Take action

" You don't need to worry much ! " said Bekora .

Bekora told Aria that he needs to go and Aria waves at him while he goes out of the door . When Bekora left completely Aria holds Aden's hand and both of them head towards the library . Most of the clues and proves were found but there was still something left which made Aria a bit suspicious and that was the way the data were framed .

' Usually , when a country has a royal family that rules and not a prime minister , the account of the economic department is known only by the queen , king , crown prince, and royal accountant . How was the minister of finance allowed to have access to the system . Sure he can access it but only in the presence of the queen , king or crown prince . This is definitely fishy ! I can take action right now but if I do present this at the next meeting , the culprit will be alerted and escape right away . ' thought Aria with a serious expression .