Give her a break !

" Where is Mana ? " asked Bekora when he looked around and couldn't find her .

" She went to her room . She said that she had to finish her draft . " said Helios .

" Her new collection will be launched soon , it's normal that she wants to finish and double check her work . " said Bekora .

Helios left the phone he was holding and noticed that Bekora couldn't keep his eyes off him .

" If you have something to say just say it ! Don't look at me with that weird expression , it gives me the creeps ! " said Helios .

" Well.....I'm not sure if I can ask this or not... " said Bekora with a nervous tone .

" Servants ! " said Helios and immediately three servants came .

" Bring the princess's books at her room and call one of the royal tutors to keep an eye on her . She's not allowed to watch TV , computer , laptop or play with her phone . " said Helios with a serious expression .