Quite a show !

Aria looked around and she found that the curtains had rhombus crystals as decoration in the end of the cloth . She plucked the crystals from the curtain's cloth and took the tape that kept the curtain together .

" I haven't done this in a long time ! " said Aria and took a candlebra that was put there as decoration .

She tied the tape around two candle hoder of the candlebra then took the crystals . She put the crystals in the middle of the tape and used it as those elastic weapons that children used as toys in place of the guns . Aria looked closely at the person who was holding the princess and aimed at his shoulder .When she shoot the crystal hit that person directly . The crystal was sharp and it did hurt him a little .

" Hey , you morons be careful when fighting ! I am holding the princess ! The boss ordered that she must be kept safe , without any scratches . " said the suspicious person .