is infinite. Many think they are at the end of the food chain, but it's the opposite. That is why I and my brothers who followed me in my mission to protect humanity strived day by day. Until I realized something. "He commented in a sad tone. Did he ... sound tired?
Michael, who is currently in charge of heaven, stopped protecting humans, the implanted system is not working well. The knowledge of how to try to use the system was lost along with my father's life. That is why Sacred Gear was born that could not have been born. For example "Twilight Healing" where you can save all, including fallen angels and devils without differentiating. It is a beautiful healing weaponry, but it is a system error. On the other hand, the supposed guardian of heaven withdrew from his main mission from which we were created. We are the guardians of humanity and Michael himself, the one in charge of heaven, He has turned his back on humanity when they needed him most ... it is something I can never forgive him in my life. "
"On the other hand the devils, it's a different topic. After their civil war, their houses were exterminated and there were few original houses, such as the Gremory, Sitri, Belial, Bael, among others. Therefore one of the four current Maou created a system to 'reincarnate' humans to repopulate each other. It is common for them, since they are greedy. they watch over their people, for their future, but answer me Allen. And what about the humans who are reincarnated?" He asked me seriously by looking me in the eye.
Humans reincarnated in devils? As I understand the system of pieces evil pieces 'adapts in your own soul, from there comes the true being of every living being. It is necessary to replace the true nature of being and change it from 'inside' out, eliminating…
"I think you realized Allen. Reincarnated humans lose their potential. Of course they gain an almost infinite life, but with only a spear of light, or some sacred element they evaporate into particles. They change their unlimited potential, for greed, the lust that begins to corrupt them from the inside out. It is unfortunate to see but there is nothing I can do. In the current era my brothers and I cannot protect them all. I tried to stop a human sacrifice that happened here, but I was late and you had already saved her. Including Raynare. A girl despite having fallen for lust is an excellent girl. The best way to define her is as someone who follows the masses so as not to be excluded in the group.
That is why I planned to start a new holy war. By putting together the pieces of Excalibur scattered across the different churches in a domain commissioned by two devil houses, the church would send exorcists to retrieve them. Where a small fight would occur due to difference of opinion. In any case, the exorcists are proud of themselves. Only by handling a sacred sword they think they are the best. I have seen with my own eyes how some exorcists abuse innocent nuns. Coming back with my old plan. The high command of the church thinks that to fight with an Excalibur you need another. Which is a vile lie. No other Excalibur is needed. Only power and skill. Which very few current exorcists have, Vasco Strada is one, along with Griselda. Even the current Dulio who is a good exorcist with his Longinus. Although he is a glutton without equal.
Gathering the six fragments of the swords I would create a bastard version of the Excalibur, with it I would kill the heiresses of the Sitri and Gremory houses. Annoying Lucifer and Leviathan to start a war between fallen angels and devils, and by angels by the sword. It would have been a good plan ... but you appeared Allen. You changed everything." He finished telling me his plan to end with a smile as he looked at me.
I was surprised, what do I have to do with his evil plan in all of this?
Letting out a laugh he looked at me and answered my mental questions
"You are a human, cursed with a cruel curse. Immortality, our father before he died told us that a human would arrive with the best potential ever seen, surpassing everyone, which would lead humanity and the supernatural world to a future never seen. And while I am at your side I finally understand that it's true. You possess an infinity of unknown abilities, a sacred power as powerful as my father's, but it is not harmful to the person you do not want to harm. Do you know that there are spies in the underworld in devil territory? I saw your duel against the Phenex Chicken. It was something worth to admiring.
On the other hand as father said. You are a Noah. The first Noah, and the only one of their kind. He who possesses Noah's Ark, lost for eons, not even my father knew where it ended. According to him in another dimension. But now you get here, along with the ark. You are awesome Allen. "
… okay?
"Leaving aside praise for you, I had already given up on protecting humanity, it is my father's best gift and I respect him. But the cancer that is the supernatural world especially biblical factions is corrupting humanity by leaps and bounds. And I plan to protect each of my little brothers with my life. That is why Allen Walker, the first Exorcist ... the Last Noah in life ... could you kill me and my comrades and show me that you have the power, and the courage to protect humanity from future calamities?" he asked me with a soft smile on his face.
Ugh ... now I understand why Arturia always laughed out loud at my luck.
Curiously in front of me crossed a black two-tailed cat while humming ...
Wait a second…
A cat with two tails?
Good afternoon! Here is your not so dear author.
Before I start, I want to try to show an experienced Allen.
Some would understand living for 300 years, losing the person you love, repeating the process over and over again?
or lose them in a war, watch them die in front of your eyes.
That's why Allen says he's tired. He is tired of losing his loved ones.
THEREFORE, my dear readers yours NOT SO DEAR author has decided that at some point, certain people will come back to life.
they will be obstacles that Allen will have to pass alone.
Now, another issue is Kokabiel, what about the alleged warmongering full of intent to kill and his other ideas? That is in the past. and very cliché.
not for nothing is one of the angels that appeared in the bible, the angel of the stars. in the canon he was defeated quickly. Of course Albion is powerful. but for heaven's sake ... he fought against an angel who has millennia of experience.
How the hell did he lose so easy?
Therefore here is the difference my dear readers. He did not get carried away by the lust of battle. in his years he dedicated himself to training and protecting humanity behind the backs of his fallen brothers. and well, it is not so difficult to do it behind Azazel.
He's a damn lazy.
in a couple of hours I will upload the third chapter of the white dragon of supremacy. If you have time, dedicate yourself to reading the two chapters that I have uploaded for now. You will not regret it.
now. My grammar I don't know how it is now.
I stopped using external programs. They bored me.
Therefore, I want to ask you, how is your reading condition?
Your opinion matters a lot to me. as much as my wife's.
There is always an opportunity for improvement. I await your comments, I will be reading and attentive to each of you.
As I said before. I like you to comment, talk in the comments, it is a good community.